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Important Information--Please Read

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:10 pm
by GM_Chris
It has come to our (WH/FH) attention that there is some confusion over the political/economic system, and we wanted to take a moment to explain what it is, what it is not, and how you can benefit from it.

First off the economic system is in place to promote
1) Role Playing
2) A more believable and breathing world

The economic system is NOT
1) Static
2) inflexible

One of unfortunate things about the economic system is how we need to give you numbers. These numbers make people think of the system in a way it was not intended. The only thing you really need to know and understand is the following:

1) There is land and that land is good at producing some things and bad at others
2) Everything else is pretty much under player control
3) If you have an idea then tell the GM staff

Ways to win in the political system
One way to win, and probably the most understood way is to try and take territory from another PC. To do this don't think mechanics, think about the stuff you would need to do to garner support of peasants and hero's. Basically, you need to build support, and that support needs to be done, in game toward PC's, toward NPC's and between events. This process takes time it isn't like people change loyalty over night. What will happen is as your loyalty increases and that of the one in charge decreases you will see a decrease in stability which will mean a decrease in resources. This will eventually lead to people supporting you.

Better ways to win

Trade routes...
The trade route system is probably the least understood mechanics in the game, and that issue falls squarely in our court so lets take a moment to explain what we do, and what you can do. Each event there will be economic/political issues for the person "in charge" to deal with. This person ideally will not be able to deal with everything so it is a good idea for you as a player to look for opportunities to start trade routes. The stuff you get can be used to help the kingdom, yourself, both, friends..

To get a trade route you need to look for opportunities. These opportunities can take a couple different forms and I will give you two examples:

Example 1 (the most apparent opportunity)
Three peasants enter the Inn worn out from the day. They do not really talk to anyone just get a drink and sit down to discuss farming and such. You question them and they say they were on their way to BonChurch which is a new settlement to the north. Richard has a cousin who lives there and we received word they were low on food, so those of us in Kingsdale to the south thought we would bring them some. Unfortunately, as you know the patrols of Haven get pretty thin as you travel to the outskirts of the kingdom, and as such we were set upon by bandits. They let us live but took half of the food we were bringing to Bonchurch.

Here is your opportunity to offer your support to protecting a trade route for a split of the profits. Might be a way to make extra cash between events. Maybe there is a way to move goods from BonChruch to kingsdale and get some resources for yourself.

Example 2 (Not as apparent)
Your on a plot that takes you to a group of people who live in the woods. These people do not seem to have much, but they do seem to have these really nice looking daggers. The leader needs help saving his daughter and sends his best warrior with you. While on the plot this "best warrior" throws out a critical strike for more damage than is possible or perhaps faster than you thought possible. You think "Hey does this NPC know what he is doing?" You are an awesome RP'er so instead of breaking scene you go with it and ask "How do you possess such skill with a blade" The warrior replies "Special training and the daggers made by our smiths." The plot ends.

This is where it would be up to you as the player to try and haggle..maybe they are in need of money or resources and you can trade them for some daggers and training. (Assume the daggers need to be treated each event so to keep the dagger you need to keep up the trade route).

****Bottom line is there are and will be more opportunities for need to take advantage!*****

Here is the last thing. We have heard rumors that the players do not see the need for guilds as there was in the old days. This is absolutely untrue. There are several advantages to guilds and especially to having large guilds.

1) When we come up with plots we want to hook to the largest amount of people possible, so if you have a guild then we will come up with plots that "hook" to your guild versus bringing a "hook" to a location or to the one in charge

2) More people, means more resource, means greater ability to bring in better trade routes

3) Some trade routes can end up being skill boons similar to the old guild perk system, so if you as a guild controls that route then you as a guild have power other people do not have making your guild more desirable place to be.

****Bottom line is form a guild either publicly or privately. Next, inform us of the guild in writing, what the guild's mission/goal is. Explain how to identify members. You can ask NPC's to join your guild. You can look through lore and even bring in guilds from lore. Maybe we need a house Jakroic again.. IT I ALL UP TO YOU!******

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:03 pm
by GM_Chris
and tapioca pudding