Ren enters cautiosly

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Ren enters cautiosly

Post by RenLightfoot »

**Ren limps into the inn looking around cautiously and uncharacteristicly walks straight to Donovan's office without stopping to say hi to friends or even hit on any women. He knocks on Donovan's door.**
"Sir, may I have a moment of your time please?"
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"
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Donovan Thynedar
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*The door opens and Ren is greeted by Addison. The boy is dressed in leather armor and carries a wooden sword. Donovan can be seen seated at his desk with his quill in one hand and a matching wooden sword in the other.*

"Hullo Ren!" Addison exclaims as he falls into a fighting stance. "Sir Donavan and me were just practisin'! You wanna play?"

*Addison eyes Ren carefully, briefly looking very serious for a seven-year-old. Just when he looks ready to strike Donovan reaches out with his wooden sword and pokes him in the back. Squealing in protest, the young prince whirls around and launches into a rapid fire series of attacks. Donovan parries them all without looking up from his journal, and Ren can see a hint of a smile on Donovan's face.*

"That's not fair!" Addison says, laughing. "You cheated!"

"You took your eyes off of your opponent, your Highness," Donovan responds, a warm smile spreading across his face. "But you'll have your vengance later. For now, Ren and I have some things to discuss."

*Donovan hands Addison the other wooden sword and gives him sly grin.*

"Besides, you know what time it is, don't you?" Donovan asks.

*Addison thinks for a moment, looks at the swords, and then leaps for the door.*

"Time to wake up Sir Voralen!" the child cries with mischeif in in eyes.

"Bingo," Donovan responds playfully. "Go get him."

*As Addison runs out of the room Donovan gestures for Ren to enter. A few moments later a startled shout can be heard followed by the sound of wood banging on a steel breastplate. Donovan laughs openly.*

"Welcome back, Ren," the Preceptor says. "What's on your mind?"
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by RenLightfoot »

"I'm sorry sir but this is for your ears only"
**closes the door to block out any prying ears**
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"