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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:58 pm
by Onyksi Rin'oviryn
Since there's a ton of new people, I figured everyone should have a little intro. I'll start.

Name: Erika or Pinky

Age: 20

Character: Nuk (deceased)

Occupation: student, superstar waitress, ballerina cosmonaut

How long have you played FH? 2 years

Hobbies: ballet, reading, bowling, chess, smooching my cat, buffy reruns, morrowind as crack, being a fashion whore, bad movies with british men

Favorite FH memory? Doing knee-to-elbow for 2 hours in the woods trying to get away from goblin/ga'vin armies. Attacking Roland my first event. Reincarnating everybody. Getting Nuk executed. There's a ton.

Favorite food: cereal, the more sugar the better.

Say anything: Donovan sucks. :D Dark elves rule. :wink: Gas prices need to go down.

Alright, your turn.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:16 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
Name: David or Taki

Age: 26

Character: Donovan Erios Thynedar, Sword of the Azure Cross, Servant of the Light, Lord Preceptor of the Phoenix Guard and First Knight of Haven. Also known as "Donno" and "That Evil Bastard". :)

Occupation: Student, Nightclub Manager.

How long have you played FH? 1 1/2 years.

Hobbies: Writing, Music, Disc Golf, Literature, History, Sleep, Academics, International Conquest.

Favorite FH memory? Running through the woods w/Atrum, Nuk, Sethreal, and the rest. Charging a keep full of Beastmen.

Favorite food: Steak, Chinese, Italian, and (according to popular opinion) the souls of young dark elves.

Say anything: There is little to see that can be seen with the eyes, little to hear that can be heard with the ears. In Haven, only time allows one to see all ends.


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:43 pm
by Dallid
Name: Doug or 'Other Doug'

Age: 32

Character: Dallid - Considered a member of the Tribe of Light (formerly known as the Guild of Light) - Master Healer, Druid of the Unicorn Totem, among various other goodie-two-shoes stuff.

Occupation: Software Engineer

How long have you played FH? Been to every event.

Hobbies: 501st Legion Star Wars costuming club, Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club, LARPing, video games, minature gaming, pen-&-paper role playing, on-line role playing, anime, blockbuster films

Favorite FH memories: charging a necromancer while ignoring his root calls, destroying Florin with rapid-fire heroic banishes, getting attacked by Roland, siding against the House when push came to shove with the orcs, lecturing Nuk.

Favorite food: Pizza, Chinese

Say anything: 'Supreme Lord God Emperor of the Universe' looks really good on a resume

You're up!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:59 am
by cole45
Name: Travis


CHaracter: CHargoth Karkon^Vol.(newbie.)

Occupation: SOftware Engineer

How lOng have you PLayed at Final Haven: Counting this last time, once.

Hobbies: Computers, Gaming of all types, Anime, Japanese. the usual.

Favorite Food: Steak and REAL Sushi.

Say Anything: All Problems are derived from the fact that hard drives are constructed from pure evil. It's what makes them spin.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:06 am
by Donmayo
Name: Stephen aka SoCo

Age: 28

Character(s): 1. Donmayo of Mahuru, 100+ year old avyana, who spent about 50 of those living as a sword and is now in a fresh new bodie(s) created for him by... well those in the know, know 2. Eli elf young never been able to place a age for him cause I don't know how they age, like 16 now, but not sure how elves age, so a little kid.

Occupation: student, armored car co employee (no I cannot get you a job or a quick million...

How long have you played FH? since the start

Hobbies: reading and books on tape, chess, smooching my puppy, buffy on DVD, anything close to Quinten T. in it or directing it, LARPING, paper and dice, video games,

Favorite FH memory? See my quote,

Favorite food: Chines,

Say anything: "nuk is alive! I refuse to believ other wise until I am proven to be wrong" -Eli
"..." -Donmayo

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:30 am
by Kidwynn
Name: Julie

Age: ?????
Character: Kidwynn Turner the swashbuckler...errr former pirate who is a craftsman and in the Phoenix Guard.

Occupation: Administrative Assistant (Kelly Services) currently.

How long have you played FH? Since the start

Hobbies: Paintball, listening to music, seeing movies when they come out to the theatres, watching movies on DVD, video games (PS2), Computer Games (Worlds of Warcraft), baking (obviously), hiking, dancing, laughing, and just flat out having fun with my firends. Lots of other stuff, but that is what popped into my head first.

Favorite FH memory? When Kidwynn first met some of the guys from the Phoenix Guard after they had been in the waiste for awhile. They looked at her and ask if she was real. The reply, "Why don't you pinch me and find out for yourself."

Favorite food: Pizza, caramel, and diet pop.

Say anything: So how much baked goods do we need for the next event??? Sugar Free Red Bull is deadly.... :lol: Oh yeah, almost forgot that I can get myself into some mischief, but hey it's fun. :P

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:22 am
by Onimaster
Name: Matt Howes aka Muddy or Mutty

Age: 27

Character: Shale Bazinstoke – High Magus of the Duke, ex-witch hunter now turned wizard, Half Drow with major familial issues, Final Haven’s own ‘Agent Molder’ conspiracy nut and twitchy inquisitor, blunt and abrasive gung-ho military type, Phoenix venerable guardsman (Venerable, because all the new recruits got yelled at for saluting me.)

Occupation: Substitute Teacher, Producer for TV5 after school (Student/School cable station)

How long have you played FH? One year

Hobbies: Movie addict, trivia nut, Table top rpg game master, cooking, traveling, sleeping, foam weapon smith, online forum based RPGs, writing, Photoshop, photography, dreams of ruling the world, evil plots I will never actually attempt, helping my friends move or going to weddings, ect.

Favorite FH memory? Blowing up a tree in front of the inn when I got pissed off at Nuk and Vir, walking up as Blondie was down and using the pole from the house standard trying to drag himself off the field after the fire elemental blew up and smacking him, dropping Danny then Blondie then Brett with backstabs without the next guy even seeing while they were shoulder to shoulder, the immaculate retreat from the attack of the Doom Worm, Shale’s motivational speech to Kels about the future outside the Yetti cave (forums), the first time Blondie told me people were going to him to complain about Shale, being dubbed High Magus and seeing/wondering who was surprised, arguing with Donovan so loud people at the campfire took notice, and of course “…get off the mantle…”

Favorite food: Thai New York Strip steak with vegetables and white rice served flambé in Milwaukee (GenCon)

Say anything: A film staring John Cusak... or “Dark elves rule… even though I am out to destroy them.” “Muhauauhauhuahuahauauhauaha.” Lesse, what else… “Wow, you guys are totally boned… But, luckily I can help! Oh, wait, Chris and Wayne need me to Npc something I’ll be right back.”

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:00 am
by Peace420
Name: Erik, BA, Blackass, Black Erik

Age: 34

Character: PC Atrum Draconus. Head of the guild dubbed GEB by the NPC staff. NPC Uhl'a'rie An'aalcouladinasmyyran

Occupation: Insurance Salesman, Bartender, Musician

How long have you played FH? Every Event

Hobbies: LARP, table top RPG, Video Games, Music, Mackin', Movies, 420 and alkeyhaul

Favorite FH memory? Sleeping with 4 weapons the second night of LARPING ever, worried that my guildmate(and roommate) that was sleeping in the bunk right under me was going to try and gank me. Being relieved when I realized with he awoke startled that he was more scared than I was.

Mike: "Peewww peewwww peewww and they are sickeningly cute with big anime puppy eyes"
Atrum: : Sleep
Mike: No effect
Atrum: Stun Strike
Mike: No effect
Roland: I try to remove them
Mike: You don't seem to able to remove them and they cry out in agony with louder peewww peewww peewwww.
Roland: OK I just start stomping on heads
Atrum and Nuk: Yeah me too
Mike: you kill them all and get what you need, man you guys are sick, they were cute puppy eyed things.
Erik: The dark elf, the dark fae and the assasin...DUH!!

Wayne: "Man I don't think I've ever seen anyone get more use out of a disguise." This just after convincing the lizard men to let us take the hugh mons to the beast men and assasinating the Beastman Shamen and convincing the beastmen that came to track us down that we didn't do it.

Favorite food: Cow, prefferably in steak form med rare but other forms are good too. Chinese, Pizza, was that out loud?

Say anything: Littering and... Why you no moon us earlier? Pookie let's burn this mothafucka down!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:05 am
by Sethreal
Name: Jared Thom aka JJ

Age: Unknown

Character:Sethreal - Captain of the Azure Sheild Company, former Ga'Vin who was killed and brought back as a human by Nuk.
Pretty much a bad ass.

Occupation: landscaper and Student.

How long have you played FH? One year.

Hobbies: tabletop, larping, snowboarding, skateboarding(Skate or Die),
girls :wink: , Ps2, computers, b-ball, movies, and anything hot & spicy!

Favorite Fh Memory: Taking a thirty boom to the chest for Nuk, Running aroud in the woods after the Ga'vin attacked,
being one of the only people to survive the 30 fire from the fire elemental, I've got alot.
Fearing like 40 guys away from the inn after they attacked. Speaking with(SMACK) :wink: Younger Quetsal after he tried to blow up the Inn

Favorite Food: Corndogs!

Say anything:Younger, study more, GET OFF THE MANTLE, what are these scrolls under the bed? Shizzle Shizzle Shizzle Shizzle.....

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:17 pm
by Onyksi Rin'oviryn
Everyone has all these great memories with Nuk that I forgot about. The anime puppies!! Oh man. Sethreal taking a 30 for her. That was just great. Getting lectured for raising undead, classic. It makes me happy that I got to play such a great character for so long. Hopefully whatever I decide to play next will be almost as good.

Sorry for getting sentimental.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:30 pm
by WayneO42
Name: WayneO or GM Lite

Age: 29

Character: Lots

Occupation: Desktop Support Engineer

How long have you played FH? Since about 2 years Prior to the first event

Hobbies: LARP, Photography, electronics, Baseball, Curling

Favorite FH memory? Letting Trevor Con me into going on a plot that led the PCs on a 5+ mile/ 4 Hour hike.....NOT!! A lot of my favorite memories would compromise future plots...muhhahhahahaa

Favorite food: Italian

Say anything: Anything

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:28 pm
by Lambic
Name: Wes aka weso aka djweso aka Super Dad


Character: Lambic

Occupation: Father & Box Office Staff @ Frauenthal Theatre

How long have you played at Final Haven: One yearish

Hobbies: Computers, Pen and Paper Role Playing, Breweries and Vineyards, Food, Movies, Reading (magazines & books), Music, Dreaming about having a Home Theater

Favorite Food: Its a long list but Beer is always near the top.

Favorite Final Haven Memory: Meeting "Unicorn" Dallid for the first time, I nearly fell over when I realized it was Doug. Fighting the pathetic undead animals in the animal grave yard with August and others. Surrendering to the False King's Soldiers when they captured Ming. Going to negative 21 to protect Shale and the recieving circle at the last event.

Say Anything: It was a pretty good movie, not Cusak's best work but he was young and there are definitely some great lines from it. Plus kick boxing?!?! I mean what non-kung fu movie did that back then?!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:50 pm
by Ravinal
Name: LeRoi, Roi, Sexy Feet *don't ask*, Great Sex Roi *probably not what you think it is.....*

Age: 26, until about the end of this month

Character: Ravinal. A tragic wolf druid who has been mistaken as a vampire for enjoying alittle shouldn't say too much more.

Occupation: platemaking tech for newspaper press, college student

How long have you played FH? 5 events so far. About a year.

Hobbies: Video games, singing, writing short stories of all types, sketching and painting, my addiction known as Wow, RPGs of many sorts, working on friend's computers, anime, watchin horror movies, reading horror books, watching and reading the Princess Bride

Favorite FH memory?

Chargoth, "Ya know, I don't even know why they have us guarding here. We'll just end up letting them in anyway because they just happen to be the Duke of Happy-pants."

Ravinal, "Hey you." to random passer byer

Random passer byer, "Yeah?"

Ravinal, "Do you want to go in here. Cause if you want to go in, you can't. Yet, if you don't want to go in, you can go in."

Favorite food: potato in many forms and manicotti

Say anything: I feel sleepy, did someone just knock me out?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:32 pm
by Corbyn
Name: Vince

Age: 29

Character: Corbyn Gravesbane, Duke of Mar 'Eva Arato-Home of Champions. Healer and pain-free seeker of the truth.

Occupation: School Psychologist, educational researcher, molder of the minds of America's youth, other doctor-type stuff.

How long have you played FH? Since the beginning, back in the good old days when elves were elves, torture required tools, and the number of PCs was equal to that of NPCs.

Hobbies: Movies, writing, gaming, porn, anime, anime porn, distance running, developing abs, Jack Daniels, cigars.

Favorite FH Memories?

Mike: Well Vince, at the last GM meeting we decided this will be the annoy Corbyn event, as all the big plots will be run through you.

Arthos combating ether wraiths clad only in underwear, wolf hat, and satchel of packets.

Doug's face after Chris asked him how the 'long walk' plot went.

Spending three hours hiding in the bushes with Robin after getting run out of town by bad guys. We all know how that turned out. 8)

Asking, 'Where's Donovan?' and getting the answer, 'He's over there, drinking out of the false king's severed head.' :shock:

Favorite Food: Nachos

Say Anything: Gimme some sugar, baby.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:15 pm
by Ian_McAllister
Name: Phil

Age: 30

Character: Ian McAllister

Occupation: Factory Rat and occasional Pamperer

How long have you played FH? 2 events

Hobbies: Anime, table-rop role-playing, Larping, Rpg's on PS2, 90's dance music, red-heads.

Favorite Fh memories?

Finding an NPC behind a tree...

Ian: Halt who goes there?

NPC: (hand over head) I don't know.. the Gm's haven't told me yet.

and then spending the next hour and a half being knocked out.(grin)

Favorite Food: Chicken/Turkey and Mashed taters.

Say Anything: Quiaff? Aff! Bid well and done!