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A sad day

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:03 am
by Atrum Draconus
*Atrum climbs on top of the fireplace mantle and with his old hammer that he never uses anymore and pounds 4 nails into the stone. He sets Dallid's sword on the top 2 and and hangs his shield on the bottom 2 and turns.*

His light may hav been quelled but it will never die.

*Jumps down and walks away*

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:45 pm
by Indira Al'Estrella
Watching Atrum make his tribute, Indira unrolls a piece of parchment and places it on the mantel near the sword and shield.

Softly she says, "My mother spake this mantra for those we had lost in the caves. I speak it for Havenites lost now. Not only the wel-known and loved, but those we had not know well yet."

The parchment reads:

Seven sisters way up high,
Seven sisters dancing by.
Seven tides the wind did blow,
Seven loves my heart did know.

When does the night release those lost?
When does the sword exact its cost?
When did you hear an anguished cry,
When did the earth release a sigh?

Tonight, tonight, oh way up high,
You will see them dancing by.
Gathering tide and wind to blow,
Gathering love, my heart did know.
Gathering thy released ones lost,
Gathering those who paid the cost,
Gathering those, the sword did toss.

Listen to my anguished cry,
As seven sisters go dancing by.
Listen to the earth’s own sigh,
Sending sisters way up high.

-Indira Al’Estrella-

I do not know where it comes from, perhaps the stars told her. But it was said at each pyre.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:16 pm
by Donmayo
OOG (please note that I (donmayo) physically took Dallid's sword (phys rep) down from the mantel before we went to the "creation" plot, and spent the night with it. Then the portal plot occured, and I jumped thru. It was very obviously on my hip. After I took it down I placed the phys rep oog so as not to harm doug's gear, but told several people the blue phys rep I carried was his blade.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:08 pm
by Eilonwy
*Looking up at the shield, singing in a barely audible voice*

"Always before, the spring returned.
The bright world in its cycle spun,
In air and flower, tree and fern
Warmed and cradled by the sun.

Always before thee could explain
The turning darkness of the earth
And how that dark embraced the rain
And gave the ferns and flowers birth.

Never shall I forget these things
And how a vein of gold survives
The mining of a thousand springs
The seasons of a thousand lives.

Now winter, my memory...
Now autumn now the fading light...
For every spring, from now will be
Another season into night.

Another season into night...
Another season into night..."

*She pauses for a moment, then says softly*

"But thy light will still guide, Shining One. Good Journey to thee...."

*With that she takes the melody, still being hummed gently, outside to the land he loved...*

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:51 pm
by Lambic
**Behind the bar Lambic starts pouring drinks, making sure that everyone who has one gets one, before people start toasting.**

His words spoke as loudly as his actions. He was a beacon in the Darkness and he saved me and the people I care about's asses more times that I can count. He was a true champion of Phantera. I don't think he would consider anything higher praise.

*With this he raises his horn and takes a drink.**

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:02 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
*His soul briefly escaping Cocytus, Claude laments not for what he had done, but for the loss of one that he looked upon as a walking embodiment of the Light. He wails and weeps silently wondering if the loss of Dallid weakened his own resolve. As suddenly as his presence was felt it is ripped away... thrown back into the frigid pit of despair that is now his home*

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:52 pm
by Sethreal
*Sethreal toastes with Lambic and then walks to the mantle and goes to one knee.*

"You were more then a friend. You were the light that led me through our darkest days, and pulled me from death countless times. Thank you."

*With that said Seth rises and leaves the Inn.*

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:09 pm
by Ogrom
(Ogrom walks to the mantle bows to one knee and then wispers a few words he then kneels and lowers his head and sheads some tears
None even in his most trusted councle has ever seen him shead a tear for any fallen.

Then he stands and walks to the bar to get his drink and share in the toast.)

Never in my many moons That I have lived have I ever seen such a coragus and remarkable beining as the great horned one he welcomed all of tribe with no suspition and contempt, he gave many times words that made me think on actions that I thought correct that would have been wrong but also could have been end of tribe. He also show that trust can be given before action is shown.
Even thought he was not of tribe he will be missed as one of us.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:35 pm
by Atrum Draconus
OOG: I talked to Corbyn IG about putting both above the mantle and Doug OOG about it and didn't take the phys reps down when they were put up there because I didn't want to hold on to Doug's phys reps. Doug later handed me the tags as well. Soco, I 'm sure we can work this out though.