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Hero point ussage

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:40 am
by Aurora
Hey all....

Gotta ask a simple question. Is there anyway we could get hero point usage times down to something a little easier for people to understand?

To be honest it's the math that has people confused.

I'm just asking if we could simplify it a little bit for folks.


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:20 am
by General Maximus
Eric created a chart. Would that help by placing it into the FAQ section so people can just pull the reduced time they need from the chart? No math required than

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:21 am
by WayneO42
Then you are requiring memorization of times for a very situational purpose. I agree, I think the times are a little too complex.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:28 am
by Adam
Without taking the time to look at all the skills with all the different times, could it just half the time to a minimum of 2 sec?

Maybe someone who likes to do charts could look into this. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:29 am
by General Maximus
Here's the problem with a set time.
1. Instant kill's with hero points even with the 2sec min count time.
2. Does not give bonus to skills that take longer than 1 minute to use, healing crafting, spells, etc..
3. How would the additional time reductions work if advanceded hero points rules get implmented?

Yes, people have to think ahead when using hero point skills for time reduction, but is it worth it to be able to reduce the time usage for long time skills? I think it is, but that's just me.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:29 am
by dier_cire
The memorizing of times already exists for Sage buffs. This really isn't new.

Would 1/2 (round down) be easier? It introduces rounding though whereas the 2/5th didn't. Plus, it's weaker.

Thoguh for the math impaired here's a couple of formulas to make life easier:
- Take the number of seconds you have, and multiply it by 4 then move the decimal over one place to make the number smaller. This works well for things 20 seconds and under or things over 2 minutes.
- Or move the decimal over then mulitply by 4, this works well for things more than 20 seconds but under 2 minutes.

This way the only math you are doing is a multiply by 4 which we all learned in 3rd grade.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:33 am
by Adam
But for sage you only need to know 3 times. Hero points can be applied to any timed skill, multiple times.

And some people can do this kind of math in their head, on the fly, and others can't, as simple as it may be. With longer times, it's easier, but trying to do it with short times, it may take longer to do the math, than the time you would save with the hero point.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:43 am
by General Maximus
I have an idea,

Have skills that take 1 minute or less have x time reudction.
Level 1 - 1/2 the time reduction
Level 2 - 3/4 the time reduction
Level 3 - 2 sec's

Skill's that are above 2 minutes keep the same time reudction percentage

That gives the best of both worlds.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:45 am
by Adam
I can go with that...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:52 am
by dier_cire
That's why I gave the multiply by 4 rule. That shouldn't take anyone more than a few seconds to do. Honestly, the ones less than 20 seconds really can be memorized. 2, 4, and 6 seconds isn't tough to remember.

Plus, not using a charged skill hero point in haste isn't really a bad thing to me. Hero point expenditures for those skills shouldn't be used lightly, unlike the life and damage, they are one shots so you should planthem well. They are tremendously more effective that way.

At any rate, I don't see anything wrong with 1/2 (round down). Though I'm not sure changing anything is really needed. If you can't do 2/5th, do 1/2 (round up) and subtract a second. Sure you get hosed on some things but it beats not using the hero point.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:55 am
by cole45
I can't do this math when being beaten to death. I just can't.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:56 am
by cole45
with 3 hp(there are magic items holding these) you can cast ug's fuzzy bunny in 3 minutes. That will be fun.

seriously. I do NOT think instant 30 booms, mass heals, or mimics could be this bad.

It was fine before.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:58 am
by dier_cire
Nelkie, make that 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes. 30 magic for 2 seconds is big.

30 seconds or less is 2 seconds.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:00 am
by dier_cire
cole45 wrote:I can't do this math when being beaten to death. I just can't.
Nor would you need to. Can't charge a skill while being hit. :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:40 am
by GM_Chris
I hate math which is the reason why we had a reduced damage system. It is the reason why we do not have 200 soak in our system.

I think what we MIGHT do is wait until after the first FH event and if it still sucks we change the time thing. We will see though it could always change sooner.