Seeking Atrum

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Seeking Atrum

Post by Eilonwy »

Entering the inn, Eilonwy casts a weary glance about the room. The blue eyes have a stormy cast to them, moisture pooled and lingering around the edges. The young sage's expression is obviously of quiet distress.

Soft and somewhat numbly "Has anyone seen aught of Atrum...?"
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Post by Smitty19 »

*Voralen looks up from the corner he is scanning over text and tome of battles, and history

"I am sorry Eilonwy, I myself have not seen him since he retired for last evening."

*Voralen smiles at her

"But be rest assured im sure he will be along soon."

*Motions her to sit

"You may wait for him here if you wish"
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Post by Eilonwy »

*Gives Voralen a look of gratitude and sits down, leaning the staff against the wall, arms folded on the table and chin resting on them, staring at nothing*
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Post by Smitty19 »

*Voralen looks her over

"You seem to carry much more than the world upon your shoulders today Eilonwy, even more so that usual?"

*Voralen looks at her with concern

"Do you need anything such as food, or drink, those I can help with."
Serith Darkheart

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum walks through the door on shaky legs. It's pretty obvious that he's pretty drunk and hasn't slept. He flops down in the first chair he comes to and doesn't seem to notice any of the goings on*
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Walking in not nearly as drunk and with a mischeviously grin on her face following behind Atrum, she's a little wobbly, but that's normal for Kidwynn from time to time.*

*She looks over at Atrum*

I warned you that rum has a bit of a kick luv.
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Post by Eilonwy »

*nods to Voralen's first question without looking up, then smiles sadly at the second*

"No. Thank you. What I need is not here..."

*the shining white head lifts for a moment as Atrum enters, but seeing his state, there is hesitation*
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Post by Slisk »

Once more Slisk found himself without orders to carry out, but this time he was happy for it. For the first time in more than a decade, there was something he, himself, was determined to do.

The words of his Drillmaster echoed in his ears as he strode purposefully toward the Inn. A weapon that thinks for itself is more a liability than an asset! But he found himself caring less and less. Without commanders constantly telling him what to do, Slisk had been experiencing the taste of independent thought a lot, lately, and found it to his liking.

He burst into the Inn and addressed all who were there.

“The barbarian lizzzardfolk from the nearby village have not returned sssince fleeing the black ssslime that onccce consssumed their land. I intend to find them. Who else would share in thisss quessst? A Legion Detachment would include Ssscoutsss to find our way and replenish our rationsss, Ssskirmishersss for defenssse and attack, Mysticsss for support, Ssseersss for guidanccce and a Warchief for direction and purpossse.”

“But thisss Ssskirmisher will go regardlesss of detachment composssition. Who will go with me?”
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Post by Lady »

Gracefully the lady stands up and puts her gloves on her hands. You have my magic good friend. I will get Shea for healing and crafting. With a start back she head out the door, stop looks back to Slisk I will be rate back with Shea.
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum seems to snap into the here and now when Slisk bangs open the Inn door, his hand reflexively going toward one of the shortswords that poke out at his hip. He scans the room quickly his gaze landing on Eilonwy and he walks over to where she sits. He engulfs her in a hug*

Please make sure all of his things are gathered here, we will hold his funeral in traditional dwarven fashion next moon. *He smiles an extremely weak and pathetic smile* We have to remember that he has passed into the Hall, what every honorable dwarf seeks. It may have come too soon, but we have no say in those matters. I have many things to see to, but I want to make sure that his things are taken care of. I know that you can and will make this so, I trust noone more to do so.

*He hugs her again and turns to Slisk*

I have to go around and talk to all of Haven's allies and contacts to assure them that we are as strong as ever even if leadership has passed hands. Part of this trek will be to find the remaining lizard men and assure them it is safe to return to their home. In the coming moons Haven will need all of them, the beast men, the dopplegangers, the lizard men, the fishing village, the mining town, the dark elves. We may need all of their help in the near future and at the least I want to reassure them that we are still here for them if need be.
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Post by Eilonwy »

*the head turns to Slisk as he enters, listening to his proposal; when Atrum walks over the blue eyes fill with moisture but no tears fall; there is a squeeze in return then a nod*

Softly, "Yes... I tried to seek him through the dreaming..." the eyes lower to look at the hammer clutched in one hand, "He was too far away..."

Taking a deep breath, "Where was he keeping his possessions that I might retrieve and guard them? I must go to the I'Shana soon. Will that be alright? Am I needed on this venture?"
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn look at Atrum*

Well, I'm headin' with ya everywhere but one place and there I'll wait for you outside the boundries of that place.

Besides, you all need a scout and well you know I am one.
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Post by Sunny »

“I will help as needed,” came a cold and breathy voice. How she had entered to silently, few could guess, but there was Vaun, icy and pale as ever, though with a great black cloak about her shoulders despite the heat. Her features were hidden in the darkness of the cowl. “I found the dwarf less than troublesome.” Coming from this particular woman, that was like her saying she really liked him.

It was more than unusual to see her about in the daytime. And unheard of for her to be in Haven if the temperature was anything above freezing. But, there she was. She regarded Atrum for a very long time. Softly she said, with an unbelievable level of care and gentility, “I am sorry for thy loss, for I feel it keenly from thee. I heard thy call, and so here I am.”

Her strange amethyst gaze slipped over to Eilonwy’s face and her own softened, if just a little. She raised a black gloved hand and caressed the child’s cheek. “Do not mourn, little one. That which is ordained to be has come to pass. Fate is served. The warrior would not wish it, this thou doth know.” As odd as it was, it seemed Vaun was doing her best to comfort the Seer.

The softness fell away and the elven looking Valkin’vi woman returned her gaze to Atrum. “The winds carry word that my enemies are at work here, and that a storm of blood draws neigh.” A chilling smile pulled at her black painted lips. “Is the battle met at last then? If so, I shall see if my folk can be marshaled. They interfere not in the affairs of the Haven, but for this they just might. They are not many, but skilled in subtlety. Thou know their power of form shifting. It may come in useful to thee.”
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Post by Slisk »

Slicks nods to Rosamund as she departed. Wise, indeed, were the mystics – this one foreseeing the need for crafting and the healing of soft-skins.

He then snaps to attention facing Atrum. “Then thisss one will accompany you in thisss tasssk. A misssion of diplomacccy and exploration to rally Haven’sss alliesss and find the barbariansss. I am ready to depart at onccce and will await outssside.”

But as he turns to leave, he hears Vaun’s words, and bares his fangs in a vicious smile. “The enemy comesss in a Ssstorm of Blood. Then I shall ensssure thisss Ssstorm hasss plenty of rain.”
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum hands Eilonwy a key*
That is to the cell over there, that is where he kept his things. If you can gather whatever anyone in town may have of his including the bones believed to be his and place them in there. They should be safe there. As long as that is done by the next moon, of course your time is your own.

*Atrum smiles to Kidwynn*

*When Vauns voice is heard a wicked smile crosses his face as he turns*
And where were you this past eve? I certainly expected to see you on a stormy night. I even walked off into the woods alone to a certain spot, even at the protests of Kidwynn and Sethreal. I actually would like for you to accompany me on this trek with one of the shapeshifters if at all possible. As well as Burke, one of the healer druids, Nuk or Shale if either is seen in the next day, Jade or Spike as I have yet to meet the one called Onyx. I would like to have a representative sampling of the diversity of the Haven. A diverse company will speak volumes to those we may encounter that we do not know along the way. I want everyone to know that all peoples are welcome in Haven.

The elves will have to wait a short while, there are more pressing matters to deal with but yes, they chose to provoke us. Until now they haven't done anything directly against Haven that I know of. But ALL and I stress ALL that think they can take what is rightfully ours without reprecussion will learn diffferently.

*Seeing what only he can discern as disappointment on Vauns cool features he laughs slightly and walks close to her and touches her face*
Don't worry Storm Princess, you will have the chance to release your wrath soon enough.

Slisk, we shall depart on the morrow at dawn, not only must I sober myself but there are a couple of things I need to make sure are taken care of before our departure.

*Turns to Donovan*
We must speak in private of the status of a few things before I depart.
Atrum Draconus
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