Back at the old Tipsy Traveller...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Back at the old Tipsy Traveller...

Post by Esmerelda »

The clanging of pots, pans, dishes and mugs can be heard as the contents of the kitchen are packed into crates to be transported to the keep in Haven.

Looking around, Esmerelda smiles sadly. While it was amazing to be returning to her home, this place too had become her home in the years of exile. Here was the place she'd met so many of her new friends. All the little confidences shared in the kitchen over cooking or doing dishes. All the cookies baked here and all the smiles they brought. Looking out the window on the lawn she remembers a warm May night where old friendships were strengthened and new ones forged in the wee hours of the morning after a game of tag. Staring at the common room memories surge of the entire town sitting down as one body to share meals together in peace and unity, even if only for one hour. Looking out at the back porch, she shivers as she remembers Abaddon's words that struck her to the soul as Atrum's body lay on the table- "he didn't make it"- and a few feet from that spot where months later Atrum caught and kissed her during another game of tag.

Looking up to the common sleeping area more thoughts of councils fill her head. Dallid so earnest in his council on a number of issues. Gabriel's uncanny insights and quiet sugestions for the battle plan. Talks on how to save the world. Talks on how to deal with traitors.

Wandering down the hallway she smiles at the cloakroom and back door. Serith would have her head if he knew the actual number of times she slipped out that back down to walk alone in the woods when she needed time to think things out. Korrigan's room brought to mind a certain coversation about uncomplicated things... And finally her own room. So many confidences shared. All her chats with Fionna; more secret meetings and so much planning, being sick to her stomach before the last battle and throwing up all over the floor; all the precious time with Atrum.

Yes it had been a good refuge for the last two years. And the memories could never be taken away. But now it was time to return home. And start rebuilding memories there...
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Fionna »

Despite all of the celebrations around her, Fionna seems distant. Since meeting her new friends, she has grown into an accomplished young woman. Her skills in surgery and alchemy are well known.

Now she must decide, will she leave her homeland, the only place she's ever known? Will she follow her friends that have taken her in as one of them and return to Haven with them? As she helps her friend pack the kitchen of the Tipsy Traveller, she thinks back to the hours she has spent in that place giggling over cookies and trying one new recipe after another. Discussing plans with of dinner with Esmerelda, helping the young ones while they learn to cook, and joining them in their play.

She smiles slightly, but this joy seems to fade quickly. Her thoughts then turn to Fergusson. The brother whose disappearance brought her to her new friends. It was because he was missing she followed this strange group of refugees into an even stranger place. And still not finding him for over a year, she had almost given up hope. Now, she knows he's alive, but wonders if she will ever see him again. The fleeting moments of their reunion so short yet, wonderful. Her heart aches to be with him, but she knows his feelings of honor are strong. She feels his presence with her and knows in her heart he will follow her where ever she goes.

As tears begin to well in the young woman's eyes, she heads to her alchemy lab. Thoughts turn to her Grandmother and all she taught her before Fionna left. She would be so proud of the young woman now. Fionna's skills in alchemy have become many. Now the tears begin to flow. Should she return home and say good bye? The woman who taught her so many things might wonder what Fionna has become. Fionna's constant worry that a return home might mean a force of marriage to someone she's never met. In her heart Fionna knows that Grandmother only ever wanted her happy. She would be proud of all Fionna's become and all of the wonderful friends she's made. Grandmother was not well when Fionna left, getting on in years.

As the young woman packs the elaborate lab her and Esmerelda share, the tears flow at will. A slight smile comes to her face as she reaches to scratch Scounger's ear. Rhul must not be far away. The small lemur stayed with the young woman throughout the hard battle with the elves. Even while she lay dead he stayed with her. She awoke to find the mammal sitting on her head. As she continues to wrap the bottles and vials she smiles at all she's learned and all the new friends she's met. She smiles and continues to pack her things. This new place will be a new adventure, but she will miss her homeland and her family. Her thoughts return to Fergusson, knowing that he is always with her.
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Post by Zydana »

A young woman sits upon the table top dressed in a simple blue tunic. She is quiet but seems equally interested in the movements of Esmerelda, Fionna and that of her legs which are dangling over the side of the table.
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Post by Dallid »

Haven had been reclaimed at last, and it was time to go back. Not that it was home – Dallid’s home was all Phanterra, and he felt no special attachment for one location over any other – rather it was a matter of priority. The land upon which Haven sits had long been a nexus of fate. If an event was likely to greatly affect Phanterra, it would most likely occur near Haven. Such a place had to be watched and garrisoned.

However, that did not mean the rest of the world could be ignored. So did Dallid go from refugee camp to refugee camp across Far Reach, a dog now always by his side, speaking similar words to each leader.

“The Elven King has been slain at Haven, and with him went much of Silvandar’s power and strength. You may find little Elven presence in your own lands now. I would suggest sending your own scouting parties back to your homes to see for themselves, and have your peoples ready to move upon their return.”

“But do not forget what we discovered here in Far Reach. Much strength, security, and comfort came about from the unity and cooperation established. It would be a shame to toss that aside now as we go our separate ways. Let us strive to maintain contact, trade, and support. Far Reach is but a gate away from Haven, and I intend to check in frequently. Should a need arise in your homelands, send an emissary back here – where you will always find those willing to offer aid. In addition, over time perhaps such continued contact will lead to new trade routes established between our various settlements. Who can say what treaties and alliances may grow from such interaction?”

“Let our stay here together in a time of crisis lead to a better future for us all.”
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Dallid*

Dallid, once we are done leaving the Genderman are gonig to tear down the gate. Magic and all things arcane are not something generally liked around these parts. It's one of the reasons my Uncle brought me here in the first place, to teach those who wished to learn how to defend against it.

I'm sure diplomatic ties between Caldeonia and Esmerelda can be maintained in case either group needs assistance from the other.

*With that Aurora goes into the kitchen and begins moving the crates Esmerelda has already packed over to the location whereit all needs to be set before the big move of the goods from the Inn to Haven. The young witch-hunter has been walking around with a bit more confidence since the battle for Haven. Whatever was said between Aurora and the Genderman last has put a little spring in her step and she seems more at ease with herself.*
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

Atrum walks into the Tipsy and takes in the scene before him. Watching people pack the lives they've lived over the past couple of years into crates. He had hoped that this day would come, but faced with the reality of once again the dawning of a new chapter in so many peoples lives come to fruition brought forth a strange mix of emotions. He looked at Aurora, about the same age as he had been when he first came to Haven and the spring in her step. He knew that feeling well, it was part of the blend of things he likened to her cookie dough in a mixing bowl. Many things coming together to yield something inspired from but vastly different than the sum of it's parts. She had grown up so much in such a short time, he felt a kinship with her. Asked to go from a military life behind kingdom walls and to become a part of the world beyond the relative quiet and safety behind them. He knew that journey well, the spoiled selfish brat that come to Haven with nefarious intentions in his heart was so far from the man that stood just inside the doorway of the fourth place he'd called home in his life. He saw Dallid who had been a large part of his transformation, an example of all those things his father had tried to instill in him in his years of service. He respected him as much as anyone he had met since leaving the walls of the Steep.

That thought drew his hand unconsciously to the heart shaped pendant that hung from his neck. And a wash of homesick flooded into the mixing bowl turning inside of him. His hand brushed the charm wrapped in steel hanging next to the heart pendant and thought of Vaun'ithily'in. Where had she been, he'd thought for sure that the chance to strike a blow to the elves would have brought her back to Haven. He pondered whether they would ever recapture any of what they'd lost. And then he caught sight of Esmerelda bending to put dishes into a crate and love flooded the mixing bowl. He smiled and reminisced first about the past evening in this Inn and the Tipsy Haven, and then about the past few years in getting to know her. How she had found strength she didn't think she had, how she had grown over the last few years into more of a Harrison, a fact that Aeric found pleasing.

He strode towards her and met her gaze as she smiled at him and kissed her lips gently as he cradled her cheek in his hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist. He gave her a sly smile, "You know, Cookie could be a middle name" and he broke into laughter. The kind of laughter that had been 2 years coming sans liquid emotional liberty. it felt good, it felt right, it felt like home. He knew then that it didn't matter where he lay his head or kept his trappings, that home wasn't simply a place.

"I have to thank the Caledonian's that aided us, ask what they would like in return and give over a letter for King Galen. If you wish it I will take a few people and travel to everyone that has aided in the endeavor to defeat the elves and regain Haven over the next week as the villagers settle in to rebuilding their lives in the villages of Haven." The look on her face betrayed her thoughts. "Don't worry, I plan on staying put for the next few months in the least. I've spent far too much time away from home as it is." He held her close and just let himself "be" for now.
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Post by Esmerelda »

At the mention of Cookie, Esmerelda's eyes go wide in shock and amazement. Leaning into Atrum's embrace she gives him a mock slap. "What did I tell you? No babies until you make an honest woman out of me!" Her unbridled laughter came much more freely than it ever had in the past two years.

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd be willing to escort me around? I would be an ingracious leader if I did not thank all our allies in person. I have terms I need to discuss with all of them. I also need to visit all the refugees here and get a count of who wishes to remain here and who wants to return to Haven. Then there's a tour of the lands of Haven to see how the people there fare. I have treaties to sign, a parliament to establish, and citizens to look after." As the look in his face changes she smiles. "Remember on the road when I said that looking ahead I thought that battling the elves would be the easy part?"

Looking across the room, she smiles at Dallid. "I'd be honored if you'd accompany us as well, Dallid. You could be of great assitance with the refugess. They always speak highly of you."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Zeira »

Zeira sits back in one of the chairs and stretches out. He then gives a look over to Esmerelda and Atrum

"Well? What's the deal? Seeing that I have yet to see a copper piece of the spoils does that mean I will be getting off punishment instead? I think that would be more than fair..."

Zeira smiles
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Post by Fionna »

After wiping the tears from her eyes, Fionna looks to Esmerelda in the kitchen.

"If you wouldn't mind the company, I'd love to walk these lands one last time before traveling to Haven."

She stops and thinks for a moment.

"Maybe a quick stop back at home to check on Grandmother should be in order as well. I can take care of that and catch up with you as well."
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora smiles at everyone*

If you'd like the company, I'd be more then happy to come along. I'm sure you all will be fine but you know not only would I like to just loook at these lands one more time before I leave here like Fiona, but I'm sure you'll understand Esmerelda I'd just like to make sure you are alright as well.

Call it residual Genderman training.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by GM-Taki »

*The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard coming from the stairway as several well-fed refugees haul oak casks out of the Tipsy's cellar. Shortly thereafter Korrigan and Mary can be heard discussing inventory and security as they emerge from the cellar.*

"Now you keep some of the lads on staff to keep the ruffians out and the monsters away," Korrigan says as he hands her a small purse. "Business will drop off some now, but you'll do a fair trade here. Once we're gone your Caledonian countrymen will come around and you'll have all the customers you can handle."

*Emma emerges from the back holding a freshly carved and painted wooden shingle, which she hands to Korrigan with a sad smile. Korrigan nods and holds it up for Mary's approval. The words "The Dragon's Rest Inn" are carved into the wood along with an image of a dragon sleeping on a comfy looking bed. Close examination reveals a young woman sleeping in the dragon's coils.

Glancing around the room, Korrigan watches his friends making their preparations and smiles. Though they were moving on, Korrigan felt that they were taking the most important thing about this place with them. Stepping outside, he removes the Tipsy's shingle from its hooks outside the front door and hangs the new one in its place. Holding the old shingle in his hands, feeling the weathered wood and looking at the words, Korrigan's mind turns again to his friends. They too had been exposed to many hardships in the last few years, and while they wore the marks of their collective ordeal, they were like the Tipsy's shingle: still strong, their colors still bright.

A few more steps brings Korrigan to one of the wagons bound for Haven. He places the Tipsy's shingle among the supplies and walks back inside the newly christened Dragon's Rest.
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Post by Dallid »

“Yes, I will go with you. It would seem I must amend the statements I have made to the various encampments here – thank you for the information, Aurora.”

“I would like to request an audience with the head of the Genderman to see if they might be convinced to maintain the gate. If not, an annual pilgrimage back to Far Reach might still be made at the time of the Winter Solstice. “

“Perhaps a council of sorts may even be had, should all the peoples here also send an emissary on such a pilgrimage – where the concerns of the various lands may be discussed, ideas shared, trade set up, and contact maintained. Indeed, once the relative locations of the individual towns and villages are known, perhaps a more centralized location can be determined for future councils.”
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Dallid*

Dallid the gate is going to be taken down. Yes, I have my own way of getting a hold of people, but they want those magical gates closed. Do not ask me to take you to the location for I cannot.

I know I will be heading back to Caldeonia once a year if I am able to check on things here myself. These people along with my Uncle's Mohdri and Sylas helped make me who I am. If Caldeonia is once again open, you are more then welcome to come with me when I make that trip.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Dallid »

“Then perhaps your leader would be willing to meet at some other place of his choosing? I would not ask if the need was not considerable.”
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Post by Aurora »

Dallid, the leader right now is a missing King Galen. There are internal matters going on right now that currently such a request like that cannot really be done until there is a confirmation on whether or not the King is alive or dead.

I understand the need, I do, but right now Caldeonia itself has things it is dealing with.

*Looks at Atrum*

I can go do my thing and see if I can find out anything else but I believe what my marching orders were when last I was there is pretty much what is going to occur with them sending myself and Uncle Mohdri word once King Galen's and Uncle Sylas's status is known.
Aurora Darksbane

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