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Food for Thought

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
by NPC Christen
After reading through the feedback, I felt that perhaps some explanations were in order. Please do not take these as rebuttals to your much needed and appreciated comments and observations. Nor are these points meant to either justify anything negative, nor argue with anyone. Simply put, we do our very best to make as many people as happy as we possibly can and understand that we’re not always fantastic at communicating things. I, personally, am very bad at this. Thus, consider this little brief nothing more than our truly heartfelt attempt to make events a great experience for both the appreciated player base, and for a game staff that also comes to play and have fun. NPCing more long term this season has given me some perspective that I didn't have before, and has opened my eyes to a few things I thought might be useful to be shared.

- What $30 represents: It can sometimes get lost as to what your game fee really represents. In wholeness it covers the high cost of the camp and what few props/costuming/make-up we can afford after all game costs are settled. We, as a staff, make not one penny. Actually, much like the PC base, we lose money each event. We bring our own personal garb which takes a beating, buy lots of make-up that is never inexpensive, and usually pay for props and monster effects out of our own hard earned money. No less than you do. We do this for the same reason you do: because it brings us joy to see an immersive story or character come to life. We live vicariously through your joy at our creations.

Your $30 does not buy the absolute carte blanch right to do as you wish, when you wish, as you wish. We are people too. We are volunteers and your friends. We want to see you happy, but want happiness for ourselves as well. I believe we can all agree this is fair and reasonable. We do our very best, this I promise you, to facilitate your fun in the most fair way we are able. ‘No’ is never a word used to hurt you, shoot you down, or diminish your event in any way. Remember, if you aren't happy… we aren't happy either because nothing is as devastating to us as feeling like a plot or event went wonderful and then seeing a ton of negative feedback.

- The need… the need for Sleep: I was trying something a little new this event, and I confess it was for the sake of the state I so often see my dear friends in. As is often the case, my execution of the idea preceded my explanation of it. *grin* I apologize to those who were put off by this.

We’re not young anymore, folks. Your staff is run by middle aged mothers and fathers, students, and hard working professionals. We put in long weeks and then happily spend our scarce free time working on the best event for you that we can craft with our collective brilliance. We need some down time too. Badly.

In order to continue a high level of on the field and behind the scenes excellence that we know you deserve, we need time to rest and plan. Time to eat, shower, adapt to your directions with our plots, and catch up on the mass of paperwork that goes into every event to ensure fair and equal play for everyone. We are constantly on the go trying to provide you with the best event that we can. Remember, our staff is small and we’re only people after all.

As such, we really need you to be understanding of our needs as well. Not because we want to diminish your game play, but so that we can continue to deliver quality. NPC camp will be closed at 4am on Friday night and re-open at 10am. It will close at 3am on Saturday and re-open at 8:30am for check-out. If a plot runs long, there will, of course, be exceptions to this. This may require you to do some planning on your part as to what you have time to do. Villagers are not up 24/7. We can’t be either, as we actually have no third shifters. Please understand this is not to make things difficult for you at all, but to help everyone, game staff and players, enjoy their events.

- Order out of Chaos: We really are trying. Happily, some of you have noticed. ^_^ It will always be a work in progress as we continue to stream line our system and work together to find the best balance. We’ve tried a few things to enhance your experience that have not gone as well as we had hoped. Our goal is never to frustrate you, but rather give you the most real and immersive experience possible. We DO hear you, I promise.

To keep Check-in and Check-out as quick, painless, and simple as possible, we ask for only 2 PCs in the building at a time. This keeps our area from becoming a battleground, and ensures the privacy of every player. You deserve our attention and answers to your questions. We can do this best when we keep the people in camp to a minimum. We also ask that you be prepared. From now on, we’ll be leaving some check-out sheets at PC camp so that anyone who wants to get their paperwork done early has the leisure to do so. Check-in requires you to have your character sheet, money, and special (not in the book) tags ready. Check-out requires your sheet and upkeep. NPC camp will NOT allow the purchase of resources at check-out. It defeats the point of a player driven economy. ^_~

Thank you in advance for understanding. We don’t get lost in the bureaucracy to kill the mood. We do it to keep everything fair and simple for everyone, including ourselves.

- Mutual Respect: Sometimes… this is a little on the lacking side. We can get so caught up in our respective needs and roles that we forget the point… FUN. For all larpers. The game staff does what they do because they find joy in the crafting of story and in seeing their friends have a good time. Players enjoy playing in the world that we craft for them. We need to all work a little harder to give everyone a break sometimes. Waiting for research is not the end of the world. You are healthy, here, and among friends doing what we imagine you love. That’s something to be pretty grateful for. If you have to wait till morning to speak to that npc villager, I promise, the world won’t end. And on our side, if you offer up negative feedback about something, we need to take it constructively, not personally.

I believe we are all capable of forgetting the point from time to time. NO one on the field is ever there to make your event suck. No one goes out with the point of hurting you. Please make an attempt to put the best possible construction on someone’s intentions and actions. We’ll try as well and hopefully together we can all just have a great event.

- And happiness for all: We all have our own reasons for playing and running the game. We all have aspects that bring us the most joy and make our experience transcendent. If we simply try to take a little step back and see things for what they are and their real intentions, on all sides, every event can be even better than the last. We’re all people. Larp is an extreme environment. Too little sleep, too little nutrition, emotionally intense situations in a dissociative environment make for a pretty challenging hobby for us all. We believe there are easy steps that we can all take to mitigate the possible negative fallout from these conditions so that everyone can just enjoy what they love most about this wonderfully dynamic hobby. We could all do a little more to try and see things beyond our own needs and wants, and if we can do so just a little, this game will be just that much more amazing for us all.

I know… another one of Christen’s novels. *wry grin* Hopefully… no one takes any of this personally. I give you my word of honor, it’s not meant to be an attack on anything or anyone. Just a gentle reminder for us all, myself no less than anyone else, why we do what we do, and how we can make it just that much more enjoyable for everyone. Anyone with questions are concerns is welcome to contact a staff member and we’ll always do our very best to help you enjoy your game experience as much as we can.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:29 pm
by Wyrmwrath its NOT all about me anymore?!?!?!?

you guys gotta stick to rules changes in the off season damnit!


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:22 pm
by Alice Tex

Thank you for taking the time to post. I think many of the points you mentioned really, REALLY needed to be said. As for the new NPC Camp Schedule, I would like some clarification so we don't have any more confusion or concerns about the issue (on Dan's and my part).

Once more, I apologize for not seeing/reading this post before last event. Dan and I know you guys need your sleep, and it's not easy to stay up all night like we used to. So, out of respect, I'm asking what our GMs and NPC staff would propose for us who arrive between 4a and 10a Friday night/Saturday morning.

Obviously, we sympathize with you on the "we have lives outside of larp, we need sleep" thing. In Chicago, I work 2nd shift all week, and then on Fridays I have to work until 11pm (Midnight in Michigan), rush home, and then Dan and I drive the full 3.5 to 4 hours north to come play at Final Haven. We don't get there til 4am or sometimes as late as 5am. Furthermore, we barely sleep all weekend, then we have to get up at 8am on Sunday, turn around, and drive back to Chicago so that I can be back to work at 2pm. Recently, I've had to do this two weeks in a row while working double shifts between events (the Holidays are coming up). So I know what you mean when you say it's exhausting. It is, but personally, I do it anyway for the love of the game.

So now the concern is--based on the new NPC Camp Schedule--what do we do on Friday night/Saturday morning when NPC Camp is closed? We also know that Dan and I are not the only ones who drive long distance after working late Friday night. This is a concern for those individuals as well. So just so we have everything straight...Should we continue to wake staff up at 4am/5am to do Check-In like we've done in the past, or do we play our characters and wait til 10am to get our necessary Upkeep/Research/Etc from NPC Camp?