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July 2010

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:22 pm
by Zydana
Nothing yet? Really? I thought Josh/Matt would of had something here by now.

Anyway, I like the realm you dropped us in this weekend. The idea seemed fairly simple and light-hearted. Rainbows and sunshine against the sadness and gloom!! *giggle*

I liked how colors were implemented and it kinda was a rock/paper/scissors type thing. I like how there were many playful things like having the bottled sunshine as a bottle of Sunny Delight. I also think Skittles should of been put in so that we might of been able to 'taste the rainbow.' I know there was another thing like it I wanted to see, but apparently I forgot what that was.

I liked the 2 puzzles I got to work on this weekend. I love to try to over complicate them for some reason though *sigh* And the letter/poem one was indeed a bit broken but with a little extra help, we got it.

I liked the task of gathering the stuff and brewing the sunshine. Quite cute. It's just it seemed to take forever. Silly players and their ADD..

It also seemed that people worked together a lot more on things rather than have exclusive groups this event - honestly something I'm not too used to seeing.

I must admit I hate that hill. I really would of liked to see the "Stand in the walk-in cooler" plot as well as the "cool off with some nice cold water" plot (kinda like the super soakers in Brighton).


They look like sesame seeds...

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:38 pm
by Ark
well i had been the starter of three feedback threads, then my chain was broken, so i will try to start another soon and see if i can beat three in a row.

on to the event

-the world and area: i like these events, as with the dreaming, its kind of fun to come into an area you know nothing about, that has problems, and figure out whats going on, who really is good and bad. i think that is one fo the reasons everyone works so well together on these events, we have to put aside our differences to help others and get ourselves out of trouble.

-the monsters and calls: i liked the monsters that i saw, the gloom monsters and the color monsters, gloom was an awsome call, i never thought "depression" would be an attack effect :lol: giving us new things like gloom and sunshine to play with, as we thought about all the things they might do, was alot of fun.

-Liet being a sage: :D i had a blast, plain and simple

-leaving the event early: yes we did, and it had nothing to do with the event, it was fantastic, it was just hot and we wanted AC, got home and had the best nap ever :P i love after event pass outs :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:07 am
by cole45
I greatly enjoyed this event. The color plots, and the gloom police was awesome, unique plot with very lighthearted feel, which was nice in the stupidly hot weather.

The fights were great, with some creatures resistant to magic, and others not. It seem like every character build had chance to shine here. Some were hurt by crush, or specials calls or only ones. I found the change up to be challenging and fun.

the long period waiting on plots was always in the shade, and helped me recover anyway. (and i only encountered these twice, and both were in fact good.)

I don't do puzzles, but the ones we had seemed fun.

Melissa and Dani did a great job with the food, as always.

Everyone did a great job role playing, even if the heat did drag people out of character a bit.

I REALLY loved seeing Jim come out and play. I hope he keeps doing it.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:29 am
by Gabrial
This had to be one of the best events for me in a long time. I guess I enjoyed the fact that things need to get done to progress and we needed to get out of the gloom land, but it wasn't an everyone will die if it dosen't happen feeling. The challange was good but not overwhelming.

The Good

Really enjoyed the setting, a land of gloom and sunshine was a neat idea
Everyone seemed to work together, I like that
Swimming in the river was a great way to cool off
The plots were fun to figure out and the puzzles were great
Minus a few during down time to recoup from the heat I didn't really see alot of OOG talking during plots and RPing moments, good job everyone
Last but not least, my wonderfully awesome youngins. You guys just seem to grow every event and I love spending time with you.

The Bad

I really only have one thing to put on here that doesn't have to do with the heat, and it's really my fault for it.

PEAR.....enough said

So yet again the GM - NPC staff did a amazing job, Mellisa and Dani did a great job feeding me, and I had a really fun time. Can't wait to see everyone again in September.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:38 am
by Dallid
This last event had a great storyline and a huge variety of plots. Had absolutely no trouble staying busy, and always felt like we were making progress. Major thanks and kudos to the NPC staff there. Could just about always tell (or was informed) what kind of creatures the NPCs were representing, and there was almost no charging. That added a lot to the immersion and prevented the frustrating cheese that had plagued previous events.

Unfortunately another NPC trend made the event practically unbearable.

Before this latest rules version, Dallid could hold his own on the front lines. Now, with the new, higher damage abilities in game, that’s impossible, and that’s okay. I’ve rebuild Dallid to be a purely supportive character. He can still make important contributions to the battlefield by debuffing the NPCs with Sleep, Disarm, and Charm – Calm.

Unless the NPCs decide they’re just not going to honor my character’s abilities.

I could see the NPCs had tired of Dallid’s abilities after Friday night. He was very effective, then. Then, Saturday morning, Dallid slept one policeman, but a second, identical creature proved to be immune. Seemed the NPCs were feeling that was ‘taking them out like a bitch’. Their numbers were small and they wanted to ensure a strong challenge for the PCs, so they’d have no more of that. From that point on everything was immune to sleep. Probably no coincidence that this also prevented Dallid from ever using Steal Life again.

Likewise, everything on Saturday was immune to disarm, even if their description was “ordinary-looking human soldier with a color glow” carrying sword and shield. Probably, again, this was considered too much of a nerf on the challenge factor.

Just the same, everything on Saturday was immune to ‘Charm-Calm’, save for the one glass-lake monster played by Mike. With the PC warriors all swinging for 3 or 4 and employing damage reduction skills, the NPCs were not going to put up with being limited to one.

So then Dallid could do nothing in combat all day except swing for one, himself. As NPCs seemed only willing to accept numbered damage calls. An NPC even asked me to repeat my call, then laughed and said “I forgot some people still swing for that!” Nothing against him – that’s just the nature of front-line combat these days that damage calls are all 3’s, 4’s, and higher single-shots.

Now, if there’s a clawed creature that’s immune to mind effects and Sleep (like the Glooms), that’s fine and makes sense. But when EVERYTHING, no matter how mundane, is immune to all of the above, there’s a serious problem.

Immunities should be rare exceptions for unusual creatures – not the norm for everything encountered. If NPCs don’t want to be affected by Sleep, Disarm, and Charm-Calm, then remove those skills from the game. Don’t allow them to be purchased, then just ignore them whenever they’re used. Why would I play a game where none of my character’s abilities ever work?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:14 pm
by Morgan
I had an absolute blast this event. The only real downtime I had was when I was sitting down trying to figure out a nifty and inventive way to get into/out of any given situation.

Thinking back, my event was filled with a ton of things, most of which I saw to fruition. Between the Jellybean Hut, the caverns of undead, the River of Ice, helping Val, and saving Zeke, I hardly had time to directly help out the rest of the PCs.

What I loved most (plot wise) is that some of the plots that seemed to be 'color' (for lack of a better term) actually aided us later on, and I absolutly love that!

Major props to the NPC staff. I know you were a bit short-handed this event. I would like you to know that I didn't notice at all in character. You all did a great job at running around and beating us up. :D

I would like to give a special shout out to Dave, Stark, Chuck, Sarah, and (the new NPC girl to whom I never was introduced). The cave on friday night was one of the most fun scenes/plots I've been on in a year and a half. Major kudos, guys!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:14 pm
by Drake Silentfoot
Had an absolute blast, the best plot was the one where morgan and persival had a zombie suck 100 life points out of us to help turn him back into a real person again. There was a 45 minute period where our buttholes were puckered and we were both thinking that we were gonna have to run for our lives, quote "This is either a really good idea, or, a really really bad one."
Loved everything about this event, minus some oog talk that i ignored.
I LOVE YOU JIM, saving val was an absolute blast and im so glad that i got to go with everyone on that plot, i am looking foreward to seeing you as a pc more often, btw i thought that Hamer was cool as hell, once i got past his dwarven defences. Cant wait to come back, persival will have better garb next event, its gonna be awesome, trust me.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:49 pm
by Smitty19
Well after work getting in the way for a lot of my freetime it was nice to be able to play again!

I love the Site, but the drive, and the price is prohibitive, but man what a beautiful park!

Ok, so the Good:

I really enjoyed the whole ideal of the Kingdom of Sorrow. It wasnt much of a stretch for Serith to be gloomy, so it was a fitting place.

I really liked the hunt for ingridents for the Sunshine potion, and enjoyed the battles at each. I really like the Crayola battle with each other fighting their weaknesses and what not, very well done!

The not so Good:

Friday was a COMPLETE bore to me, I wasnt really enjoying it, and was surprised because right after game on, I felt very much involved right away with the Rainbow Prince, but after that it was almost if time and the plots stopped. Now I totally understand that the GM's/NPC Staff were shorthanded, and the heat prolly played a part, but to me it was a total dull.

The HORRIFIC!!!!!!!!

Pears....never will I look at them the same!

And by the maker, if a fruit vendor comes to town peddling them, I think im gonna go off the handle! (c:

Overall I enjoyed it, it was fun, and it was a nice change of pace to do something to just save a princess, or prince, and king, and not have to worry about the entire population or Phanterra herself....

Special thanks go out to the GM's and NPC's like always for giving us the world to play in, and another HUGE thanks to Melissa and Dani for keeping me fat and sassy with awesome food all weekend!

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:20 pm
by Elgoain Onyx
okay now that i can think straight from not being insanely tired and sore i can finally post. so.

this event was my favorite thus, i really enjoyed the idea of the kingdom of sorrow. it was a simple idea of help the good prince defeat the evil king and save the princess, and even the king turned out alright in the end. some times a simple basis like that is what makes for the best weekends.

friday night while i was a part of a few plots i will agree it was a little bit slow but that is to be expected because of a shorthanded npc staff, not a huge problem still had fun.

however, Saturday was AMAZING!!! the orchard, the different colored springs, the dream fisherman( big thanks to Jared for incorporating part of braidenvayl's back story), the dancing bear and pig( i will never look at pears the same way again) and the final assault on the castle of gloom. it was all so much fun!!

there are so many highlights to this event that i wouldn't be able to list them all. so i will say a big congrats to the npc staff and gm's. hope to see you all in September.

Last weekend!

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:23 pm
by Hamr Elf-Hobbler
What a great event to come back to PC for.

1st big thanks to everyone who enjoyed Vaals' plot. I had fun writing and runnning it. Thanks to those who trhew me curve balls, and made me think on my feet. It was fun.

2nd. thanks to Melissa and Danni for cooking and cleaning up. And shame on anyone who did not clean up their own plate.

3rd. I had much fun doing the big plot on saturday night, even though I was a beginning character and could only swing for 1. I hunped and jumped the wounded and dead out to the healers and had a great time.


Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:21 pm
by Haku
Whew, what can I say about the past event? Had an absolute blast, even after the long drive and insufferable heat. While it was apparent at times how short staffed the GM's and NPC's were, I feel they did more than an admirable job, especially with the weather.

Friday night was great being able to wander off on my own and do a little recon of this strange new land. The carn-evil plot was great, "8 people? No problem! Time to man up..." And talking to the fortune teller was a lot of fun.

Saturday I think the heat got to everybody, but we all managed to pull through. While it seemed at times that the progression of plot relevant things was a little slow, it felt more due to a lack of GM's and NPC's than anything else. The fight for the Cursed Sword was AWESOME, and it made me feel more useful than any other single thing.

I do have to agree with Dallid... and I'll just leave it at that.

ps ~ 6 days without incident :D

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:43 pm
by Esmerelda
So yes, I know a week overdue but my computer was out of comission until I got back from vacation and then I was working all weekend. Sooooo....

It was a mixed event for me. Heat and I do NOT mix well and I was very ill on Saturday morning. Thanks to all who let me sleep and kept checking on me to make sure I was ok. After dinner on Saturday I finally get to get invovled in the action and then had a blast! I loved the making of the sunshine potion with everyone singing and I'd be very curious to know what the dearest thought everyone put into the bottle was...

Some of my event highlights included:

"GLOOM POLICE!!! We hear you have an illegal substance in here!"
"We're in a game stop..."
"Our bad, reverse police..."

"Uncouth behaviors-" SPLASH! (Thank you Spike for saving us all from a lecture)

Big Mama teaching the ballerina pig how to dance her way

Stargazing on Friday night

And perhaps best said of the event- "what happens in the gloom kingdom stays in the gloom kingdom."

Well worth the6 1/2 hout drive each way to be there!

Oh and a big THANK YOU to Dani and Christine who helped with the cooking and to everyone who did dishes.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:41 pm
by Dallid
Another critique - the Vision hints were too generic to be useful. Mine were:
"Sometimes it really is that easy." and "Sometimes you must go backward to move foward."

Those could be applied to any plot. The only way to know if it's being applied to the right one is when it makes the situation easier rather than getting you killed.

The previous event's hints included plot elements so you knew when to apply them. My first hint would have worked better as:

"When a puzzle has you floored, the solution really is that easy."

I don't know the nature of the plot for which my second vision was intended, so have no suggestions.

Another Seer's vision was "Don't eat the children."

There was no way to link that with the transformed children plot in time for it to be useful. A better Vision would have been:

"You'll be in a pear of a situation if you eat the children."

Or, putting more in the form of a Vision:

"Before you stands a family. With some distress, the father becomes a bear, the mother a pig, while the children all transform into pears."