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SPOILERS Want to Discuss Harry Potter Book 7 SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:45 pm
by Lambic
I finished today and really want to discuss it but I don't know anyone here. Also the comments on the fan sites so far have been a little to immature for my taste.

So anyone else done and want to talk about?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:50 pm
by Dia Kuni
Sure...I actually read it before it came out on shelves soo....yeah. I've been wanted to discuss things for a WHILE now.

^_^ Whatcha wanna talk about?


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:51 pm
by Esmerelda
I statred reading it on Friday night at 11:30 and had it done by 10:15 last night! And yes, I did get sleep and do other things in the interim. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! So, what did you think? I liked all the Snape / Lily stuff. I couldn't belive how high the death count was in this book. But it bad situations like that, unfortunately lots of the good guys do tend to die. It's too bad there's no ressurection spells in Harry Potter..

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:23 am
by Dia Kuni
Believe it or not, I guess all that Lilly/Snape stuff back at Book 3, especially after I realized that Lilly was the only person who seemed to care about/defend Snape against James and Sirius. I called a lot of the stuff back before Book 5, although, I think it was a given that Harry had to die FIRST...they even made it clear in Book 5 and 6.

I do feel bad about Lupin...I really loved the whole Tonks/Lupin love dilemma and I was hoping to see that overcome and last...especially since Tonks' love despite his "werewolf problem" is NOT very common in fantasy books at all. That kinda upset me. You?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:42 am
by WayneO42
I started it at about 2:00 PM on Sunday and finished at 3:00 AM this morning. I would have finished sooner but work got in the way. Overall I loved the book.

Of all the deaths in the book, I was most upset by Tonks' demise. She was my favorite character. I want to have her babies :)

I thought the whole "Draco being the master of the Elder Wand" at the end was a bit conviluded. I did like how they showed that evil turns on itself though (Narcissa betraying Voldemort).


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:43 am
by Lambic
Over all I really enjoyed it. There were several things that weren't explained as clearly as I would've liked (the sword coming to Neville, Ron opening the chamber of secrets, Harry and Riddle were related?) and I was kinda hoping I was wrong about a couple of things (RAB seemed to easy, Snape killing Albus, Snape loving Lilly) but she twisted most of those enough to satisfy me.

It almost seemed like the end was a little rushed. I would've liked to know more about who died and I would've like the other races to show up a little sooner and have a bigger role.

I loved the doe patronus and Dobbie coming to the rescue. Also all of the stuff with the wands and the Deathly Hallows being real.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:47 am
by Lambic
Tonks and Lupin dieing was definitely the worse deaths, but Fred came in a close second. I say this because to leave one twin is way worse then killing them both.

The Draco/Elder Wand could've been way clearer, I agree. Not sure how she would've written that away without giving it away though.

I started reading at 1AM Saturday morning and finished yesterday morning. But I had to unpack boxes with my wife all morning, plus I didn't want to go too fast.

We went to the 12:01 Release at the local Borders and a SCA person gave me a wristband so I could buy the book waaaay earlier. She noticed my kilt, kids, and last group wrist band.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:01 am
by GM_Chris
I had it Done Sunday and I should have made this post.

The Lily Snape thing I knew about as well and was teh reason I knew Snape was helping the Order. The books have all been about how love conquers all in the end and for that reason I knew Dombledore trusted Snape.

I was not exactly sure if Harry was a Horcrux because I knew she rewrote the ending. I figured she orginally wanted to kill Harry, but changed her mind. I figured if he was a Horcrux then he would have to die. Unfortunatly, I think she did change the end, but used some foggy metaphysics to get him out of being a horcrux so she could keep him alive.

I was surprised how Snape died. I knew he was a goner, but thought he would die by killing Voldermort for Harry or perhaps take a killing blow for him so when he died like a bitch it threw me for a loop.

I figured that Hagrid was safe because he has turned into scenery as the books progressed, kinda like the school. Since I knew she was keeping the school I figured she was keeping Hagrid. I will admit that after he fell I was not positive.

Overall a great book and a good ending to the series. There were a couple times I doubted my theories slightly, but I never read the books for the mystery, since IMO she is not subtle about the plots. I read the books because I always enjoy the hero's journy. How do these kids grow, what do they become, and how they choose to be better.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:08 pm
by GM-Mike
I just wanted to give my thumbs up as well. A very good read, very exciting, that bogs down a little bit about a third of the way through. I thought she could have trimmed a hundred pages from there and maybe have added thirty pages to the battle at the end, again with other races coming into play.

I knew Hagrid was safe by the tenth time she hinted at him possibly dying. I have to say, it is his storyline I am most disappointed with, especially with them cutting his big scene out of the latest movie. I just wanted him to do...something...anything...besides be carried off by spiders and cry. I felt she short changed him and didn't give him the respect he deserves.

That said, love the Neville stuff--only a true Griffendore could pull that sword out of the hat, love the Harry/Hermione/Ron journey/love the tension and suspense. Overall, very happy with the ending.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:38 pm
by Esmerelda
I think Tonks and Lupin both had to die if one was going to. It set up a nice little reminder of the past with Teddy becoming like Harry and leaving Harry to take on the more grown up role of the godfather /Sirius. Adn yes, I think killing one twin and leaving the other was very cruel. Especially given my character's situation at FH. Esmerelda would be lost without Aurikl. The Epilogue was nice, but it didn't cover everyone I would have liked it to, Fred included. I liked the way snape died. Yes, he did love Lily, but he still was an evil bastard. He just managed to hang on to a little bit of decency in the end. I also like that Dumbledore was a lot more "The ends justify the means" in this book. It was hinted at before, but I like the fact that he comes across as a lot mroe human in this book with as many faults as the rest of us. My favorite line is "Of course it it happening inside you head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

What do you think the thing was under the seat at the Deathly Hallow? I'd like to assume it was Voldemort, but for some reason I can't say that I'm certain about that...

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:31 pm
by GM_Chris
Well I am unsure if Dom is really a means justify the ends type of guy. I think he use to be that way, and he still has a weakness for power. What Dom does though is choose to be better. He chooses to be the good guy and fight his temptations.

As for the thing under teh seat I thought there were more than 1. I believe each represents a piece of his soul that has died or if I read it wrong I would assume it is the piece of soul that was stuck inside Harry.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:21 am
by Lambic
Although I like the scene at King's Crossing, it was a little hokey with the fog and stuff. From reading interviews and other peoples interps (yeah I'm that kind of nerd) I would say you are right that it is Voldemort (or maybe more accurately Riddle). My interp: He and Harry's souls are so tangled that when Harry goes to die it pulls Riddle along with him. Which is not to say that if Harry had chosen to not fight (like that would've happened) Riddle would've died too, but maybe.

I think Hagrid was too much of a warrior and not enough of a plotter to continue to be a main character as we went into war times. Plus a lot of his plots that we are used to would've distracted a lot, all of the fantastic beasts and what not.

Dumbledore became more human and that was great. And although I was sure from the when she started to introduce his back ground and family that it was going to be shady with a sudden turn around, I didn't know exactly what to expect. The connection to Grendelwald was nice but I would've like more info on him.

Allowing Neville to come into his own was great. Although again I would've loved to hear more about what he did at Hogwarts but it might have been like rehashing book 5. But to have him be a threat at the end, the other boy that could've been prophecized about, was excellent. The sword out of the hat was kinda lame with out more explanation, IMHO.

I kind of like Snape going out like a bitch. It made up for him being so much of a prick but she could've dedicated a couple of more pages to it. I would've preferred that the memories where already in the Pensive instead of leaking out of him as he died.

I loved the book overall. I guess my problem with it was I was left wanting more. More of almost everything, except the necessarily slow part in the middle of "we camped here and then moved and camped and moved and ..."

I've like the books for a couple of reasons. The hero's journey is one (thanks for putting it that was Chris). The world really was different and I liked it. Being able to share it with my kids and my family (my wife is only starting to get into fantasy). What it did for the kids reading is great and it kind made it cool/ok to be a fantasy geek. Plus who can't get behind Jo making it, her life has turned into a bit of a fantasy as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:01 am
by GM-Mike
See I think the fact that Hagrid is a warrior makes it all the more perplexing that he was given absolutely nothing to do during the war. I mean, kill something, anything. I had thought that she was going to kill him prior to reading the book, and I still think that she should have. Regardless, book 5 made it clear that he has some mad skill that simply was not on display during the big battle.

At any rate, it's a small gripe for an otherwise great book. I agree with you about getting kids to read as well. For one week, kids everywhere have turned off the televisions and put down the video games to read a book. It may be the last book they read but hey, at least they had that experience :lol:


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:22 am
by Torakhan
I haven't read the book (and I'm 98% sure I never will), but I looked up the Wiki for the plot points. ;)

What do you think about the "she changed the ending" thing.
Who would like to read how the book was originally supposed to end? Should it be made available if it's true? Is it a shame that the artist changed the story for the readers, or should the readers be damned so that the artist can write what they want to write?

And if said rumor is true, maybe they'll use her "original" ending in the last movie and throw all of the fans for a loop. *laughs*

To quote Violator from the Spawn cartoon, "That's not in the f***ing script!"

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:33 am
by Lambic
I had a awesome moment on Saturday morning at about 3AM realizing that there were millions of other people (boys and girls), ages 8 - 60 (maybe older and younger) who were also reading the same book at that same moment across the entire world. AWESOME!