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Under the stars

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:20 pm
by Esmerelda
A lone figure stood on the Northeast tower, leaning on the rail. Staring into the darkness, Esmerelda seemed to be searching for something that she knew would not be there. Softly she spoke without realizing, " O winsome lady of starlit sky, I profess a love that will never die.."

Ever since returning from the Gloom kingdom she'd been troubled. She thought she managed to keep up a decent smiling face in public, but at night sometimes it was so hard. The wind picked up, whipping her hair and skirt about her. Leaning further over the rail, she imagined what it would feel like to be as free as the wind. Yet she knew she had no one but herself to blame for her current situation. Why did caring so much have to hurt so badly?

With a heavy sigh she sat with her back to the tower. Seeing the Rainbow Prince with the Gloom King's daughter brought too many troubling thoughts. Thoughts she had no time for. There was enough to do in the next fornight without worrying about any of that nonsense. And yet it always worried the back of her thoughts, never leaving and rushing to the forefront whenever she was alone. And there was no one to talk it over with.

Glaring out into the darkness, she almost dared a shadow to come walking down the road. "Damn you for leaving without a word..." She quickly pressed her fists to her eyes in a vain effort to stop the flow of angry tears...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:25 am
by GM-Taki
*Off in the distance, just cresting the hill on the road that leads into Haven, a flicker of light can be seen. First one, then several torches held by men at arms come into view. They surround a large wagon being driven by a figure with a familiar silhouette.*