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Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:54 am
by Kiel Reid
As the sun begins to set a man walks through the door of the Tipsy Traveler. His clothing is strange and alien. On his head sits a strange round hat made of a black material with a brim that folds inwards. One of his eyes appears to have been replaced with some strange magical contraption. On his neck there is a strange green medallion.

On his person he carries no weapons. Once he enters he makes for the counter.

"Is Quen here? I also need to speak to King Vaal as well as the Lady Fionna if they are available. I am afraid that things are growing more...problematic. Your aid may be required sooner than later."

Speaking with the stranger

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:47 am
by Torakhan
Quen sat behind the Tipsy Traveler's desk, working a piece of leather with a punch on a piece of marble. He looked up to the fellow who entered and noticed his green pendant. He shook his head. "I'm not sure what good I can do, but I'm Quen. I can try to get'cha someone who can do something, maybe."
Quen looked like someone who'd seen a thousand foreign travelers of a thousand plights come through those doors looking for some sort of help from the folks here and didn't seem phased one bit by such a person who seemed concerned for their on folks' safety and in need of more immediate help. He looked down to the punch, brought up the hammer and pounded another hole into the hide.
"So, what's the big deal now? More undead wandering around? Burning your homes? Turning your people into undead monsters you have to fight?"

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:39 pm
by Kiel Reid
"Well...Yes...That is exactly what is happening. That is why I came last moon and asked if you were able to replicate this gateway key. I wanted to know how your progress was going."

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:09 pm
by Torakhan
Quen just nods his head again, moving the punch along the leather and hammers into it again.
"Um, yeah. I think I've got it. It really wasn't that complicated. The hardest part was getting the right hue of green since glassmaking isn't exactly my strongest suit. The rest was pretty simple. I haven't tried it out yet though, I figured I'd let someone else handle that, especially if opening it is going to let some horrible undead thing through and then I'd be right at the gate."

Again, Quen seemed almost too familiar with the plight of the stranger. "We've been dealin' with this sort of stuff for a long time. I'm sure the folks here will help ya clear it out." He hammers again at the leather and then puts the tool away and continues to shape the leather. "So, you want me to try to find Korrigan for you, or something?"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:55 pm
by Kiel Reid
A visible sign of relief crosses the mans face when Quen says that he was able to successfully recreate the key

"The other end of the instantaneous travel doorway is free from any danger at this time. We have secured a building for everyone who wishes to assist in the endeavor and of course all who do will be compensated accordingly."

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:32 am
by Torakhan
"Hey, I don't deal with compensation, unless it's through Korrigan... most of the time." Quen thumbs outwards. "The rest of the folks are the ones who'll be risking their own lives for your folks. If I have my way, I'll be keepin' safe and sound, making sure their shit is fixed so they can keep going out and cleaning up your mess. That's IF anyone's going. I don't know who all you've talked to, or gotten agreements from to go. Hell, if it sounds too dangerous, I might not even go. Just how sturdy and fortified is this fortress you're sending our folks to?"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:02 am
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan wanders in from the porch and nods to the stranger at the counter. Stepping behind the bar, he proceeds to fill his tankard from one of the kegs and begins to make for the door again when he catches a bit of the conversation between Quen and the other man.*

"What's all this about sending folks to a fortress, Quen? Which fortress, and what arse-chewing monstrosity is supposed to make us get all fortified? As of late we've had a fuck-awful run of luck with forts, keeps and shit like that..."

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:43 am
by Torakhan
Quen looked over to Korrigan and thumbed back to the new fellow.
This is the guy from that other place that has the mechanical technology, and are over-run by undead because some jack-hole has Corbyn's sword, or something. I've made a key to use the portal to get to their location. Last month during the Valkyn'Vi fiasco, he came over and asked for help. He says there's compensation. While Barry's in charge of the specifics, that sorta interest and negotiation probably should go to you and Fionna, I suppose. So why don't you talk to this guy? You don't want me speaking for the town.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:50 pm
by Rothek
rothek saunters in flanked by two other beastmen after realizing they were following him he turned around to face them gestured in a 'Stop' fashion and pointed at the floor outside the in as if telling them to "wait here" all of this was accompanied by grunts and growls

"why you want see dwarf king?" he asked to the man in the strange clothing.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:37 pm
by Kiel Reid
"I can see that there will most likely be some questions. So let me explain our situation to give you a better idea is to what is happening."

The man takes a seat at one of the table and removes his hat. He runs his fingers through his hair for a moment and clears his throat out

"My name is Reginald Redburry and I am a Constable of the Imperial Republic of the Iron Cities. In my region we began experiencing a strange occurance. Citizens started going missing in the middle of the night."

"As Constable I increased patrols in residential areas. It was not long before we were finaly able to witness one of the intruders in the act. It was a monsrosity. A man who dripped with decay and was being sustained by...Well we still don't know. I lost 3 men that night. The man who told the tale soon died after from the wounds he sustained."

"Before he passed he told me that nothing they did seemed to hinder or stop the creature. Even when he used his firing rod it did nothing. After examining the scene it revealed that it was true. None of the shots were off target. Stranger still was how the trail went cold out of nowhere."

"This occurance uneased me thoroughly. I consulted with the local mayor who dismissed the entire notion as pure foolishness. So I decided to seek assistance from one of the local scientists by the name of Willowsby."

"When I arrived at his laboratory there stood Antonious, a local scientist we thought to be dead with a gang of those monsters. Willowsby was bound in a chair and Antonious had some strange blade in his hand as well some blueprints and notes. He incapacitated me with more ease then I care to admit."

"Willowsby is the one who told me about you and sent me through the doorway. He is the one who showed me your people through that invention of his. The monsters you fight are similar to the ones that have been kidnapping people in my region. It pains me to admit that my guardsman have grown complacent. The region has been at peace since the unification of the Iron Cities. Even if I had more men I don't even know how we could stop them..."

"That is why I am here now seeking your aid. I know I am a stranger but your assistance would be appreciated. I'm also under the impression that the blade Antonious carries is important to you."

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:03 am
by Dallid
"'Imperial Republic'?" Dallid considers for a moment, then shakes his head to dismiss the notion. He focuses his attention on Reginald.

"You are correct, and many here - myself included - would like to assist. But how exactly did Antonious subdue you, and how did you escape?"

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:51 am
by Kiel Reid
"Antonious used what you people call magic. Willowsby and I were stuck in place unable to move. All we could do was watch as he searched for those blue prints. After he left the effect just faded away."

"How can we even stop a man who can simply wave his hand and just freeze you? It's madness!"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:27 am
by Dallid
"Powerful magic, indeed. And magic, in turn, is likely what is required to defeat the type of creature that killed your men. Many here are very capable against such things. I can certainly be of aid."

"I would also like to see these 'Iron Cities'... and their impact on the wilderness of the area."

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:20 pm
by Torakhan
Quen sat back down and got back to work on the armor once other folks began to show up and talk to the visitor--his presence wasn't needed anymore. He picked up his tools and resumed his crafting.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:30 pm
by GM-Amanda
Cirrus looked up from her parchment in the corner, head cocked to the side as she listened to Reginald's tale, beak absentmindedly pulling at a few nearby feathers. She let out a low pitched whistle that blew a few of those feathers onto the table, leaning further forward on her chair.

"Fweeeeeer... Iron Cities? Fire Rods? And you still got good ol' gropoing undead. I'm not so saucy at the magical end of things, but I'd rather like to see what's going on, especially if you've got a nice, secure fallback point... which you do, right?"