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Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:02 am
by cole45
I just want to say nice JOB!

GMs you guys did an amazing job of managing a crazy number of pcs with cross purposes. Very well done. (even if I did grumble more than my fair share.) It's not easy to watch and direct that many people.


Nice Job. Bastard. Evil, amazing bastard. I think you could sell ice to eskamos.

everyone that lived. Good job!

Everyone that died. Great Job. It took balls to try to stand off, and it was cool

anyway, i'm to bed due tot he pain from an injury sustained when I joined the ranks of the dead.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:57 am
by dier_cire
Dammit, you stole my thunder!

I brought my computer with my wireless card to the event just so I could ask the "so what did everyone think?" first. :)

Kudos to Vincent. Keeping that much info that secret from everyone for so long is just truly an amazing accomplishment. I was happy to be a minor player in the end.

*gallops off into the sunset with his dragonesqe rider*

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:44 am
by Wyrmwrath
Vince...impressive execution of your plans

Everyone else that thought he wasnt an evil, backstabbing, manipulative bastard....

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:15 am
by Kalphoenix
For all these people who want to say now "I knew it all along," nice try. :?

If you didn't do anything about it, then you obviously didn't think it was as big an issue as some of the other characters who were actually trying to do something about it did...

In any case, from all events that were orchestrated from a PC side, well-played.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:06 pm
by Sheogorath
I just have to say:

Holy Fuck....

(Not mad at anyone, just basically in awe of what happened)

Both becasue I am new and wasn't in the loop I did not see that coming...

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:26 pm
by RenLightfoot
I have two words describing this event from my perspective....

Oh My God

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:38 pm
by Kidwynn
All I have to say for now...

Vince you are the man.

I'll post more later butt damn....

BTW Mike Gaul coming in and getting Esmerelda and Gabriel out...that was very cool!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:31 pm
by Onimaster
The Night of Burning Skulls...

Man, that was quite the crescendo moment. Well played, and thanks for letting us throw stuff at'cha. :lol:

Maybe next time Shale says someone is evil, and doing evil deeds someone will listen to him. Oh well, at least I accomplished my quest to save King Addison, woot! Before the event I thought Donovan was gonna cut me down in his office. The Black Phoenix rides again!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:06 pm
by Onyksi Rin'oviryn
From what I could see, I have to applaud all of those who lost their characters. Everyone handled it in a very mature way.

It's unfortunate for the new characters who weren't involved in any of this to have to get caught up in it. They weren't around for the development, and I don't believe they should have had to pay for it.

I, for one, even though a small group of us were plotting to kill Corbyn the last event I attended, was extremely shocked. I had no idea. Even the NPC's who were playing the elves had no idea. We were all standing outside the gate laughing thinking that someone screwed up while throwing the packet. A lot of us didn't even hit anyone, because we didn't know who to hit.

Regardless, I'm very excited to see where this puts the game next year.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:40 pm
by Esmerelda
All around it was an AWESOME game! From the many chip draws on Friday night the grand finale on Saturday, it was well done. And Kudos to Reid for actually having to role play at an event!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:32 pm
by Kidwynn
Yes, absolutely props to Reid for the role playing.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:37 pm
by NewGuy
I died four times (two permadeaths) and was disappointed that I didn't die more. (or at least permadie each time, although I could have refused res, I know). I spent a lot of time on the table being resed. I went on every plot I came across, and had a blast. I thought the wipe was awesome, but being that I was a lvl 0 who didn't know ANY of the back-ground, that's a skewed opinion.

Great Game!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:37 pm
by Torakhan
I gotta say I had a great time this event.

Though it didn't go down the way I expected, the event ended about the time I was expecting. I figured the Elven army would just decimate everyone by 8, with the stragglers "cleaned up" by 9.

When I heard "Corbyn betrayed us all." I got the impression that this wasn't just a "Corbyn went along with it all", but rather "Corbyn has done this to us.". That made me feel really good because this big impending doom was player created more than just GM created.

What RP there was for me was intense. The last moments of Quen in the Lodge as it burned was sickening to me as I replayed Quen's life and memories. Envisioning what was happening to him when nobody else had any idea was phenomenal... I'll be writing up that whole scene from Quen's perspective soon. I wonder... was that last moment for other people just as enlightening? Did it really frame "Who was my character" when it all went down?

Now... as everything went down, I know that there were perceived issues. Self-preservation OOC may have factored (whether consciously or subconsciously) to actions that allowed some folks to either get away or live longer. Even with the number of NPC players available, there weren't enough to represent exactly the number of individuals who were there, creating some confusion AND also delaying some scenes while others while others were still going at full-speed.
Was there some fudging by the GMs to alter scenes so that they could still get certain events to happen? Was there some misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and other issues? Probably... but for everything that happened in the next 30 minutes, I think it was handled pretty well over-all.

The only reason I attended this event was to finish Quen's story. The end of Quen was not one of the two options I had envisioned... But I'm glad that his story is over (for all intents and purposes.)

Over all, the event was fun and from asking everyone I talked to, I think most people walk away feeling mostly good about the event. I know I had fun (even if I was rudely brought back to life for the last half-hour! Heehee.)

I hope that folks had fun afterwards. And, to be honest, a decent bed was what I needed. I tried to pick up everything that I could find that was mine, or that was in my area. If I missed anything, I'm sorry about that.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:45 pm
by Durgan
Actually, I was told by several people in the know that if Corbyn hadn't betrayed us, the Elves would have had a really hard fight on their hands. I know at least one GM was very sure that there was going to be a good solid seige battle, and was completely taken aback by how fast it ended. Supposedly, a siege could have been entirely winnable by the Havenites. (Or at least have seen gallons of Elven bloodshed)

As for how I died, yeah, it sucked just like with anyone else. I was so new I never even got to have a full experience (especially at this last event, I never got to do anything fulfilling with Durgan other than being a damn stick-jockey). But I liked how it had to do down. I basically stood above the bodies of the healers in the keep, stuck my little chin out, and forced them to hack their way through me to get to them. Dugan constantly talked about being a Dwarf even thogh he was a guthrie, and I wanted to go out damned honorably, like any Fellhammer would want to.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:17 am
by GM_Chris
"Was there some fudging by the GMs to alter scenes so that they could still get certain events to happen?"

Actually not that I know of. We were pushing pretty hard to kill Corbyn, but it never happened. :)