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One Night After Dinner

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:20 pm
by Esmerelda
One evening after the supper dishes have been washed, Esmerelda looks around the common room of the inn at her friends and those newly arrived. Taking a deep breath, she speaks up to address all who are present.

"There is something happening, and I think it is going to take all of us putting our heads together to work it out. When I spoke with Aeric at the party, he gave me a warning. The restless spirits that walk about have discovered Gol's unique talent. But they are of two minds about it. Some think he should be left alone, that the realms of the living and the dead should remain seperate. There are others, however, who think Gol should be exploited and used for their own ends. The disagreement is becoming heated and Aeric is afraid that should a battle be joined between the two sides that the effects will spill over into the living world."

"I don't think any of us would want to see the effects of that. So please, if anyone can help me find a way to put a stop to this, I would greatly appreicate any assistance that can be provided in this matter."

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:39 pm
by Abaddon
Abaddon looks up through his mask, his hair adrift in the candlelight.

"Interesting. That could explain the spirit activity of this last moon. Dallid knows the most about the restless dead, perhaps he knows. In the interim, perhaps we could seek a way to create a barrier the dead can not cross. A binding circle, reversed. "

Yaziel crawls up the man's shoulder, hiding from the lights.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:25 pm
by Dallid
“I would not wish them prevented from entering the physical world, but perhaps their emergence controlled and directed so they may be dealt with safely.”

“All the restless dead dwell outside the Cycle, and must be returned to Phanterra’s embrace, where they may have peace at last – their essence once more one with the world’s, helping to recover from the damage caused by the Cataclysm. Bringing such spirits into the open where they may be addressed is preferred.”

“But such control may not be possible. Gul, and possibly Em, may seem the only available conduits now, but the Blood Moon approaches. Ethereal barriers greatly weaken at this time, and entities with sufficient will could break through at vulnerable locations.”

“This may be the ‘danger of spilling over’ of which Aeric spoke. Perhaps Far Reach’s sages might investigate where such ‘weak points’ might be. Then we could prepare accordingly.”