In the Warmth of the Firelight

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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In the Warmth of the Firelight

Post by Malachi »

Malachi walks into the inn, his clothes damp with melting snow. He approaches Korrigan.

"Iff'n you don't mind, might a half-frozen man grab something to steal the chill from his bones?"

He turns to those present in the common room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that I will soon begin...renovating the Inn. I beg you to pardon any dust or noise that occur due to my labor, but I promise the finished project will be more than worth any inconvenience you may suffer. I will begin with the south wall tomorrow morning."

He produces a large rolled parchment from a wooden tube in his pack and unrolls it for Korrigan to inspect.

"As you can see, Korrigan, I have made very few structural changes. For the most part, I am merely swapping the old wood for stone."
Malachi Vandire - Deceased
Solomon Feir

Scott Smith
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Post by Rhul »

Rhul speaks up from one of the tables in the corner, looking at Malachi over the top of a book. He stands and moves to the side of Malachi and Korrigan, leaning over them, hands clasped behind his back and an eyebrow raised in appraisal of the prints on the table.

"Renovations, you say? While I for one enjoy the current rustic alpine atmosphere, updating to stone does seem like a novel idea. At the very least, it will make the structure much more sound in case of attack, and even to a layman, thick stone holds the heat in somewhat better than wood. As well as being cooler in the summer, of course."

*He looks askance at Malachi*

"Please, don't hesitate to ask if either of you need some assistance. While I am not skilled in the masonry trade, I seem to be useful when it comes to situations that require a bit of untrained elbow grease, as it were. Placing blocks, mixing mortar, what have you."
Last edited by Rhul on Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malachi »

Malachi glances up at the mountain of a being before him and smiles.

"You know, I may just take you up on that!"
Malachi Vandire - Deceased
Solomon Feir

Scott Smith