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LARP and You

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:50 pm
by Kalphoenix
Chris, and a few others over the years, have made mention to the "value" of LARPing from a real-world (or personal ethics) perspective.

I think it would be interesting to hear what people feel that they personally get/give from LARP. What experiences (both positive and negative) do you feel you experience from playing? What do you feel it "does" for/to you? Do you ever have encouragements or objections to some of the subject matter? Do you ever feel that there are side effects to LARP, whether those are positive or negative? Or do you feel that it's no more involved for you than say, a football game, movie, or a video game?

If I think of some more specific questions I will edit this post. Remember, these are all personal opinions. Second-Hand opinions are allowed, but only if actual names are used. Please don't post "on behalf" of someone else (ala "My friend had X happen" or "I heard about") unless they are willing to have their name on the story/opinion. Thanks for posting!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:39 pm
by Smitty19
Ill start it off....not only has it allowed me to reconnect/make new friends, but I also can beat the krap outta them all weekend and still call them that!

That is imho the best part for me at Larp, along with both playing in and running a world that is made by all who attend!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:27 pm
by Zeira
I get a lot of things out of larping. My big one is that I like acting and larp is basically a really long improv exercise. I also enjoy the social aspects such as meeting new people.

Some of the negatives are that it kinda leeks it's way into real life. When I talk to my friends it's hard to not bring it up. Now that we have all been playing for a while we kinda have our in-game secrets, but we would tell each other in real life. It almost forms a little divide in trust. And if you were to kill one of your out of game friends in game...well there would probably be some sore feelings.

As for subject matter, I think I'm more fond of the middle ground. You can't be PC 100% of the time. I think this game does a great job of maintaining that middle ground. If things do get to intense we have code words to let people know that they are uncomfortable.

I consider larping my primary hobby so that kinda makes it my escape. Just like someone who works on cars, it's fun to come to these games and kind of lose myself in them. I can allow my real world worries drift away for an entire weekend. I usually feel good after larping and tired. But the good kind of tired, like after you had a really great time and your ready for some rest.

Also as my primary hobby it means that I choose to invest in it financially. I'm always looking for stuff to make my character a little better, or looking for stuff for the next couple of characters I play. Armor is my big weakness. I love armor far to much for my own good and am working on putting together a collection of different kinds. Just when you think you have that costume just right you always want add one more little thin and then another and another...

Larping for me is fun. If it wasn't I wouldn't do it.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:43 am
by Dallid
LARP is my outlet. My retreat. It allows me to play and just have fun the way I did as a kid, but with the structure my adult mind craves. It’s also my one real source of social interaction. All my friends today are LARPers or former LARPers. It lets me be creative and stretch my imagination. It’s the excitement of seeing ideas come to life and the thrill of tackling myriad challenges. It’s also probably my primary form of exercise, and a reason to get out of the city and enjoy the woods.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:53 pm
by Goonter
a reason to ask for time off of work haha

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:24 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
I get to be someone else with super powers for an entire weekend!!

where else is it "normal" to run around at 2am in the woods AND legitimately be afraid of getting attacked my a MONSTER who will KILL YOU

And the friends I've met are AWESOME.....

noshii (aka Cinderella) says... "INTO THE WOODS"

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:56 am
by Rhul
I love LARPing because of the relationships I can make, and because it allows me to let my mind out of it's cage and play for a weekend.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:38 am
by Aurora
Larping has been great for me for it has provided a really good creative outlet for me and a release from the day to day stress of real life. I have made some of the best friends one could have that I have met through larping.

Besides where else can I find willing victims to taste test some baked goodie I come up with :P