Had Enough

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Had Enough

Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum enters the Inn, not looking very happy at all looking for Donovan and Corbyn both, if neither is in the Inn he knocks heavily on the door to the room that donovan uses as an office in the Inn.*

OOG: LOL looks Doug and I were just waiting for the same post from Mike
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan is indeed in his office, and answers the door when it is knocked on.*

"Yes? Oh, Atrum! Welcome back. Dallid too? What can I do for you? How did things go?"
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum looks over to Dallid*
This conversation has been a year coming Dallid, if you want to be privy by all means but I need to speak with both Corbyn and Donovan right away.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan tilts his head at the 'year in coming' comment and ushers Addison out of the office. Presuming Talana is around, he sends the boy to her.*

"I'm afraid I don't know where the Duke is at the moment, but I've got time to talk to you both."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

Corbyn most certainly needs to hear what I have to say but it can't wait.

Things need to change, and now. If there has been any preparation for invading armies it's isn't being shared with anyone. If Corbyn wishes to be a Duke then he needs to make these things public knowledge. We can either continue this silly stand off that started over 3 years ago or we can decide that the entire town needs to work together to survive. If things don't change and I mean now we will all die when Roderick marches his men through here. And thats only if we live through the abysma. I've sat back and waited for Corbyn to seek out any advice on anything at all from anyone outside of the Crescent Moon. Waited for him to prove to the rest of the town that he could be a leader to all of us. and all that I've seen is the seperation between the peoples grow even wider. For instance you would think that when dealing with a human noble he would atleast consult one the few here in town that were a part of that on protocols and such. So... I guess we have a choice, prepare seperately and watch as each other is slaughtered or marshall our forces and ideas and have a fighting chance.
Last edited by Atrum Draconus on Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ug »

*Ug shivers*

Iz dere wurd on dem kumin?

*Ug rifles through some scrolls and papers.*

Me got battul planz in here somewere...

*Rifles some more*

Hmmm....fi-uhr elemuntul....

*Rifles some more*

Me got sum grate wuns on ape taktuks...

*Rifles some more and looks around*

Ware iz de Duke enniewayz?
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan gives a slight nod.*

“You haven’t been included in any preparation because there hasn’t been any, Atrum. I can prepare for troops coming across a battlefield, I can even come up with contingency plans for specialized troops, support units, and assault-style magic users. What I cannot do is devise a plan to defend I town I can’t command against an enemy I don’t know and can’t see. One or the other is workable, both make it a futile effort.

I’m not sure what stand off you’re referring to, but if it’s the division that seems to set the Crescent Moon apart, I completely agree. I’ve shouted myself raw calling for unity and cooperation, only to be met with sideways glances and suspicion. I’ve heard people complain about how ineffectual a leader Corbyn is while they, themselves, refuse to support him. Corbyn, for all his title may infer, is little more than a figurehead. The real power in Haven never left the Council. Corbyn can’t make a decision that means anything without getting a consensus, and since any half of Haven always seems to think the other half is scheming to destroy them, nothing ever gets done. Anytime I say more than two words that sound like a decision people run for the hills, thinking I’m going to use all of my supposed power to crush them and eat their children. If I make a stand on an issue, I’m a tyrant. If I try to let someone else deal with it, I’m being lax and irresponsible. If I tell the absolute truth, I must be lying. If I say nothing, I’m hiding something. It was, in a word, infuriating.

Luckily, I remembered something from one of Claude’s old cultural studies. It’s a concept called Wadigi, and I’ve taken it to heart. Wadigi has no direct translation into common, but think of it as an optimistic acceptance of whatever comes. I don’t know what we’re going to face later this moon, but I know we’ll do our best to defeat it for the sake of the Light.

Atrum, I believe you’re a good man. I believe Corbyn is a good man. I believe the same of Incarius and Varys and really everyone else in Haven. We may disagree on how things should be run around here, but I think we’re all trying to do our best for the people and for Haven in general. I don’t care what the laws are, since I don’t think we would let anyone get railroaded by an unfair proclamation. I don’t care who is in charge, since I’m sure I’ll occasionally disagree with anyone who is calling the shots, but I believe that whoever is in charge will be doing their best to see Haven safe. I can deal with occasional disagreement, especially since I know I’ll have the chance to have my disagreements heard. There is great peace in Wadigi, Atrum. If there is some aged stand-off between the peoples of Haven, let it be over.

The Phoenix will stand as defenders of Haven. We will make no quarrel with our comrades and take the field wherever is needed. If you have a plan for marshalling the defenses of the town together, than let’s do it. If not, let’s make one."
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Post by Talana Isilisurë »

*Having been sitting in the Inn composing the Chronicles and occasionally consulting a tome, Talana looks up as Atrum enters and attempts to flash him a smile. Noticing right away that something is amiss, she watches with great curiousity as Atrum walks up to Donovan's office. When Donovan sends Addison to her, she nods to Donovan and lures the young Prince out of the Inn brushing his hair gently with her hand, away from any earshot of the discussion, with a quiet promise of a new game to be learned.*
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

Anytime I say more than two words that sound like a decision people run for the hills, thinking I’m going to use all of my supposed power to crush them and eat their children. If I make a stand on an issue, I’m a tyrant. If I try to let someone else deal with it, I’m being lax and irresponsible. If I tell the absolute truth, I must be lying. If I say nothing, I’m hiding something. It was, in a word, infuriating.
Welcome to the world that is a royal court. You will never be completely right and you will never be completely wrong. There will never be a time when you feel that you are doing the absolute right thing, if a time like that ever happens then you are fooling yourself and it's time to step down.

Corbyn asked me once for my support, I tried to make it clear that it was possible to win my support but at the time I didn't feel that anyone in Haven deserved it. Not supporting Corbyn has nothing to do with working together for a safe and prosperous Haven. It has everything to do with what I believe to be true. Corbyn is a good man but has yet to prove to me that he can be a great leader, I see potential in him but it is being stifled.

Enough about Haven's past though, let's focus on the near future. *Takes a seat at the table that Ug is at* Have any scouts been sent out to determine whether Roderick is marshalling forces? If not it may be too late for that and we will have to post sentries around the town. Has anyone tried to contact any of the different peoples that treat or trade with Haven? Traz's people, the lizardmen, the beastmen, anyone else that likes life as it is around here. If we can convince them that Roderick will demand that they all bend knee to him once he is done with us, which he will, then they may be willing to help. Has anyone tried to ascertain whether the Ga'Vin are massing? Let's form a plan of opposition for all of those things you mentioned, It can only help.
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Post by Dallid »

“Indeed, we have no plans for battle on a grand scale – which is what I wish to discuss. The Evil Dragon has graced us with an image of his forces in preparation for war, with Ulie, host of Creation, forging high-quality, possibly even magical, weapons and armor in great quantity. Many races were witnessed in this army, though Gavin seemed the most numerous. I can only assume their intention is to come here to stop us from assembling the Perfect Being – the only mortal task I am aware of directed against the immortal Foe. The only reason I can see for a Dragon to assemble a mortal army.”

“We have an alliance with the Orcs. I suggest we attempt to extend that alliance and seek their aid against our greatest Enemy. Likewise should the Wood Wraiths be approached once more – asked one final time to help save the Phantera they love. This latter task I intend to undertake.”

“But also must Haven be prepared. It’s people must be made ready to repair to the Fishing Village, as the Dragon should have no reason to extend his wrath there unless Haven falls first.”

“We may not have access to the final Aspects of the Perfect Being until their hosts are encountered on the field of battle. If this is the case, we must have all other Aspects ready, and seek to assemble them into a single host while war rages.”

“Also, a second vision was presented to us while we were in the Dragons Lair… perhaps even in the Dragon, itself. One of a hut boasting of a number of artifacts – perhaps a trading post, a man and a woman were revealed slaughtered within. The Abysma have found and collected at least several lost pieces of the Dragon and will be taking them to Ulie for reforging back into its evil self. We must discover if this hut is known to any in Haven, for the Abysma who attacked it might well be tracked, and lead us to Creation, though I fear it surrounded by a great host.”
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan sits as well and replies to Atrum.*

"Reports have indicated that Roderick may well be on the march, but it's possible that they may use receiving circles to position troops around the Haven. I don't think he'd risk his full force in such a fashion, but deploying flankers and skirmishers that way would give him a powerful advantage. I've got scouts in the field as we speak, but they have yet to report in with the most recent information.

I believe Arthos was in conversation with the Lizardmen and Beastmen, though I don't know if he convinced them to assist us. Traz may prove to be an ally, but only if things are smoothed out between her and Ravinal and we can convince them to leave off the Woodwraiths for the moment. That is, of course, unless the Woodwraiths come against us as well. The Dragon did mention something about bringing all our enemies together against us, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the mix. The elves (both dark and light) may be a factor then as well.

As for the Ga'vin, your raid last moon was the only time we've been able to find any of their positions save the cave. Scouts have returned no sightings of them, and I don't really know where to start looking. Considering the continual threat to the town, I haven't been able to spare the manpower to do more than cursory perimeter runs as it is.

So, all told, we find ourselves in a poor spot. We can't afford to walk into an ambush, so we have to set our defenses. Setting our defenses effectively pins us down, but it may be the only chance we've got. The inn would be the most defensable position, but that leaves the town unprotected. Realistically, all they'd have to do is cut off our supplies for a moon or so and we'd be finished. We can't survive a siege against such a large force, so we need to engage at some point...

*Donovan frowns*

And this is presuming there's not some magic spell on one side or the other of which I'm not aware. If they were to coat the ground with that same slick goo that the Woodwraiths did while our forces were in the field, it might be a very short fight.

*He pauses for a moment, turns to Dallid, and continues. He seems to be ticking down possibilites in his mind as he speaks.*

Magical weapons and armor? Lovely. If you can sway the Woodwraiths to our cause, more power to you Dallid. We'll try to bring the Orcs in on this, I just hope recent upheavals with Traz and Ravinal don't cause a rift. You can be sure they'll have a problem taking the field with the Woodwraiths on the same side.

I don't know where any hut may be, but evacuating the villagers to the Fishing Village is a good option. If we're going to do it, we need to do it soon.

We also need to agree on someone to carry the aspects when the time comes. We don't need a bunch of martyrs on a throat-slitting spree trying to be a hero and make the big sacrifice. The question is, who?
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Post by Dallid »

"Whoever is to hold Peace is the best option to host the Perfect Being. Peace would seem to be held by the Wood Wraiths, another matter that I intend negotiations for. Should we have Peace, it's host must then take Aggression and Destruction from the Dark Elf, as Peace counters Aggression. This host must then also take Creation should we be granted a chance to do so. Already hosting half the Perfect Being, this Host is best suited to acquire the second half."

"This Host is best not either Drake nor Kels, though both have volunteered to host the Perfect Being. Drake holds Order, and will hold Chaos when we find it. Kels has Action, and effort will be made to give him Thought soon."

"So, yes, another volunteer is necessary, and soon. The Aspects will not have me, thus the matter of Hosting I cannot attend directly."

"In battle the Orcs and Wood Wraiths need not fight together, only against the Draconic Host. The Wood Wraiths need not even make themselve visible - merely launch arrows from the trees. Meanwhile the Orcs could attack a flank opposite Wood Wraith positions, keeping the two forces as far from each other as possible. Perhaps either group will find such arrangements agreeable when the world, itself, is at stake".
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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn enters the office, looking weary but determined. He nods to all those assembled and drinks from the glass nearest his seat.*

The Beastmen have agreed to aid us against Rodrick should he march upon us. As their lands are between ours and Woodhold, should Rodrick not use sending circles and take the main route, the Beastmen will send warning. The lizardmen will help, if the attack comes before they enter hibernation for the cold months. I am to send word to GhostDancer, their leader should aid be required.

Assembling the Perfect being is our top priority. Dallid, proceed with your effort towards the Woodwraiths. I will continue working with those who have gathered the portions of the being we have managed to corral thus far.

Atrum, if you are willing, consult with Roland, Ug, and Incarius to develop some plans for how we might withstand Rodrick using the allies we have at this time.

Donovan, we need to know the status of Traz and Ravinal. If the orcs will aid us, and if not what the price for such aid might be...we need to discern.
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Post by Ug »

*Ug clears his throat, breaths deep, and lets it out long and slowly.*

Our primary course of action needs to be ascertaining which force will strike at us first. With that said, I propose that the evil strike at us before Roderick. In order to perform this feat we must send an emissary to Roderick to let him know that we wish to live peacefully with him. That in order to do so we must set up proper negotiations so that we may come to a resolution in this matter. We must let him know that a great force will soon descend upon us and that if he were to attack his forces would likely be caught in a three way battle. Such a battle will bring greater ruin to his forces than if they were to wait and crush us after we are weakened by this foe. This is a great risk that we take in warning him of this threat and we know and understand this risk. We believe him to be a wise leader and will hold faith that he will honor these negotiations once we have repelled and destroyed this evil. Leading an army to battle in the winter has always been and will always be a poor choice. He knows this and we know this. As is such we wish to begin negotiations in early fall. We are not saying that we will not accept him as a ruler, however we are not stating that we are. He has large forces and those forces could quite possibly take us, but why diminish his forces, spend all those resources, and consume all of ours, in order to take what, in the end, will end up being nothing? We have aided him in the past and we believe that we may be able to come to an agreement that will please him, but in order to do this we must first fight the impending battle, assess our situation, preserve our resources, and work toward a bountiful summer harvest, through which we can pay tribute to the King of Woodhold.

*Ug begins breathing heavily and coughs, he waves his hand and then begins speaking again in the cool, even, almost eloquent tone as before.*

The Dragon believes himself all powerful and will not listen to reason. A King, though he may believe himself great and powerful, and even if he believes himself to be invincible, should be able to see the logic in this and grant us this delay, so that we may win our battle, assess our resources, begin negotiations, and do our best to reap a bountiful harvest.

What must be done, must be done, what will pass, will pass, and if we keep the faith, we can prevail.

*Ug coughs deeply, clears his throat and continues.*

With this, we need to continue under the assumption that we will be successful through this emissary. Under that assumption, we must determine how the forces of the Dragon will strike at us. Do the Gavin follow this Dragon? Do the Dark Elves follow this Dragon? What forces do you control Corbyn? We need to assess how many Orcs we can count on, as well as Beastmen, as well as Lizardmen. If we send these four forces against the enemy, the people of Haven can organize two contingents.

Contingent One: The Strike Force. This force is meant as a battering ram into the enemy in order to help the other four forces and keep the battle raging.

Contingent Two: The Guerilla Force. This force is made up of Arcanes, Healers, Witch Hunters, and Warriors, preferably those that are defensive masters. This force will create Circles of Protection, from within Aracnes will all down powers of great destruction to bring large portions of our enemy to their knees.

*Ug begins to hack into a piece of cloth, his body convulsing with each heavy cough, almost choking, and then continues, pulling the cloth away, covered in thick red dampness.*

I have faith in you Corbyn, and I have faith that you will make a great leader, but I believe that you still have much to learn and many actions to go to bring yourself into this position of great leadership. It is great leadership that makes one a King, and perhaps someday you will be just that.

*Ug coughs so hard that he can barely breath, he pushes away any assistance and grabs his mug of ale and downs the whole thing. His breathing is labored, but his coughing has subsided. He looks Corbyn and addresses him.*

Dis wut me tink need happun. Now we need use to deside what must be dun. De time fer sideratun is ovur, de time fer de aktun iz now. In ennie evunt me want to sit down wit use, artos, an Donno on Friday nite. Me need sum time set side to speek wit u tree bout sum udder matturs uf urjunse, but dey kan wait fer dis, as dis takes presudunce.

*He places his mug on the table and waits.*
Last edited by Ug on Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pugo Redfang »

*Pugo slipped in right behind Atrum, and finds a spot to listin form. He does not say a word for the longest time. He Nods to Corybn when he comes in. After Corbyn is done speak he pipes up.*

"I can try an hunt down some of the Ga'vin if you like? If I not find any of them I than come back and tell you. But I have feeling I can find there hole they are in. As for scouting I can think the Ogrom and nightshade can help with that. But that means Donavan or Atrum should ask him thou. He is not happy form the jade serpents cave still."

*Pugo goes back to playing around with something he found last moon.*