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Winter party?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:50 am
by Samantha
Just putting out very tentative early feelers on having a winter party. I know I really dropped the ball last year, but shucks, that whole "get a job/make a living/be a productive citizen" thing kept getting in the way as I had only just moved back to MI. Stupid responsibility!

That being said, I'm willing to give it another go if yous guys can help me brainstorm. I still think pot luck is the best way to keep costs and labor down for everyone (depending on location, of course), but I am open to ideas/thoughts/opinions. I'm only one step away from being a real life chorus member of "Les Miserables" so keeping fundage low is priority for me.

Pass on to the CARPS and WH population as well. Report back. That is all.


Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:40 pm
by Onimaster
And we are very happy to have you back. Ditto cheers.

Winter LARP Party for all

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:04 pm
by Torakhan
In case anyone's confused... this is for the Party, not for a One-Day LARP game. ^.^

We need to find a way of transporting the Ionia cabin and hill to a more central location.
Drunken Sledding has had too long of a hiatus! (and doesn't go very well on a flat field, unless someone brings their ATV or snowmobile...)

Pot-Luck sounds good.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:35 pm
by Samantha
I've always liked Ionia as a really good sight for en masse tomfoolery, but the lack of running water always bums me out when it comes to mass food events. However, if other people think they can hang and take home dirty casserole dishes, I'm game to give it a go. We probably need to call and check availability for early next year. Who has the contact info?
