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May 2008 Event

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:17 pm
by RenLightfoot
Wow. What can I say? It was great to suit up and put on the makeup again. Seeing everyone again was wonderful.
Ren is dead. I'm obviously sad that he had to die, but always knew it was coming. And I always knew when he died for good it would be players that did it. His last words, "Why is it everytime you have the chance to do some good, the nice guys come in and screw it up?" I think were perfect.

Saturday playing Iconus was really hard. I've been rp'ing Ren for so long, (In tabletop games before Brett introduced me to you all) that I ended up walking around for a long time trying to figure out who the heck Iconus was. He's still not 100% in my mind, but it's starting to come together. Thank you GM and NPC staff for the great time, and encouragement in character creation, and of course allowing me to playtest the rules. Sorry I didn't really get much of a chance to really feel them out. Thank you fellow players for the really entertaining banter. Special Kudos go to Tim, Doug, Brett, and Taki for hanging out with me after Ren died totally OOC and making me laugh. It really helped me let him go.

If I could sum my entire experiance into one phrase though, it would be something Korrigan said on satuday night: "We go out and fight, risking our lives not for glory, but for the right to go home, sit on the lawn and get drunk in the rain."

and so it begins...

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:10 pm
by Torakhan
I was wondering when the first attendee was going to post. I think 6PM on Sunday is the latest I've seen it take for the thread to get started.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:18 pm
by WayneO42
Well, to give you an idea of the time we left camp, I JUST got home (8:00PM)

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:25 pm
by Esmerelda
I honestly think I can say that this was favorite event thus far, just from the roleplaying that happened and some events that happened for Esmerelda personally. I want to thank everyone for the high level of staying in game this event- the best I've ever seen hands down. If there were out of game conversations, they weren't blatantly obvious. So a big THANK YOU to everyone who worked so hard to keep it in character.

Consequently, I had so many great moments this wekend in character. Whether it be banter with Korrigan about drinking, and whoring, trying to educate Aurora in innuendo (what's a pickle? :lol: ), Eli trying to arrange a marriage between Esmerelda and Ingram, laughing my ass off with Kelsey in the cave when the gremlins were flinging poop, or just socializing with the folk on the lawn at 3 a.m. eating fruit, the event gave both Melissa and Es a lot of great memories that will stick with her.

And the emotional roller coaster! Thanks guys, I think I cried more at this event than all the ones last year put together. :shock: Atrum's death within half an hour of his getting back to town was a horrible blow. Gabrial's sympathy and understanding was awesome, and I think we scared some mundanes who drove by as I was standing there sobbing into his shoulder. To go from that low to the high of what happened later between them was amazing.

Caldonia is a very fool fun place too. I love all the clan politics and kilts. Looking forward to the games at next event. And it's been fun trying to convince everyone that the coinage system really is a better way to go. So to the GM's and NPC staff, a big thanks for such a great game this weekend!

I've probably rambled enough for the moment. So I just have one last thing to say...


NO TAGBACKS!!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:34 pm
by cole45

MOney is fricking cool. It added a flavor to the game never seen before. The copper piece as a unit less than a full resource is amazing. The raw potential is great.

Those of you that won big at the House, well, I hope you come back. Those of you that lost? well, you'll win it back.

I had a really good time this event. I think everyone over at the keep did. I look forward to all the things we get to do.

I did sort of think when I couldn't raise Atrum I was going be set on fire. *LOL* he's fine now I think.

Anyway, I had a really great time.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:00 pm
by Malamhìn Auchinae
I just wanted to say that it was a great event. I had a great time. The role-playing was terrific, with everybody having very few out-of-game moments. The plots were fun, yet there were still deadly hints of things to inevitably come, such as the bleeding tree and the eviscerated werewolf.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:32 pm
by Smitty19
Well I had an absoulte BLAST! I just couldnt believe how much fun I had with a new was fun!

I definitly am starting to like Serith, and being an Empath in general...I was having fun flingin magic (c:

I know I hurt some people on Saturday night by laughing so hard, which in turn made them laugh and hence the side splitting pain I caused...but damnit if it wasnt GREAT being able to relieve some Stress and hang out with the coolest people I know! Thank you all for making me always feel welcome, and Melissa, Renae and I talked, and we are gonna find a way to support you so you can come be our Kitchen Wife (c:

Thanks To all the PC's, NPC"s, And hell EVERYTHING...from the weather to the food everything went GREAT from my standpoint!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:34 pm
by Esmerelda

I only have two words for you...

Bacon Cake!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:36 pm
by Smitty19

*Dies a very very bacon filled happy death


And since this is a feedback part, I was wondering if anyone who interacted with me could pm with your thoughts of how Serith was in their characters trying to hammer out his personalilty and Im worried that he is going to be too much like my other guys...

PMs would be fantastic (c:

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 11:00 pm
by Aurora
I see how it is. Nothing for the lovely late night service of goodies being brought to you when you were sitting around late Saturday night...

*Pouts playfully*

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 11:02 pm
by Eilonwy
Very good event. Loved the pacing of it. Time to watch antics and then jump back into a plot or two. Have to agree on the staying in game comments. And the crude conversations? Priceless. The sage thanks the big, bad men for helping the "coming-of-age". 'Shrooms...

Happy beastie... even with bloody visions thrown in. :twisted:

*sinks back into cookie dough coma*

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 11:14 pm
by Aurora
Ok, I'm now actually conscious as soon as I got home I went to sleep and took a long nap, a whole lot longer then I thought I would.

I had AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!!!!!!!!!

I am now going to have to just toss the tri-corn into the fire for playing Aurora with is where it sooo is at.

The HUNT, wow that was probably my favorite overall plot. Who knew two girls fighting together in a tag team would be just so damn nasty.

The new ga'vin were awsome. My hats off to Peace and Finn, for you guys were really great from what little I was able to roleplay with you.

Melissa, wow thanks for the slap across the face, that was so priceless and the conversation later on that night beck in the room. Adam, wow so glad you are pc'ing again. Angela, finally I was able to interact with you more then I did as Kidwynn...

Favorite fight had to be the elf battle. That was just one of the more interesting strategies I think I've ever seen. It was great and I have discovered very quickly how much I love the freedom of my new costume when I need to sprint back. Atrum dying sucked but he got better. It did make for some very interesting scenes.

I'm absolutely so geeked at the witch hunters now in game. The double disenchant on Friday night was priceless.

So many more giddy happy things to say. Oh yea Aaron thanks for the loaner piece of armor...I'm sooo getting one.

Great time and now it's going to be difficult waiting for my next fix.


PS: It so lived up to the many months of just itching to play FH again.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:06 am
by valkenus
It was really amazing to see a bunch of 30 somethings running around and playing tag for somewhere around half an hour. Which, I have never seen before. Also, the most fun playing tag I have ever had. Taki's Taunt-Tag was the best ever! *throws packet* Taunt! Tag, you're it. And immediately afterwards, you know that everyone in their head was trying to think of how they could implement their skills into this game of tag. Very fun times.

Bacon Cake. That was... well... surprisingly tasty!

The massive amount of cookies... Lycaelon LOVED. (so did Casey. :D) *demands more cookies!*

The introduction of the coin system was awesome. It adds a little bit more flavor to the game. And if WH decides to do coins too, they could have different exchange rates... >.> Crazy fun playing the stock markets between games! Oh my! *dances around gleefully*

Aurora and Esmerelda going bonkers after they found out that I was Privileged Human Bureaucrat was also quite fun.

Poop flinging gremlins.. Funny. I couldnt stop laughing the whole time, even after being hit in the cash and prizes four times! Calling out Pickle after I got hit was funny too! Then someone yells out poopy pickle! LMAO! Yeah, it hurt a little bit, but, just for a few minutes. No hard feelings to the folks who weren't used to having to aim so high to not get a groin shot. Lol!

All in all, I had a fantastic weekend. Even during the slow parts, there was always something to entertain me.

Roleplaying between the other players, and even chatting up an NPC for a little while was awesome (*high fives wayne*).

Lycaelon may have lost nearly every friend that he had before he left hurt him greatly, but, he made many more friends, and explored a new land while at it.

Thank you all for making my weekend well worth the gas to drive and pay to play. And the meal plan was EXQUISITE!

I've rambled on long enough...

I hope to see most, if not, all of you at Winter Haven!
Good Night!!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:40 am
by Kalphoenix
"One disease poop!"

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:53 am
by JonathanBreygan
Finn, Droog, Ajun, and all else at the fort, the rp was phenominal I think making Hiedi step outside was priceless. Trying to explain what mating is to a young Ga'vin warrior while staying in character is HARD!!! Props to all involved. Wayne, you're plot to kill the undead slayer has, so far, failed. It's going to be fun trying to stay one step ahead of a whole cult. Good job to all. See you at W.H.