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Stories of Haven's Heroes as told by a wandering Guthrie

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:51 pm
by Goonter
Late Saturday night after the battle was won an unnamed Guthrie wandered into town armed with a notebook and a pencil. These are the stories he was able to gather from players. Please keep in mind that these stories were all told by players and then interpreted by the Guthrie, so if they don't make a lot of sense... well, that's just how they were written!

"The Great Hero Trusk saved everybody twice, and then ate the babies."

"The dwarf, Ulfgar Silverbrow, tells a tale of the dreaming, an otherworldly plane, where he acquired an obscene bracelet. The bracelet made rocks come to life so they could help save the world."

"Eli the Magnificent tells a story of the Wheel of Time... which was broken and all time was in flux. Ancient creatures roamed about and men from strange lands appeared at random. A group known as the Guild of Light, with the assistance of people from Haven, spent many days researching a formula for a new Wheel of Time. Unfortunately, the main ingredient, the flesh of a living dragon, was nearly impossible to obtain. So they went on a quest to meet the Great Dragon Requias. After much negotiation with the Dragon, they struck a deal... in exchange for the Dragon's flesh, the Guild of Light would grant the Dragon anything of his choosing. (However, the story of the favor for the dragon is another story altogether!) With Dragon flesh in hand, the Guild of Light set off to gather the remaining ingredients for the new Wheel. Battling against all odds, the Guild of Light eventually succeeded... but a vicious Warlord kidnapped Father Time himself, holding him hostage in exchange for the new Wheel and, effectively, the ability to time travel. A great battle ensued between the forces of Haven and the forces of the evil Warlord. They battled across time itself, and all hope seemed lost. But a beautiful Valkyn'vi girl fell upon the Wheel, and was able to reset time, freeing Father Time from captivity. With the Wheel of Time back in Father Time's possession, he removed all transgressors from his home and promised to someday repay the Heroes from Haven!"

"When Cristo the Drunk was young, he sailed on a Pirate Ship called the Brown Whale with his brothers, traveling the world, terrorizing villagers, and selling their children. Then one fateful day Cristo grew up into a full grown drunk who joined the Heroes of Haven and helped save the world!"

"Cristo relates another story of a young woman who made potions. The cauldron she brewed the potions in, however, was cursed, and it produced shadow monsters as well as potions. So Cristo killed the shadow monsters and took the potions, which became very handy when he helped save the world!"

"After the people of Haven saved the world, they built a tavern on a boat. The Witch Hunter who smelled of baked goods baked cookies that were made with dwarven ale, and they all got really drunk. Ity got to the point where our heroes were far to drunk to tell any coherent stories, except stories about mermaids that had nothing to do with the great task they had accomplished only hours before."