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A few questions

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:07 am
by Crist0
Level 1: Determination
This skill allows the Dwarf to stay conscious when they have fewer than one life point remaining (see death and dying). Through this skill, the dwarf can crawl, speak in a whisper, and drink potions; however, they cannot wield a weapon, use any skills, or defend against any killing blows.

If the dwarf has determination twice, then they are not considered incapacitated until they bleed out while in Critical Life. They may also stop a Killing Blow while in Critical Life.

If I'm reading this correctly, and I hope that I am, If I have determination twice I can continue to fight and act normally while in the negatives while I am bleeding out. If I were to make a master warrior, master monk, and then take second lvl dwarf. I could fight for 2 minutes(3 with the tsuno boon) after I'm in the negatives and then right before I'm about to die, I could begin to meditate. Is this correct? If it is, I would say that its overpowered for a first lvl ability.

With the dwarven weapon focus, could I choose fist?

If I have single weapon focus, and I use one fist phys rep, is my damage increased?

I've been told that you can use the enchant weapon skill to make your fists magical. Is a fist considered a weapon? For example, the barbarian crush skill requires that you use a blunt weapon. Can I use a fist for this?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:30 am
by Crist0
Also, the way advanced and master focus items are written right now, If I spent twenty points on a basic wizard skill(or swapped out one of my basic abilities for the first wizard one) I am allowed to use advanced and master focus items. I feel that the advanced focus should be restricted to wizards that can cast advanced spells/potions and the master restricted to the wizards that can cast master spells/potions. The way it is now, If i spent some points and got feign death. I could use a master focus to throw 9 magics and counter spells!
I think that the focus items really make wizards special, and allowing characters who only dabble to use these items of power which I assumed took some real magical skill, kinda takes the flavor away from wizards. No questions there, just wonderin if anybody out there feels the same way I do.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:51 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
I agree that the Wizard focuses should mean that if you need to know how to cast an advanced spell to use an advanced focus and a master spell to use a master focus.

I think if you have determination twice you should just be able to move while in the negatives but not anything else. You have to be level 100 to have improved endurance (which this ability duplicates) and that doesn't even allow you to attack.

It might just be the wording of the ability that needs a change if we are interpreting it wrong.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:59 am
by cole45
advanced skills are designed to be as powerful as regular skills, they are suppsoed to ne nifty, so comparing them is comparing apples and oranges.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:11 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Well than lets compare apples to apples than.

Improved Determination (20 point) + Improved Endurance (40 point) = Allows you to move while in the negatives as well as block but you cannot attack.

Determination (20 point) + Determination (20 point) = Allows you to move while in the negatives as well as block but you can attack.

The ability to attack while in the negatives is what makes this ability overpowered in my opinion. A Dwarf Warrior Monk could continuesly swing 2 with a short weapon that cannot be disarmed or shattered for 3 minutes before falling. It kinda reminds me of that Crystal Body potion, except at the end of this one you just go into meditate.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:33 am
by cole45
I don't disagree.

what if it were ayttack as bthough starving?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:24 pm
by Anon
I think its fair cause its dwarves with master monk and part warrior only with that ability, so its not like every warrior will all of a sudden be unstoppable like that.

To be fair in powerful stuff look at think of a warrior gavin master barbarian, not only do i regen in 2 minutes but I can only die from killing blow. Is that overpowered? I think not cause its only a certain type of character that can take that.

So unless everyone rewrites at Final Haven to be one of these I don't think it is broken or too powerful at all.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:40 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
It would reduce the damage to 1. Not a big difference other than the fact that warriors can use defensive matrix on it because I would just pull out another claw and start duel wielding 1's instead of single wielding 2's.

It get's truely sick if you just decide to go on a suicide mission because you can swing 4's or 5's with a hero point. The damage drops by 1 once you hit the negatives. Better hope the don't have a cool potion to stack on top of that...

Attacking while in the negatives is the problem. Any dwaven warrior (Something I don't consider too rare) can do this. We have seen people kamikazi the PC base with stuff like this so it's not just hypothetical.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:24 pm
by GM-Mike
I agree it seems overpowered

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:08 pm
by Kalphoenix
I've been thinking about this since it was posted.

On one hand, I believe that if someone wants to make THAT specific of a character combination, it isn't really a problem, on the other hand, it's pretty strong combo and if I'M considering it, it might just be overpowered. Also, it's overpowered by the fact that you can get it all pretty early on.

My suggestions would be the following:

1.) Make the killing blow thing a "number of resists" instead of a "resist killing blows" ability. Like, for instance, they can resist a certain amount per scene or per event, OR every time they use it in negatives have them drop another -10.

2.) Make a penalty to fighting while under the effects of determination.

3.) Or, I've been ranting about THIS for years. PUT A BOTTOM ON HITPOINTS. Basically, when you get to a certain amount of negative damage, you instantly bleed out and die, period. Someone could still deliver damage to a meditating monk (or a person who has double determination and is still fighting) to kill them.

4.) Make it so you can't use hero points while you are in negatives EXCEPT for self-healing. The effects of damage-increasing HP use expire as soon as one hits the negatives.

5.) Make someone fighting in negatives take additional damage.

6.) Uhh, I dunno.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:17 pm
by Anon
I agree while it may seem overpowered to some, think about it.

There are probably countless different combination of skills and paths that when done correctly make an extremely overpowered person. Should we get rid of all of them?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:15 pm
by Crist0
I think the if you have the determination skill twice, then you should be able to still, block, walk, run, talk and drink potions while in the negatives. I agree with Kiel in that the reason this is overpowered is because they can still attack while in negatives. That's why I posted about it. If you're bleeding to death, you shouldn't be able to keep fighting as if you have no injuries at all. The fact that I can get hit by twenty 30 magics and keep fighting as if nothing is wrong, seems ridiculous to me. If you were to make it so that I could only block, that would make this skill more balanced.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:52 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
There are probably countless different combination of skills and paths that when done correctly make an extremely overpowered person. Should we get rid of all of them?
It’s our job, as the players, to look for things in the game that are broke. When we find them we should notify the GM’s so that they can take a look at it and go yay or nay. I know it’s never going to be %100 perfect but you got to try or else nothing will change.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:40 pm
by GM-Phil
Also to Cristo - it has been discussed to make Focus items limited to characters that can cast the appropiate level of spell.

Advanced Spell = Advanced Focus item

Master Spell = Master Focus item

As soon as it gets off the drawing board you guys will be the second to know.. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:38 pm
by Anon
Wilderness Survival twice (through beast hunter and Beastman) does it stack meaning you get 2 food and 2 hide or what?