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Guard Duty

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:56 pm
by Ashearth
Ashearth comes into the keep after a long night out with his ward, several people were traveling with him. tired and warn out from the nights travels he look around for Pearan he moves throught the castle

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:55 pm
by Rothek
:rothek crawls in at mary's hip looking all around as he walked, he was inside and this was where the original smell of food had peeked his curiosity. he wanted to go looking for the source of the smell, but grunted, shook and just sat next to mary looking around at the new scenery:

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:38 pm
by Ashearth
upon seeing the sight of the beast still at the child's side ashearth turns to the creature.

"now isn't the time for games beast, and i would not have something wild and untamed with my ward. if you understand me than begone until such a time i have deemed you safe, if you do not understand me that i will make a new cloak from your hide"

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:50 am
by Rothek
:rothek wasn't at all paying any sort of attention to ashearth as he tried to speak to him, however he did understand one word.


rothek turned his large head back towards ashearth and sniffed him. was this another beastman? surely it wasn't one from his tribe, but perhaps from another? rothek rose to his hind legs and stood now eye to eye with ashearth, the creature then did something out of the ordinary.

he nodded and grunted as if trying to communicate. rothek then looked at Mary, back at ashearth, then sat back down.:

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:19 am
by Ashearth
"than you do understand. this child, she is my ward and as such i must protect her, i am not saying you will never see her again but not until such a time where i get to know and trust you more. so please go, for her sake don't make me ask again."

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:13 pm
by Rothek
:rothek grunted again, he didn't understand what this skull faced beastman was trying to say to him. all but one word yet again.


he lifted his head and stood back up, rothek looked around at the new scenery, standing in the courtyard of the keep he looked straight up and sniffed the air. the smell was still there! he took a look at ashearth. nodded again. then looked at Mary, before turning around to follow the smell. :

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:25 pm
by Ashearth
once the creature walked off ashearth continues his search. nodin at those that walks by. after some time has passed, he sends mary off to rest and he walks over the front gate. smiling he picks up his mace and stands at the ready infont of the doors to the keep

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:45 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Franchesco emerges from the keep wearing just his chainmail and his tunic instead of his normal plate. He approaches Ashearth with a sour look on is face. The old man grumbled to himself and stood on the other side of the gate.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:00 pm
by Ashearth
Smiling at the new comer Ashearth opens the gate door for the old man

"ah, now there's a sight for sore eyes. here let me get the door for you, dont you think you should have some young squire with you."

thinking for a moment

"actualy i haven't seen any squires with you at all. what would it take for a man or boy to become your squire. is there some act or amount of gold. i dare say, what a wonderful thing to say, "i belong to Francesco DeLemuerte. and it is his will that forms and controls my action."

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:27 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"Once again you prove that you know nothing of honor and integrity by opening your mouth. You insult the bond of a squire and knight by your words. Coin for squirehood? To even insinuate that I would paticipate in such a transaction is almost a challenge worthy offence. But you have no to lower myself to your level would be an insult to my own. Just as allowing you to guard this keep is an insult to the people who died to protect and reclaim it."

"Though I am often gratefull to those who wish to assist in guarding the keep I will accept no such service from you. To allow you to act as guard here is to allow the wolf to watch the hen house. Please find somewhere else to stand."

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:40 pm
by Ashearth
"oh i meant no insult good-sir, i am simply getting a taste for guarding, you see, i have petitioned the lord marshal, and perhaps i will be given an opportunity to help these good people, to help you. i meant no offense about the offering of coin you see i simply do not know how something like that works. I've only heard on how such things warp little boys into mindlessly following there masters simply due to the masters social status. and as you are not so young. well i was concerned about your well being. why with you out looking for everyone's well being, like your concern as to where i place my feet, even though i am not wearing any official guard uniform, that i am simply stand outside of the keep no less. there isn't anyone to look after you. the queen is busy running a country, her brother has his own affairs and it seems that you find yourself with a lot of time on your hands. time that you seem to want to spend with me. well that's great but you should have some who cares about you.

"tell you what, it seems that we got off on the wrong foot, why don't we try again to reconnect. why is it that you don't like me again."

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:40 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"I don't like you for many reasons. You are a manipulator, a necromancer, and you seek to take advantage of the people here. As long as you are in these lands I will remain vigilant. If you make a move against these people you will find out why I don't need someone to take care of me."

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:49 pm
by Rothek
:before going directly toward the source of the smell rothek took time to explore this new place, sniffing and chuffing here and there. he looked all around the courtyard of the castle before finally letting out a snort and proceeding towards the keep itself and the smell that had originally caught his attention.:

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:45 pm
by Ashearth
"now there's an answer i can understand good-sir. but if you would humor me i would like to gain a better understanding. allow me to speak to you on these reasons so as to better know what not to do in the future. and so i may be able to see the faults in others and judge them accordingly."

"you say i am a manipulator. what is your definition of a manipulator, for there are many ways to view this. in fact many people good and bad use this as a tool in there daily lives. do you dislike those, any people who manipulate or mainly me?"

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:09 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"A manipulator is someone who influences those around them for nefarious means. You wish for me to play a game of words with you, so that you can twist what I say to make your point valid. I will not be indulging you this day Ashearth. I know what is right and what I stand for. I see you for what you are and I know the games your kind play."