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November 5 event feedback

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:46 am
by Ark
start #2

no predictions this time as this is after the event and that would be cheating :roll:

however, last event i thought was one of the best i had been to in a long while, and this one continued the winning streak. i loved alot of the interactions i had with people, and those i got to witness. i always thought that a scene was going to be my favorite of the event, and a little while later a new one would take its place.

I liked the feel of the plots, even though i admit i dont go on many, but the idea that while there are problems, we can fix them for the most part. and there is no evil army coming to destroy us...that we know about :shock:

got to play Raviel, that was a blast and i enjoyed putting the fear back in walking the trails at night, i feel that has been lost over the years and i wanted to put it back in the game.

thats all for now, from we three.....Ark, Gin, Xavier.
we had a blast, look foward to next year :D

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:09 pm
by Ashearth
I will post more with more after i have received some rest, but i would like to thank all the pc's that interacted with me this event, the good and the bad reactions really made it for me. i had some of the most intense roleplay i have ever had and the fact there is more to come is hopefully enough to keep me waiting for the next year.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:52 pm
by Nick
-Postmark for when I have recuperated enough to think. Brainfoof dorp narble-

OK! Full of Golden Corral and ready for some post-event write-up!

First and foremost thank you. Everyone, thank you. Of all the things I come to LARP for, from letting out some pent-up aggression to just relaxing with some friends I value RP above all others. This event delivered and then some, surpassing anything and everything I expected. Some people more than others, but everyone around made this event one to remember.

Now for the dispensing of the thoughts of the events.
"But its cold out!"

"...F$*# the cold, were doing this!"
This was my response to the weather, as the plots that I was involved in were so engaging I would have braved worse to run on them. Crazy reality-writing books, Zombie Raven Blood Mercenaries, saving some lost little kid from a group of maniacal cultists, each and every one screamed "ROLL OUT!"

True, there were a few holes here and there. Those happen. There was very little time if any to spot them and scratch your head. The next part came right in and raised the bar that much higher. I enjoyed watching the Visions in action. The realtime setup was impressively coordinated, and though I didn't catch every single one it was still well executed.

Gillian....WE NEED TO HIRE YOU :shock:

I have nothing poor to report. The GMs can only be in so many places at so many times. There was the occasional bad swing. Whatevs.

Thank you everyone!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:58 pm
by Mary-Bella
AWESOME event.

I loved having the chance to npc for friday night.. it was greatness. Must say out of the 4 events i have been to this is by far the best. Sitting here thinking about it i dont think there was a single thing i really had a problem with.. Oh just kidding.. the cold was horrid.. but totally worth it!

I want to say thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful memory. I still can't stop smiling about all the funny scenes and reactions we got out of each other. Playing a child was a BLAST.

I am insanely tired though.. so i may think of more things to post when i have had some sleeps.. Thanks again everyone for a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:39 pm
by Esmerelda
Wow. I think that's a good word to sum up the event. I only ever was really "hooked" for one plot, but I was the busiest this event that I was in a very long time. Although if I had a copper piece for every time I heard "Can I talk to you? It's important" I think I would have had about 10 gold by the end of the event... :lol: But that's what kept me busy and made it fun. I brought a cross stitch piece to work on, thinking I'd have down time and it never ever came out of my backpack all weekend. In fact, it's still in it's package from the store.

Friday night started off with some lovely tension, that carried throughout the whole event for Esmerelda since the whole Abaddon issue didn't end up getting solved. Thank you and damn you to Travis for creating such a frustrating/ excellent roleplaying situation. :D Even though I wasn't a seer, I thought the staggered times with the visions was cool, as suddenly they would snap out of whatever they were doing at the time and run off to take care of it. As the puzzle pieces starting rolling in it was fun to speculate how they went together and how many we had to get to solve the puzzle. I was terrfied that one was going to get dropped or lost somewhere.

Saturday was really where I had the most fun, from Fionna's kidnapping in the morning right up until I went to bed that night. A big thank you to Mike and Karen for the most awkward breakfast ever. (Gotta love meeting the future in-laws! :oops: ) And the following drunk coversation that followed was quite amusing and more revealing than Esmerelda ever meant to be. The library was a lot of fun, although I discovered that Esmerelda and Morgan together may not be the most responsible of combinations... :wink: But some awesome info came out of it and I was glad that my character at least knew what was going on, even if no one else did. My favorite line of the event came from in the library when I was sage hinting- "She's actually doing something? I thought the Queen just sat around and gave orders" *sigh* there is the downside to being a beaurocrat- most of your skills are all used between events...

It was very fun sage buffing people and just doing regular card readings for various characters. Thanks for all the awesome interactions I had during those!
The trial was another memorable event. Thanks to Braidenvail and Serena for some great roleplaying in that scene. It was quite intense for me, even if it wasn't for anyone else. I must admit, it was hard to keep a straight face when Sunny made her line about the all you can eat buffet!

The wedding was riduously and remarkable funny. Never thought the Queenly duties would include performing a marriage ceremony when the officiant dropped over with a heart attack! Congratulations and best wishes to Bella and Bart! It certainly seemed like courtship was in the air this weekend! Seems like we're about to have a rash of weddings in game. Which in my opinion the more the merrier! (So get off your ass Aeric and start courting!)

A huge THANK YOU to everyone for keeping the keep remarkable clean this event. It made clean up this morning extrememly easy. And another big thanks to Travis, who did dishes from every meal! Dani and I really appreciate all the help with keeping everything clean.

And lastly, a wonderful thank you to Troy and Jessy for my present. I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened it. :shock: Can't wait for the next formal court function in game to use it. I wonder, could I use it instead of a bouqet at the wedding????

But I am fading and the brain is starting to not work. Great event, excellent job everyone, PC, NPC and GMs all! Huzzah!

First Event After Quite the Hiatus

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:30 am
by Torakhan
Well, this was my first event back PCing since Night of the Burning Skulls.
When I left, I no longer felt like I was really being useful any more to the players, or to the characters, so I decided to bow out and felt that the time had come to just... sorta fade to black on my LARPing for a while.

I found myself invigorated as Taki and Phil as they discussed really trying to create a character-driven economic system, and I felt that I could help out again, not just in a IC way, but in an OOC way as well. So, I decided to return and offer my assistance in the way Quen can...

Now, I willingly and knowingly spent all of my time in the Inn. I was not planning on going on any plots (and did not), nor did I look for anyone to work to get me involved either. And, yet, I had a pretty good time. There was plenty of RPing from behind the bar, and just enough crap got to us that the Inn wasn't a "safe place", and in the end, it felt like the market/store really did start to work. It was the first event and we're still working kinks out of the system, getting a feel for how it should work, but the prices, paying for services, offering services, buying and selling... the idea is to make it a living economy thing.

I look forward to the next event at the Tipsy Traveler. :)

Hopefully, by then, I'll be able to find my Quen personality and the likes a bit better. This was the first time in all of my LARP time that I've spent this much attention on rules and what I can/can't do (Sorry for slow responses on some stuff as I wasn't sure just what I could do... almost letting someone die before acting just in time.)

By the way, a BIG BIG BIG thank you to Gillian, the one who was doing the NPC make-up (and playing the bat beastman) this event. Your make-up work was fantastic! I hope you got pictures taken of the work. :D

See ya'll next-ish time! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:14 am
by cole45
I had mixed feelings about this event, but for the most part, it was good.

Friday was awesome because I got to come in as Abaddon, and watch them look at me with nervousness and fear as I came in. I really enjoyed walking down the path in the freezing cold with my staff jingling with each step.

I did not get ganked, which I had fully expected to happen. It actaully went swimmingly.

I showed back up as Etrin and proceeded to do nothing. I worked little bit on some items, but had a really hard time following the plot. I went to bed around 2.

Satuday would have been a great day of not for the library plot. Not only was it blisteringly cold, I only went because we were told we should all go, I really had nothing to contribute and should have stayed in the keep. There was fighting after we waited two hours in the blistering cold being followed around by kids eventually.

Saturday night was much better, I got my craft on and watched the plots going in and out. I don't know what happened to them all but it looked fun.

Melissa and Dani did an amazing job with the food, like aways and putting up with people's shit. I loved garret and Crowley, and roleplaying them was awesome.

The feel this game was slow, like the second event of the year not the last, but it felt lackluster.

I LOVE MIKE's SEER hints. *idea stolen so fast.*

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:14 am
by Persival
Dont have a lot of time but i will def put in my 2 cents worth later :)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:42 pm
by Haku
In keeping with my tradition of ending my feedback on a positive note, this is my perspective of the event.

This weekend was almost bittersweet, as I'm always sad to see another year end and the long wait through the winter. While I always enjoy my time out at Final Haven, there were a few negative things:

First and foremost, IF YOU START A FIRE, BE SURE TO PUT IT OUT! I understand it was pretty cold out and having a fire is a nice way to stay warm, but leaving a fire unattended 2 nights in a row is unacceptable. If you're going to be leaving and there's no one else around that is willing to watch it, grab a bucket of water and put it out.

I would have to agree with Travis that this event was a bit lackluster. Even with everything that I was able to be involved with, I still came away from this event with more questions than answers. It felt that the slow start on Friday night just carried through the entire event.

Now here's what I enjoyed:

The new twist on visions was awesome! Having to wait for a specific time to open my envelopes had me bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas morning, and again the visions this weekend were actually useful.

All of the great NPC costuming this weekend! The ability to physically see what I'm dealing with instead of a verbal description had me immersed in the world of Haven at a near unprecedented level. Well done to all who had a hand in that.

Hot mulled cider and not having to pick up empty water bottles

All of the great roleplaying from everyone's characters. The jingle-jangle of Abaddon's staff, to the look on Esmerelda's face when she was presented her scepter, working with the 'Git'er Done' crew on Friday, watching the interaction between Atreus and Es' on Saturday, the impromptu trial with Braidenvayl, Serena and Aaron, I could go on forever. Thank you to everyone for reminding me why I love this game so much!

Sad to see another year come to an end. It seems like just last weekend I was squaring off against Noble in the Dreaming... I can't wait for next year, especially now that the GM's can start revising some of the rules. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who braved the cold to come out this weekend and make the world of Haven come to life

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:44 pm
by Serena
Ok, so now that I've had a chance to relax a bit and finish my homework, here's my 2 cents.

This has absolutely been one of my favorite events, even though it was only my 4th, especially RPwise. ^_^ Also, the NPC makeup was AMAZING!!! Gillian you are a goddess.

Friday night was pretty fun. I had a lot of fun hanging out with people at the Inn and getting reacquainted with Haven. I actually liked being woken up in the night by calls for a healer, it gave the event a realistic feeling. I actually had fun getting trapped in the magic house and having to figure out how to escape. The "Oh shit, we have no idea what to do" moment was both terrifying and hilarious.

Saturday was a blast. It was really nice not to wake up to spider goblins, just saying. I loved hanging out with Sunny and Legion in the Keep that morning watching them tease Atreus and getting to interact with people. Although I wish the "quick Scene Changes" during the library plot would have been quicker, I felt like the plot just sort of dragged on.

Saturday night was a blast, despite being banished. I want to thank everyone involved in the trial for giving me such an epic scene to RP! I was almost waiting for that particular choice to show up and bite me in the ass and as soon as I let my guard down it did. Thanks so much especially to Danny B for being willing to go along with it again and to Alice, Chance, Paer'an, Sunny, Mohdri, and especially the Queen for just being awesome and making it so intense! by the end as I was hugging Alice watching Aaron being killed, I actually was in tears.

I love all of you and can't wait to bring in my next character.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:07 pm
by Arjan
As this was my first F.H. event in 2 years, I was VERY happy to be back. Now on to the bitch-fest... I mean feedback. Yea, that's it. :wink:

The only thing I had to complain about was the cold but, seeing it IS November, it's expected and heated cabins and a nice fire are good for fighting off the cold.

When I came back to finalhaven, I was leary about bringing a craftsman charaqcter back and into game. Craft times are long and soak is low and I'm used to playing the higher soak, in your face characters. One resurection and a close call on needing a second with it still being Friday night. I realized I CANNOT fight a straight forward fight with this guy and that got me thinking how to use my skills to the greatest advantage and different ideas started flowing. F.Y.I. get me to like you so you know where everything is. Lol.

Anyways, sitting by the fire and singing every song that popped into our heads wass my most enjoyable time of the weekend, moments like that are just to rare and are just to hard to beat not to be at the top of my list.

Being a master craftsman is alot better than I thought it would be and I made more money in this one event than I have with my last 3 characters combined. Minus one three hour period where I was 1 of the two richest men in the game.

Well, gotta go, will write more when I get the chance. All in all GREAT game. Thanks staff and players for making it memorable!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:02 pm
by Ark
now that i have had a little longer to think about the event, plus a couple of good nights sleep, i figure i should give a little more feedback.

now i do admit i dont go on many plots, nor did i have a great idea of what all the plots were about, as i have chosen to stay in town more and deal with internal matters rather than outside ones. but this is my opinion.

over the past couple years i have been playing Final Haven, it seems like some big evil is coming to kill us, that we as a town and players are weaker than the enemy, and that we have to bust our ass to pull victory from sometimes literally the ashes of defeat, dont get me wrong big victories are great, but if you keep dealing with life and death, life and death, life and death, life and ah screw it just kill me. it gets....meh.

the feel i get from these past few events is much better, they seem more like the problems of running a country. little domestic issues and such that actually have a solution, rather than taking events to deal with.
i understand that there are long term plot chains and such out there, but i have had more fun with the little issues like just trying to solve the murder of joe farmer than trying to save the world....again, again, again...

just my opinion, these last two events have been a couple of the best of my time here, as well as matt and adam, it was nice to end the year with a smile and a nod as we look over how far we have come, instead of the explosion of yet another evil super bad guy as he makes way for the next.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:13 pm
by Goonter
First of all, there was one major problem I had. People who are at the event to NPC need to be NPC, not just a non-player hanging out with players. That totally ruins so much role-playing, and is overall very irritating. I understand and appreciate the convenience of having non-players cooking or tending fires, but we've been able to do all that just fine without them. I totally agree with what Troy said about fires... if you don't want to stay by one, don't start one. We shouldn't need non-players to tend fire, and there should not be non-players following around players just to hang out!!!

Now that I've got that little pet peeve off of my chest, I want to, as always, give a huge THANK YOU to all who helped prepare meals. I love the comfort of a hot meal cooked by caring hands.

As far as plots go, I'm with Travis and Troy on this one. They were definitely lacking this event (at least from what I saw). The most interesting plots were those generated by character backgrounds. There was also a ton of great character on character interaction this event. On the flip side, the GMs and NPCs did a great job of making sure there was something to do, despite what the plots lacked, with wandering monsters. I've always been a big fan of wandering monsters, and as I fighter, I appreciate them even more now.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:08 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
I got to the event on Saturday night kinda late. When I got there I immediately had something to do. I love Slade and his companions, the interactions are fun, there is always a question as to whether he is being honest or not.

I enjoyed going to lay the remains of the young girls parents to rest as well. The narrations were very well done from the beginning where Stark described the shed to when Jared told us about how the plants where breaking the body down.

As far as PC interactions go I had a lot of fun with everybody in regards to the necromancy thing. I love that kind of tension where people can argue their points and disagree and it doesn't have to lead to somebody getting their throat slit in the middle of the night. Special props to Ashearth and Chance bringing the zombies into town.

And last but not least the wedding. For some reason it was like my super important thing to do. Aeric seemed so worried about it when he described it to me so I was really scared somebody was taking advantage of our old friend. In the end though everyone lived happily ever after.

Lot's of fun all around. I'm kinda sad there were no hints or build up as to what will be happening next year, but that's what the one day is for...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:09 pm
by GM-Mike
Great feedback everyone. Keep it coming. Since it is the last event of the year, I want to challenge some of you to dig a little deeper in your feedback, especially those who had some issues. What about the plots were lacking? Was it pacing? The number of them? Things specific to the plots themselves? If you don't mind, I'd really like to try and address concerns in the future to create better events.

I also wanted to say Thanks! Clean up was amazing this event. I really appreciate it. No grumpy car ride home. No grumpy wife afterwards :lol: