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October Synopsi

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:53 pm
by dier_cire
We always talk about how great (or not) events were and maybe our favorite moments, but rarely mention much beyond that. I'd really like to see some more detailed events of characters interpretations what went on. I always see things from my eyes and I'd love to see what others view of what all went down.

I know that some people may not want to reveal things due to evil bastard plans and that's cool. Just steer around em if ya can.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:36 pm
by Esmerelda
I'm assuming that you meant mainly what happened Saturday night? Holy cow, talk about disorienting! I fell sleep in my room right after gamebreak and no one came to wake me up. (Which now I'm thankful for, altough at the time I wasn't sure if I should be) I woke up to the sounds of fighting outside and calls of "Sethriel and Aturm escaped over the wall!" In my naivete, I assumed that the elves had broken throught the gate and the two of them had gotten cornered and escaped over the wall. Since I also heard fighting occasionally in the fort, I decided that the safest place for me was in my room. At one point Gol burst into the room looking for a weapon and left with the cryptic words of "They're coming- Hide!" Which I then proceeded to do. A while later the door opened again and I hear another voice say "I'll check under the bed" I saw Maximus come into the room and thought "Oh, one of our people" and revealed myself to him. At which point he and Kidwynn proceeded to beat me down into negatives and start to behead me. Gol charged in again to the rescue and healed me.
It was slightly freaky to see Gol in take charge mode, especially when he informed me "We're walking out of here." We then quietly crept upstairs where we exited the keep and proceeded down the outside staircase. We were hiding under the stairs when Maximus found us again. But my hero Gol informed him that Maximus "Didn't want (Gol) in the keep right now" and unbelievably the two of us walked out the front gate unscathed. Then we proceeded to wander through the woods, avoiding elves until we manager to find Atrum and co. Esmerelda was confused as hell about what happened, all she knows is that Aeric and a good portion of her friends are dead because they were betrayed and that she was almost killed by someone she considered a good friend.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:21 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Id like to take this moment to say again ... I TOLD YOU SO!!!...thank you

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:26 pm
by Kidwynn
I had two moments that well were quite memorable for me this event.

The first was when I was fighting the elves after Corbyn betrayed me. I could feel something was up when we couldn't leave the castle and I was way hesitant on taking that knee. I was running around just fighting and while I was looking for Maximus, I found Ka...which ultimately was bad. I had my back against the building and at that point I knew I was toast.

Kidwynn was angry and well decided to come full circle then and there with Corbyn based on something between the two of them in Vanaphasux when he had talked her into staying...

Kidwynn dropped her shield and sword screaming if anyone of you are going ta kill me, it's going ta be you Corbyn.

The elves proceeded to back up as if to say "what the heck"....with a look of pure rage in her eyes she starred right at Corbyn as he delivered the killing blow. She figured she'd force him to do his own dirty work and have no one else other him do it.

Wasn't the ended I was looking for because it was going to be to get herself and one other pc just the heck away from Haven onto a boat and be what she was, a pirate for the open water made far more sense then what was going on in Haven.

Now Vince is going to kill me for this one...but *shrug*

Kidwynn honestly didn't want to eliminate the whole town. Oh there were targets based purely on role playing and things done to her or a few others which our favorite evil elven bastard amplified...

I was up in the tower with Esmerelda and dropped a sooo slight hint. Basically, her conscious was getting to her a little bit. The pc's on her own list needed to die in her mind, but there were people she was really feeling bad about. So up on that tower when we were being girly, Kidwynn pretty much was trying to talk Esmerelda into leaving town pointing out how Esmerelda couldn't fight and all and in order for her to get Esmerelda out of the frey, Kidwynn wanted Esmerelda safe and out of harm's way and was wanting her to head to Roderick's forces where Kidwynn knew they were located at the time.

So, yeah Vince...Reid was right...and it was just a faint hint...and the split second Kidwynn faltered. Good thing you kept her away from Sethreal....

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:04 pm
by General Maximus
First of all, I have to applogize to everyone. I'm the bastard who intruduced Vince to Final Haven. Sorry. :D

Secound, Job well done Vince. You kept your secert that Corbyn was evil and out for himself from me for 6 years. That is just amazing. I was at Corbyn's side since the begining and never knew or had an suspision he was tuely evil. The countless hours we talked over our plans, he never slipped and showed his hand to me. Vince, you have the patience of a saint! Just ask Mike about the look on my face when he told me what Corbyn has been upto. I'm still in disblief. He pulled the wool over the eye's of one of his biggest supporters. Man, that just blows my mind.

I just have to say, I'm still in shock to find out that Vince has been holding out on me. I had no idea that Corbyn was evil and that Corbyn was using the General to get what he wanted. Job well done Vince.

Here is a scene that played out in the woods that unforgetable night

The general escaped the elf's and went to the fall back point. He waited to see if Ka and Corbyn broke free also, still not knowing the extent of Corbyn's evil. (Yes the general helped kill the town, but he had many in game reason to do it which I'll post later) The gernal just knew the elves betrayed us, which he was not surprised about, but was waiting to see if Corbyn or Ka made it out. To the General's relief Corbyn walked out of the woods unharmed. The general walk to over to him to embrace him as a brother. As the gernal went to hug him Corbyn drove his sword into the General heart and a look of surprise and shock crossed the gernal face. The betral was complete

The town might have been betrayed, but the Arthos, Gerenal, and Nelkie was used to further Corbyn's evil goals with out knowing what was truely going on and that they where serving evil. I'm still realling from the knowledge.

Ohh, and the NPC's where great to keep this a secert for so long. It just tells you how dedicated the NPC staff is.

So Vince, when are you going to start teaching people how to be evil?

I believe Adam summed it up well

Larp's arn't meant to be won, but Vince, you did just that, you won.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:54 pm
by dier_cire
Saturday night is good but anything memoriable from the event is what I'm thinking.

For me:

I'll just start from the beginning (since this was one of my favorite events)

Friday night, Corbyn, Kidwynn and I (note that for most of the event I had Kidwynn on my hip to ensure I knew what she was doing) walk down to the inn and Corbyn finds that donovan is going over the Caldonian battle and calls me in. I try to add some input but only as an attempt to get full knowledge of what was going to happen. Course, they need to tell a scout where the battle will really take place. So I offer Kidwynn since she is our most qualified. Later we learn that the Lizardman and Beastman encampments plan to help as well. Of course, all this info is then funneled straight to the elves. :)

Saturday with Roland was an absolute blast. We spent hours going over battle strategy for the evening battle. I had planned it a few monthes ago and he added many great suggestions. We worked on incorporating the ones that I knew would be inconsequential, the others I would find faults and we'd move on. Other players would come in and add their input and we'd pretty much sell them on our plan.

When the battle happened, Getting people organized was some what of a chore. But once I started getting people lined up I was getting nervous. When the arcanes wanted to do their on thing, I was struggling to deal with the fact that I wanted them aiming at the door for us to reach quickly and disrupt. Fortunately, I believe it was Atrum that got them to plan for rivers of stone as I wanted. Now I was really glad no one noticed that our arcane had sat down next to a tree to cast hers as she wasn't a postion to do much than hit us.

As for the battle itself, I still will remember Veralan's face when I think three of us jumped him right after the calls as I had wanted him close so we could. You looked quite surprised. Later in the battle, I found Roland and I have to let him tell that story as only he can do it justice but "KA, it's me! what are you doing!?!?" will not be forgotten.

In the aftermath, when we all bowed for the elves, I fully expected the end and prepared myself. Then as the elves flowed past me, I knew. Meeting up with Kidwynn was, yes, bad. After that, I was off to the side of the keep when Corbyn fired on the elves and fled out the front. At that point, I again thought I was toast since I was now in the keep full of angry elves. Staying to the side I was hoping no one noticed me and as they were filing out after Corbyn, I hear "but what about the Tsunatuar"... shit. my first instinct was to do as Ka always had. "I'm a mercenary, what would you like me to do?", "find Corbyn and you'll have aplace in the elven kingdom", and out the door I went. Met up with Corbyn at the second rally point and away we went.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:45 pm
by Durgan
Here's my thoughts:

The final battle-

Character Standpoint: Awesomely done Vince, a complete blindside. Corbyn did exactly what he had to do to succeed, and I got to do exactly what I always wanted to do if I absolutely had to die- be the three and a half foot tall Guthrie dying gloriously against the odds while standing protectively over the healer's bodies. They had to chop me to pieces to get to them, because if I had to go, I wanted to go like a true Dwarf, even if I am only an honorary one.

Player Standpoint: Good god it felt a bit cheap after invesing so much effort into the buildup. I was hugely amped up to finally see our group act cohesively, and be part of an awesome sige battle, even if it meant sure death at the end (plus I really wanted to see my castle gate in action). Instead, I got to witness a Benny Hill video without the music. All those years of plotting only to end it in 5 minutes. We should have at least been allowed to fight the elves a bit, only to fall back into a pre-arranged deathtrap in the keep- Corbyn's spell could have easily worked as well in there as outside. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but being out-of-game for lack of anything better to do at 9pm on Sat makes me feel like I got half a weekend, honestly.

If I could have witnessed a glorious battle at 2 in the morning, even dying at the end, I would have been happy as a clam.

Also, I had a real problem with the rampant out-of-game in this event. I don't know if everyone feels the same, but literally, I felt the only place I could find to have fun roleplaying as Durgan was to leave the inn to hang out with the Order members in the castle, even being the bad guys they turned out to be. I'll bet more than 50% of the time I was personally at the inn, everyone was completely out of game. (Almost) all the other times were centered around the in-game beginning of combat plots, and I got tired of feeling that I was only deemed important to the fighting because I was an extra body.

Only a few characters at the inn really seemed like they were putting forth maximum effort. Hell, even I actually got yelled at by Voralen because I lapsed into an OOG conversation when I should have been seriously listening to Maximus.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:28 pm
by JOAT25
Well, I survived and I got a fire elemental out of the deal. Don't suppose I can ask for much more than that.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:44 am
by General Maximus
I have a couple great roleplaying scenes I like at this event.

1. I loved seeing Mike's face as I convinced Atrum to give the ring to Corbyn for research. Mike's eye's where screaming don't do it, but I was able to convince most of the Atrum and the PC's in the group to give the ring to Corbyn so he could research how to use it and only at as a last resort to put the ring on Roberts finger. That was a great RP moment for me.

2. The other one was when the elf's tried to kill the people who helped Corbyn. I knew I had to escape and fortunely the only thing between me and escape was a unguarded door. I applogize for any damage I did to the door, but I did not have time to open it gentaly. It was nice to see all the PC's who where killed chasing after me as angry elves. I figured this was their chance for revenge and be totaly ingame. By luck I was able to escape the elves, to be only killed by the one I served.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:56 am
by GM-Mike
Well I had a great time! Being able to play Gol during the battle and thereafter was an amazing experience and my thanks to the players who role played their hearts out. It was awesome.

Congrats Vince. I have to say, every event for the past two years there was at least one attempt to trip him up and he never flinched. This event we threw the kitchen sink at him and, while I think he may have flinched once or twice finally, he still masterfully thwarted us at every turn by spinning, lying, persuading, fighting, etc. He definitely earned this one. There is a great sense of relief I think that this is finally out in the open and we can begin sharing all of the wonderful exploits he was a part of that we had to keep secret all this time. Again, congrats to Vince et al and great job everyone for a great gaming experience.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:00 pm
by dier_cire
so what was Gol's experience like? I sorta saw what happened but what was in his head was probably twice as cool. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:19 pm
by GM_Chris
I have a GREAT expience that happened 2 events ago.

So tree man was popping around invincible and invisable and he wandered into the inn. NO one remembered tree man, but yet, like always, Vince immedeatly says "Tree man?" ofcoruse I tell him that I am after the strong man. Vince never saw it comming and was concered. I mean if the tree man points out the strongman then PC's might end up gankig him.

The funny thing was he never witnessed the fact that tree man was invincible since that happened on the trail and he figured, like all of you did, that he was out of his gord. (hehe tree man..gord)

Anyways, we walk outside and he stun strikes me and dags me behnd some bushes. He stands over me and killing blows me only for me to tell him. NO NO I really am invincible. Right then players come out the door asking for him while I am lieing on the ground at his feet. The players do not see me and Corbyn tells them all to go inside he is busy and they leave. He then ties me up, then unties me. Then wakes me up and tells me I was attacked by the strongman. Treeman being an idiot he believes him.

Oh but I was not done. I show up the next day to tell me tail to the Donnovan, Atrum, Corbyn, and who else...the strongman all sitting around the table talking. Vince goes white as I tell the tale of being knocked out when I was alone with Vince, but I make a comment about drinking today so I was blown off.

Oh the sorrow that is Treeman.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:24 pm
by Atrum Draconus
I have to say that Corbyn pulled off what Atrum came to Haven to do. convince everyone, or atleast most people, that he wasn't a bad guy and lull them into submission and becoming part of Dragonsteep. Only problem is somewhere along the way Atrum got a conscience and meeting Dallid, The original Roland, Donovan, Eilonwy and the Orcs changed him drastically. He grew from a spoiled brat that was just out to get his father more land resources for his kingdom to a believer in the human and all races spirit, in justice, and the benefits of incredible people working together for a common goal. Even if some "bad" things had to happen for that goal.

I, if anyone should have seen the writing on the wall, with as many times as Corbyn and I shared the phrase "Atrum\Corbyn and I understand each other" early on. But I have to say I was completely snowed after about 4 years. Saturday night as he betrayed us, Atrum was kicking himself for not seeing it earlier. As we fought our way out the entire time all sorts of now obvious signs were going through Atrum's head. Atrum never truly trusted Corbyn, but he certainly did believe that he had Haven's survival and prosperity at heart.

I wish there was some way to film some of the events that happened Sat night after "the initial escape". Atrum and Seth sitting in a dank hidey hole contemplating what to do, thinking they were the only survivors and deciding to Butch and Sundace it, luckily finding Gol and Esmerelda, going back to get Esmerelda from my hidey hole, the stand off when that idiot (Only Atrums IG opinion, not a slight on the player) wouldn't let Galen and Mohdri in. Quen's confusion and despair that seemed to disappear when he finally decided what he was going to do, Gol channeling vengeful spirits, Ren and Atrums blood oath, Engram... well...being Engram, actual tears as we slunk away from a shattered dream.

I'm sure alot of people had the same types of experiences, I can't even begin to explain how my emotions ran the gamut that night. From the despair and sense of failure at losing everyone except Seth that Atrum ever cared about outside of his home. The agony of watching friends, lovers and people that had put their faith in him cut down and being forced to leave one of the people he cared about most lying presumably dead on the steps of a battlement. The overwhelming feeling of cowardice as he ran from the screams of the people he had sworn to give his all to protect dying. The strange elation at seeing Esmerelda, who he didn't even realize until that moment that he did indeed care for her a great deal more than he thought he normally should. The sense of unbelievable guilt at the thought of Vaun lying on the steps of that battlement and his trying to keep some distance between he and Esmerelda after leading her by the hand back to the others. The guilt at not consoling her like he felt like he should when she and Gol were crying. The unbelievable anger at Corbyn, Ka and Maximus, the immense feeling of betrayal and wondering just how many people of Corbyn's order were in on it, especially Kidwynn.

I have to say, that as far as being in the moment, having that immersion through emotion, this event rivaled the first FH event, my first LARPing experience and the reason I got hooked.

I love all you bastages for letting me be a part of a great story, even Ried. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:41 pm
by cole45
I'm going to post.

Friday night started with a bang. At first it seemed like it was going a little slowly. Then Delaine approached Sen. That started everything for us.

Ren,Engram,Sen, Laura,Lillith, Revnal, all got together and decided to help delayne at any cost.

Sen went with Delayne to the keep to get info on Cardian fields. Esmerelda shared info with us hand over fist. Corbyn said he would not. That sealed our acts for the rest of the event.

We went to the dark elf cave, using guise of the elf potions. We basically walked in, took the bell piece, and then walked out. (we had to fight about 6 guys. thank Ingram for the wheelbarrow.)

We stashed the piece.

Next morning, we gathered for the cardian fields plot. We rammed it home with a huge group, and got that piece. Now the Keep had 2 pieces. we knew Corbyn did NOT to give up the bell. So Delayne talked corbyn and Alric into giving the two pieces to the dwarves, and keeping the other two.

Right after that plot, we went with alric to get the third piece. With everyones help we solved that damn math puzzle. Thanks to revnal for tanking.

Alric wanted to bring the piece BACK to the kepp FIRST. Ingram talked him out of it by saying we HAD to pass though the gate and they weren't going to let go. so he did.

Then the grouop of us, took the last bell piece, to the dwarves. We stayed there and had to wait 8 hours to have it finished. We waited, expecting a show down when Corbyn came to call, knowing we had the bell.

We watch as night fell and corbyn backed down.

We couldn't bring the bell in for 8 hours after it was constructed. That put it in at 10pm.

We npced until then, and had to watch the fight pc to pc as npcs. That was the hardest thing I have ever seen. we bailed, and then brought the bell out, and used it. (almost showing down with other groups.)

The bell worked, but corbyn had that damn box, which we had thought WE had. Sen's last attempt to kill them failed, and he ran of only to be run down and killed in the road. Corbyn got his dragon back, the bell vanished, and that was that.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:37 pm
by Kalphoenix
Considering Delayne is NOT a sneaky person and didn't want to do anything behind people's backs, the deal with the bell was hard. She tried to never lie and never hid her feelings or opinions. In the end, that wasn't enough.

She knew Aueric was an honorable person as well, and she was honest with her opinions and reasons from the forefront. He was torn and it made for some great roleplaying. As much as I could without outright saying "This will happen" she remembered she had told him about once when she had to make a difficult decision. So she reminded him of that and said "Once upon a time, I too had to make a difficult decision when sometimes there is no right answer. In the end, the decision was taken out of my hands."

Seeing Don Mayo who was one of the FIRST people in FH that Delayne ever met was very appropriate...he was probably the last PC I spoke to as well, was very awesome. My first event he berated me for not having a weapon and the last thing he said to me was (Sorry if I misquote you here, Soco) was that he was glad I had remembered to bring a sword.