The Cards Your Dealt...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Alice Tex
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The Cards Your Dealt...

Post by Alice Tex »

The moment Serena and Braidenvayl vanished through the portal, she gathered their things, swallowing down little sobs as she did so. Mathias was kind enough to comfort her as she did so.

Once that was finished, she performed some of the most powerful magic she could muster. Sitting in the Inn and blindfolding herself, she purposely hindered her eyesight so that she might enhance her Second Sight. Using the very Seer's Cards her Betrothed gave to her many years before, she gazed upon the future that Ragnarok held for them. They would toil, yes, and they would face many hardships, but they would succeed and overcome any obstacles they met on the other side of that portal. They had friendship and strength on their side. She couldn't help but smile at that.

Sighing in relief of the news, she straightened up and performed another bit of magic. But this yielded the same results as all the moon's before...she would succeed in this new world, but she would have to remain creative and work hard overcome her own insecurities. Not very helpful. However, there was the subject of her marriage. Who was this man she was supposed to marry? Why wouldn't fate grant her enough Sight to see who this man was? Was it a sign that her Betrothed was still alive? Did it mean that he was dead and she would fall in love with another man? She didn't know what to think or feel about this piece of news.

Silently, she reflected on her current life. Happy...Dizzy...Alrion...Serena....Braidenvayl...and most of all, Terra. They were all gone. Some of her closest friends and group members, as well as her own twin...all of them gone. Though not all of them were dead, knowing that she was on her own left Alice filled with a gaping emptiness.

However, she knew the dangers of being depressed. Feeling anger or sorrow left her vulnerable to darker influences....influences outside of her control. And though she had not dreamed of her foe for many many moons, she knew there would come a day that He would find her again....and on that day, if He found her vulnerable...she would cease to be Alice...

Alice shuddered at the thought of what may happen should He ever find her again. Forcing herself to think of sweet things, she crawled into bed and drifted off into a restless sleep...

The next morning, she immediately went to the other Blacksmiths. "I need to stay busy, Friends. I need to not think for a while..." she said quite darkly. And she happily accepted several orders from them without question. Heading straight to the forge, sweat beaded down her face and neck as she focused on her work....the less time she had to think, the better...and Smithing centered her...

Hammering away at a particularly stubborn piece of metal, she reminded herself of the friends she still had...Mathias was there for her if she needed anything...and there was still one person in the new world that knew her from Avengard and had suffered as great of a loss as she had...

"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Sunny »

There was the jingle of bells and very quickly there after followed Sunny. There was, as usual, a cheerful smile on her face.

"Heya, Alice!" She waved. "I dun suppose you have time to make a few things for me before I head off to winter with a caravan for the winter, do ya? I've coin and resources to see to them, if that's a concern."

Oblivious as always, she didn't seem to notice Alice was in thought, and carrying a deep sorrow.
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Post by Alice Tex »

When Sunny's chipper and high voice sounded a greeting, Alice gasped in surprise and whipped around, hammer held high in the air. There she stood in front of the adorable Valkyin'Vi Seer...standing on her tip-toes, mouth and eyes wide in a look of surprise, and hammer above her head....

She looked ridiculous. And just what was she going to do with that hammer!? It's not like she'd ever use it for violence! To her surprise, the sound of her cheery voice seemed to break Alice of her contemplations quite well. Blinking, she calmed herself.

"Oh, goodness," said Alice, setting aside the hammer and holding her hand over her heart. "You startled me." It took a moment for Sunny's words register, but finally, she understood what the girl said. "Oh, yes....of course!" she replied, "I'm just finishing up this Helm here, and then I should be able to help you. It's not a problem. I charge 10% commission from the cost of materials if the materials are ready available...if I have to find the materials myself, it's 25% that fair?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice