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Super Bowl

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:37 pm
by GM_Chris
I have to say, and I am not a hude football fan, but WOW what a game!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:39 am
by Aurora

Don't want to talk about it. It was a hell of a game and if anyone was to be my beloved Patriots I'm glad it was the Giants for I have always had a soft spot for Eli Manning for people just trash him far to much.

They were and are a dangerous road team.

I look at it this way he can look at big brother Payton and go ha I got my ring and my superbowl mvp sooner then you did.

Super Dud (imo)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:58 am
by Torakhan
I was unimpressed by the game. But then again I'm the type of viewer who watches NASCAR for the crashes.
Last year's game was the first Super Bowl where I enjoyed watching the game. A technical game is like watching full-contact chess. Last year's game was full of mud and rain and nobody could keep their grip on the ball.. there were 3 turn-overs in 3 plays last year. It was exciting and fun for me. This year's game was just... dull for me.

There were some good commercials though...

Iron Man and Narnia got their trailers out there.
The Wall•E commercial was funny too. Go Pixar, while the You Don‘t Mess with the Zohan commercial is ammusing but I'm left a bit confused if I want to watch this movie... an Adam Sandler movie that also seems like it's directed by the Zucker brothers? Hmm..
Tide To Go won (in my opinion) for not only an entertaining commercial, but one that actually demonstrated the product and how it will impact your life.
Other fun commercials for me were the Diet Pepsi Max (though you've gotta know SNL to get it), FedEx had a follow-up to their monkeys in the office commercials with passenger pigeons.
The Audi commercial was funny if you got the Godfather reference.
Classic Coke was entertaining if you knew who the pundits were, and the Bud Light commercial with Will Farrell as his Semi Pro character had me busting up.
Amp Energy (with the guy jumping a car with his nipples and jumper-cables) and Planters Peanuts (with the ugly chick) had me disturbed and wincing... so wrong.. so very wrong. I'm they'll be YouTube's favorites. *L*
Finally, the Sara Connor Chronicles shorts in the intros to the game were ammusing... watching the NFL robot and T-100 fight it out.

The commercials I thought were terrible?
Garmin (with Nepoleon), while somewhat interesting, didn't seem to connect the product with the commercial. I'm sure I'm just over analyzing though.
Sobe (with dancing lizards) used Thriller for their drink? It will make you a zombie? I just didn't get a connection. Mildly entertaining, but I kept waiting for something about the product. Instead I got some website.. uh.. or something (and I'm not really that keen on looking it up either.)
and G2 (for Gatorade, it had a dog licking a bowl of water.) It quenches thirst? Is it for dogs? Is it even helpful? Does it taste good? Pointless.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:33 am
by dier_cire
Patriots were just plain out played. Only reason the score was that low was due to a really dumb penalty and a very poor decision on a attempted catch.

Ad wise, this year was weak. I miss the days or the bud frogs and peguins. The bridgstone one with the squirrel was good. The baby and the clown one was kinda funny. The pigeon one was also kinda cool. Other than that, I was kinda let down. The Danica Patrick one on GoDaddy was a good poke at Britney and Paris.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:13 pm
by Peace420
Wait Sobe using lizards, which are on every bottle of sobe sold is a weak connection, but Will Farrel selling anything is a better connection? Or jumping a car with your nipples is a better connection? :shock: