A Stranger Enters

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Gowin D'Josian
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A Stranger Enters

Post by Gowin D'Josian »

The door opens and a man moves to enter, but moves quickly to the side to avoid a collision as Lambic rushes out side. The man bows slightly to Lambic's retreating form and steps inside and to the side to avoid future collisions. Slowly scanning the room he pushes back the hood of his cloak to reveal a man of average hight and build (if a little rotund) with a beard that appears mostly new-grown except for the reminance of a goatee.

After a moment he moves to the bar and finds a seat.

"Excuse me, Innkeeper, may I bother you with a few questions...and of course for a...mug...of what is undoubtedly, your fine...ale?"

His voice is smooth and calm puncuated occasionally, as if he is seeking the proper use of words that are new to him.
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum smiles to the man*

Flattery will get you... a free one.

*pours a drink of the small batch ale and one for himself*

That is the good stuff, you don't look famililar, my name is Atrum, well met.
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

The man rises from his seat and bows slightly to Atrum, touching first his forehead then his lips before returning to his seat.

“I am honored that you share your name with me. I am…”

A wry look crosses the man’s face as he slowly takes a deep breath and continues.

“…Ka’lef Gowin San-Drako D’Josian Palsi, Scion of the Sapphire Throne, Lord of the Northern Star, Vazier of the Golden Lion and Lord-Knight of the Azure Blade.”

He let’s out the rest of his breathe as he finishes and sips from his mug.

“I have become accustomed to being referred to as Ka’lef.”

“I must say that in the past I was unused to the taste of ale, but in the last three years I have acquired a fondness for the drink. My compliments to the brewer.”

Ka’lef pauses a moment to organize his thoughts.

“I have found that if one wishes to find information, or another person, it is often best to inquire of the local innkeeper. So, if I may, I would know if you have knowledge as to the location of The Child of the East? She is a young lady with hair the color of wheat and who also goes by the name of Steele. I would also wish to know if this place has a lord and, if so, where it is that I may find this person so that I may make my presents know to them.”
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Lambic »

**As the group of men and women standing outside the Inn/Lodge in matching Tabards begin the march by the windows, Lambic sticks his head back in the door of the the Inn/Lodge..**

Sir, Forgive my rudeness earlier. Atrum, I would appreciate it if you would offer this man a drink on my tab. I hope there are no hard feelings, sir.....Oh, gotta go.

**And with that, Lambic's head dissappears, and the rest of him can be seen jogging past the window.**
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

**And with that, Lambic's head dissappears, and the rest of him can be seen jogging past the window.**
(OOC: Did you just say that Lambic's headless body just ran past the window?) :D
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

Ka’lef smiles warmly as he watches Lambic jog by. When he turns back around he is laughing softly to himself.

“So, tell me A-trum, how much food and ale is an innocent jostling worth in these lands?”
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Post by Lambic »

Gowin D'Josian wrote:(OOC: Did you just say that Lambic's headless body just ran past the window?) :D

Did I say it? Yes.
Did I mean it? No.
Was it silly? Hell, YES!!
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum stands and takes on a much more regal air*

It would seem my introduction was lacking... Atrum Draconus, Hand of King Chimeron Draconus, Fif...Third Prince of Dragonsteep, Rector Silens Letum.

*Atrum returns Ka'lef's slight bow and returns to his normal self as he sits back down, drains the remainder from his mug and refills both mugs while speaking*

I guess I should add Innkeeper of Haven to that* laughs slightly* Ka'lef, that has the ring of title to it, what does it mean?

As for your queries, I believe the lady you speak of is called Robin Steele here, I can take you to her, and Corbyn should be there as well.
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Post by Varys Snow »

*The door to the tavern opens and Varys walks in. He looks around as he walks through as if looking for someone. As his gaze settles towards the bar, he pauses, nods and smiles to himself. His pace quickens as he heads straight for the bar. When he gets there, he stops a few steps short and gives an elaborate bow.*

"Ka'lef! Long has it been since I was in the lands of the Sapphire Throne. I am glad to find you well after all that has befallen our lands!"

*Varys straightens up and looks gestures towards Atrum.*

"I see you have met our more than outstanding Innkeeper. He is a gentleman's gentleman! And I would sing even more praises to him if I could also get a mug of that ale."

*He takes the mug that Atrum fills with a laugh and takes a deeep drink.*

"I have spoken with your Kal'jour. He is actually heading out to your camp right now to see if anyone is there. He will be returning here shortly. We are to set up a meeting between you and our Duke, if you would like."

"Atrum, have you seen Incarius around lately?"
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

Ka’lef smiles as Varys speaks, rising and bowing his head slightly, touching his fingers to his forehead and lips.

“I praise the winds that you are well and safe, Val rue. And it is good to see a friendly face is such a strange land so far from home.”

“May I ask a service of you? This noble gentleman has asked a question of me that is far more complex in answering than I believe he knew. It is my hope that you might be kind enough to…insure…that my answer is…not misunderstood.”

He nods to Atrum.

“Fortunately my host’s ale was of such quality that it was easy to find distraction as I gathered my thoughts. If one were to…translate…the word ‘ka’lef’ loosely to your tongue, it would mean ‘prince’, but in my land there are many princes. More accurate, perhaps, would be ‘he of highest rank’. Should one of my home, who was of higher standing then myself be present then I would be known by another title.”

He sits staring into his mug for a moment.

“In a way, I am a slave to custom, fated to hear the sweat sound of my given name only rarely. My father (May he be at peace) said to me that this is to remind us of the responsibility we hold for those whom we…govern.”

Ka’lef pulls himself out of his momentary melancholy and smiles up to his listeners.

“I would stay here, if it is permitted, and remain yet another stranger in a strange land for a while longer. Perhaps, if it is wished, I could tell a story, so that we may grow to better understand each other.”
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum smiles warmly as Varys approaches and readies a mug of Small Batch Ale for him and hands it over with a slight laugh*

Incarius left for the fishing village to help figure out what has happened to the water.

*Turning to Ka'lef*

Interesting, I have not spoken the words of my title in years, since I have left my lands. And not much then really, only when introducing myself or being introduced to others with title. My father is of the mind that to govern people you must know them and have their trust and respect. He is of the mind that people rarely trust those that try and distinguish themsleves from the rest with titles instead of deeds. When any of our family was in the town or any of the surrounding villages we were greeted with our names as opposed to our titles. He also believed that it would keep us humble, reminding us that we were men and women, just as the men and women we governed were, no more and no less. *He pauses for a moment, seemingly lost in memories for a few seconds and snaps back to his jovial self*

But enough of that, I would certainly like to hear a story. I assume then that your name is Gowin San-Drako D’Josian Palsi. If it is permissable I will refer to you as Gowin.

*Atrum refills mugs as needed*
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

Ka’lef listened intently as the Prince behind the bar spoke. When he had finished he nodded in understanding.

“It would seem that our fathers (may they be guided by the winds) shared of a great wisdom. But for the differences of the cultures that bread them, they carried the same thoughts with them. My brother and I were taught that our first thought as the sun rose and the last as the sun set should always be of the duty we held for those whom, through accident of birth, we were fated to lead.”

“And, as a peer, I would be honored to hear my name from you lips.”

“But, I have promised a story. It is long and the words are ancient. So I will not tell much of it, so as not to put my listeners to sleep.”
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

The Ka'lef's tale

Legends of the Five Thrones

Long before it was learned how to put chisel to stone, or ink to paper there were but five tribes of man. These tribes of man were poor, uncouth and unnamed and they survived by scratching in the dirt and feeding upon the scraps of meat and offal that other animals left. The tribes of man ate as beast and they traveled as beast though the land and were rejected by the other races that lived upon the land. In their travels the tribes of man saw the great towers of the elves and the great crafts of the dwarves and the many arts of the many other races.

Finally the five tribes of man lifted their faces to the winds and cried, “We wish to have the things that the other races of the land have?”

And the winds answered. “These things the other races have are their things and you may not have them.”

And there was much sorrow in the tribes of man and much gnashing of teeth. “Why do the other races have these things and we do not?” The tribes of man asked.

To this the winds answered. “Because the other races have made these things.”

Once again the tribes of man felt sorrow. ”We wish, also to make things like unto the other races.”

And the winds replied. “You may not make things like unto the other races for they have civilization and you do not.”

Once again there was much gnashing of teeth among the tribes of man. “Why is it that the other races have civilization and we do not?” they cried.

And the skies rolled with the inpatients of the winds. “These other races have civilization for they have sacrificed for it and they have suffered for it and they have sought it!”

With this the tribes of men knew fear and were silent. After many days the four bravest men and bravest woman among the tribes of men stood forth from their cowering brothers and sisters and called for the winds. “We shall seek, suffer and sacrifice so that our people may have civilization! Show us the way.”

The heavens boomed with the voices of the winds. “Come forth, those who would seek!”

The five stepped forward and fell to their knees before the fates. “Show us the way.” They cried.

The fates spoke unto the five and said unto them.

To the first the winds spoke. “You are Shazar. You shall travel to the south for ten years and a day. You shall know neither man nor woman of the tribes of man. When your journey has ended you shall return to this Place with proof of what you have learned.”

And Shazar traveled to the south and was seen by neither man nor woman of the tribes of man for a day and ten years.

To the second the winds spoke. “ You are Fallish. You shall travel to the east for ten years and a day. You shall know neither man nor woman of the tribes of man. When your journey has ended you shall return to this Place with proof of what you have learned.”

And Fallish traveled to the east and was seen by neither man nor woman of the tribes of man for a day and ten years.

To the third the winds spoke. “You are Rashan. You shall travel to the west for ten years and a day. You shall know neither man nor woman of the tribes of man. When your journey has ended you shall return to this Place with proof of what you have learned.”

And Rashan traveled to the west and was seen by neither man nor woman of the tribes of man for a day and ten years.

To the fourth the winds spoke. “You are D’Jos. You shall travel to the north for ten years and a day. You shall know neither man nor woman of the tribes of man. When your journey has ended you shall return to this Place with proof of what you have learned.”

And D’Jos traveled to the north and was seen by neither man nor woman of the tribes of man for a day and ten years.

Then the last of the seekers looked to the winds and asked. “Oh, great and mighty winds. Shazar hath gone to the south, and Fallish hath gone to the east, and Rashan hath gone to the west, and D’Jos hath journeyed to the north and I am saddened that I have no name and there is no place for me to seek for civilization.”

And the winds reached forth into the earth and drew forth a stone and they gave unto the fifth seeker this stone. And they named the fifth seeker and said unto him. “Go where you will and know whom you will, but keep this stone always near you. Return to this Place in ten years and one day with proof of what you have learned.”

And the fifth seeker traveled not and remained with the tribes of man and thought on the stone that the winds had given him.

The four traveling seekers sought far and their suffering was great and their scarifies were many but on the appointed day they returned to the Place of the tribes of man and stood before the fates to show what they had learned.

The first seeker stood forth and held aloft a great ruby and he cried. “ I am Shazar. I have traveled to the south. I have journeyed through desert and jungle and I have learned of the shaping of metal and the crafting of wood. I shall lead my tribe there and from there I shall rule them.”

The second seeker stood forth and held aloft a great pearl and he cried. “I am Fallish. I have traveled to the east. I have journeyed over river and sea and I have learned of the sailing of boats and the casting of nets. I shall lead my tribe there and from there I shall rule them.”

The third seeker stood forth and held aloft a great emerald and she cried. “I am Rashan. I have traveled to the west. I have journeyed through valley and over hill and I have learned of the growing of grain and the taming of beast. I shall lead my tribe there and from there I shall rule them.”

The fourth seeker stood forth and held aloft a great sapphire and he cried. “I am D’Jos. I have traveled to the north and I have journeyed over snow and through forest and I have learned of writing and the seeking of knowledge. I shall lead my tribe there and from there I shall rule them.”

The fifth seeker stood forth and spoke his name quietly and in his hand was a great diamond and he spoke softly to his brothers and sister. “I have journeyed among the tribes of man and I have learned wisdom. I shall remain here and rule you all.”

And the four traveling seekers cried. “We have sacrificed much and now your name shall be above ours!”

To this was replied, “Then I shall have no name and be called only Emperor.”

And the four traveling seekers cried, “We have suffered much and now your tribe shall rule over ours!”

To this was replied, “Then I shall have no tribe and send them from the lands of men and they shall be with out civilization.”

So the fifth tribe left the lands of men and lived as beast and had no civilization there.

And the four traveling seekers build upon the Place a throne for the emperor and a home for him to live in, then traveled once more to their own lands and build their own thrones from which to rule their people and to serve the Emperor.
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Atrum Draconus »

That is quite a story, and learning of other civilizations never bores me so if there is more, please tell it. Unless you wish to find those you seek.

Varys, have you seen Robin or Corbyn around?
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*In a rush the door swings open and Valren stands there winded. He stops and takes a quick breathe and looks around the Inn. Once he see the Ka'lef and Vary's he moves in to the Inn and shut the door softly.*

"My Ka'lef I was just at the camp site. I am thankful I found you here. For a meeting has been set up between Your self and Duke Corbyn. If you would llike I think that he is awaiting your presence my Ka'lef."
That which we seek form without. Is what we seek form within. An if shall only be found once you understand yourself.