The investigation of Robin

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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The investigation of Robin

Post by Gomja555 »

“People of Haven”, the raised voice of Incarius bellows from the doors of the Inn. The words quickly followed by his form striding into the center of the Inn during the evening meal. “Your attention please. Because so many of ye believed to be involved in the case of Robin. I shall make me findings open to all. If ye don’t know what I speak of its probably for the best.”

“I find NO fault in what the lady Robin chose to do.”

“I shall not persecute the heroes of Haven for some unguided pursuit to releave the conscious of the masses. We make hard choices while we fend off the hoards of darkness that seem to lay in wait for our fledgling town. Those choices are ours to live with. Now that this investigation is over I would expect that any and all of you will do what you can to help save Robin and Corbyn’s child. For whether ya realize it or not the child has been put at risk in order to save all of you. If any has a problem with my decision so be it. You may take it bore the council or I will even honor any one of you with a trial by arms to defend my decision. Otherwise knock it the hell off and do what you can to help.”
With that Incarius sits down by the fire and waits for any questions to come.
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Post by Donmayo »

Nod in agreement with the magistrate, fully prepared to back his decision up. Quietly he says, “you have spoken,” pausing to think of the human word, “wisely. You will make a good magistrate. I believe the counsel has chosen well in you. May you find food and shelter on you path.”
*Seeing 3 birdmen in the road Corbyn asks:
"Donmayo can we trust these travelers?"
-They are Avyana, of course not"
“But you’re an Avyana”
-Yesss I am, aren't I...

-Donmayo of Mahuru April 1055 PEW
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Post by Gomja555 »

"My apologies. I mispoke myself for this is comming as the constable. In that there is " officially" not a crime. And trully not enough evidence."

"But I do thank you for your support,DonMauo"
"Truth is in the eye of the constable"
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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn walks in with Eli, carrying fishing equipment. Eli bears a stringer of fish, and seems to be struggling to keep them from dragging on the inn floor. Hearing Incarius' announcement, he speaks quietly.*

Thank you for your swift service, Constable. I hope we can all move forward now to address the present threat, and treat my lady with the appreciation and respect due to her for making such an impossibly altruistic sacrifice. I recognize the appropriateness of conducting the investigation, and certainly believe that no citizen should be above the rule of law and order. However, as a matter of time I will take great offence at an investigation on me or mine being called without the accusing party having the courtesy to approach me regarding it first. That being said, I consider the matter closed.

*The Duke walks over to Robin with Eli in tow. After greeting her, he removes his fine outer rainments and has Eli place the fish on a nearby table. Pulling out a knife, Corbyn proceeds to show Eli how to clean their catch.*
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Post by Ug »

Ferfrum ovur. Me needta talk wit youse sumtime soon Corbun.

*Ug kicks the back door open and walks out.*
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Post by Robin »

When she heard Incarius' voice, Robin looked up from where she was, as usual, writing in The Book of the Duchy. For a moment she felt her heart stop as he madehis pronouncement. A soft smile curled at the corners of her lips, and a sigh of relief escaped her. Though in her heart she had always trusted that the Constable would make the right decision for Haven, there had been a small part of her that had been afraid he would rule differently.

She laid a hand on Don Mayo's when he spoke, for he was sitting beside her as she wrote. She gave his hand a squeeze, just to let him know that she was thankful for all of his support in the last week.

Robin's face lit in a radient smile when Corbyn and Eli walked in with their fish. There they were, her beloved boys. No matter what, and no matter how Haven felt about her, if those two were safe then she would never regret what she had done and the trials that came from it. She gave Corbyn a kiss as he sat down and started cleaning the fish, and after a moment she laughed softly, coxing the blade out of his hand. She gave him and Eli a wink.

"My dearest... there's no way and elf can best a sailor for preparing a fish." With dexterous and skilled hands, she set to work, having cleared a space where nothing would get messy. "I've been doing this since I was a lass, despite my mother's displeasure and attempts to make a proper Lady out of me."

She laughed softly, but her joy faded when she heard the tone of Ug's voice. Her hands shook a little, and she sighed. Robin felt Eli's hand on her shoulder, and took strength in his presence. She tried to lighten up, for she remembered what it was all for. Ug refused to understand, and that was his right and business. However, she would not let him ruin her day with her boys. With a smile, she went back to the task of cleaning the fish.
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Post by Donmayo »

When Robin reaches out he gives he a reassuring look, confident that there could be only one result to this investigation.

After Icarius corrects his title Donmayo bows from his seat.

“The error was mine good constable; I did not mean to jump to conclusions. I sometimes get lost in the past and titles of another time. Regardless you message is one that I looked forward to hearing.”

As Corbyn and Eli come in he actually chuckles at the young elf before realizing that he has done so, and then seems to realize it and looks a little sheepish, for he is not well know for laughing, but it was a good day thus far, and things were finally starting to look up again for his home, the Haven.
*Seeing 3 birdmen in the road Corbyn asks:
"Donmayo can we trust these travelers?"
-They are Avyana, of course not"
“But you’re an Avyana”
-Yesss I am, aren't I...

-Donmayo of Mahuru April 1055 PEW
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Post by Onimaster »

Shale looks angrily at Icarius for perhaps the first time. His tone appalled he says, "No official investigation...? Not enough evidence...? Who is the constable to make such claims? I had thought of you as a kindred spirit in the spirit if justice and serving the law. Our place is to gather evidence for the magistrate to then rule upon whether or not she is innocent. That is the system we agreed upon, and which should be followed."
Vaal Draconus,
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Post by Robin »

Robin looked up when the Magus spoke. "You are incorrect, Magus," she said evenly. "That is not what we agreed upon, and as the Laws have yet to be officially posted, I am curious how you would assume that. As per the rights and responsibilities of the Constable..." she opened the Book of the Duchy and refered to a page, taking a moment to read.

"It falls to the Constable to conduct a preliminary investigation if charges are brought to him. At that time, it is within his rights to decide whether or not to bring the matter before the Magistrate for full trial. If he finds grounds for a trial, then the matter goes before the Magistrate. If he does not, then the matter is concidered closed."

She tilted her head to one side, meeting Shale's eyes. "He did investigate the matter, High Magus. The system has been utilized as it was intended. The Constable has ruled, and it is bad form to dishonor our process just because it did not rule in your favor."

She sighed and looked a little sad. Robin said softly, "I need your help right now, High Magus, not your anger. I can't do this on my own... I know nothing of magic. I'm afraid, and very lost... and I need the wisdom of the Magus my Duke honors above all others in Haven."

She looked it him without pretence, without gile, and without ego. This was Robin at her most humble, her most human. "Shale... please? I can't do this without you."
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Post by Gomja555 »

"I am sorry if this angers you my friend, but the system is being followed as the way it was meant to be. Tis my job to investigate and if there is enough evidence to bring it before the magistrate. This was in fact put in place to cut down on the friolous cases for the magistrate is but one man and I have the entire Town Watch( formally the Town Guard) to do the foot work needed for each case. I did research this before coming to my decision and now I stand by it."
"Truth is in the eye of the constable"
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Post by Donmayo »

*With an almost undetectable flicker of his eye, Donmayo checks to see the distance between himself and his staff which he had propped against a pole when he sat down with Robin to talk. With even less movement his mussels tense fully prepared to throw himself between any spell cast by a rampaging sorcerer and his liege lady. Other than that he simply looks at Shale and never blinks, awaiting any hostile action to be take by him in violation of the Haven’s new laws.
Last edited by Donmayo on Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
*Seeing 3 birdmen in the road Corbyn asks:
"Donmayo can we trust these travelers?"
-They are Avyana, of course not"
“But you’re an Avyana”
-Yesss I am, aren't I...

-Donmayo of Mahuru April 1055 PEW
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn watches closely the events taking place since she is still assigned to guarding and protecting Robin. Those orders haven't changed as of yet, so for the time being as she sees both Shale's and Ug's reactions, she tenses up a bit and is a bit more alert and on guard then she had been a few moments earlier.*

*Whatever else she might be thinking or feeling she is keeping to herself and burying it underneath the surface.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Just a Guard

Post by cole45 »

The dwarf stood at the corner of the Phoenix Guard hall. From there he could see the Inn and the happenings of the town. He could here the words of Preceptor Donovan. He could here the Constable Incarious. It was good to be a guard. You never had to get involved in these kinds of arguments.

Everyone had an opinion of Robin's actions on that fateful day. But there was an old dwarven saying. “Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one, and most people's stink.”Chargoth, he'd make up his mind when it mattered. Let the big dogs sort it out. Of course He's learned at the Pass that no decision can be made with out thinking of the consequences. Every decision must be made as though you'll live to see the end of it. But this Robin made her own bed. Sure the artifacts turned out to be fake. Sure there might have been another way. There was no end of ifs that might have occurred, but only one true past.

Strange how some people got upset that she should even be investigated. People gotta feel safe. They gotta feel warm. And sometimes when good is done, they don't always feel that way. All of this is silly politicking anyway. It's good to be a grunt. Follow orders. Kill the bad guys. Clearly defined. No gray.

In a group this tightly knit, all decisions of all people affect everyone. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. The fight is for the survival of the whole. There are a lot of deeds that can squeak by. Then there's some simple things that can bring the chain down. It's nice not to have an opinion.

Chargoth's Orders state to halt the unknown. Guard the Hall. Guard the town. From outside forces. Inside forces, well, that's someone else's job. As for himself, He was pretty sure that this Robin all ready learned her bit. Seems like a fairly large loss for a very empty gain. But that's just him.

Chargoth stood in the shadow. His battered armor gray and dented from years of hard wear. It was piece meal. His true armor had been broken piece by piece by marauding hordes and monsters. He took his armor from the dead. He'd also patched together with crude rivets. Now it just looked like a battered can. His eyes dark inside his dwarven carapace. Inside his armor his skin was burned with ancient dwarven runes. Each ritual brand to mark the year of his birth. His face was a mishmash of scars, new and old. The ancient dwarven runes crawled up his neck and spilled onto his beardless chin. The runes were ancient symbols of the Dwarven Fireforge. The place of creation and doom. The place from which the dwarven race was forged. And the place where the dead go to be brazed.

He stood, watching with out seeing, and listening with out hearing. No one ever saw the guards.
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Post by Onimaster »

Shale is unmoved by her usual show of humility as he replies, “If those making law posted the laws in a timely manor no one would need to presume what they entail nor what to expect… would they? He obviously investigated the matter that is assured, but investigation without prosecution means nothing. The events transpired that I doubt anyone disputes, as even you have spoken of your actions openly and carry the evidence within you. It is not bad form to dishonor a process that has failed because it let opinion get in the way of facts. If this is an indicator of the new system then I am unimpressed.

I would be satisfied if the magistrate ruled against my Guild’s complaints as being an act of selflessness rather than incompetence, but to claim that our grievances are unfounded or frivolous is truly folly. I also find it strangely convenient that the very man whom Narnian possessed to make the pact with you, and torment me, is the same man who cleared you of the charges.” He glanced at Incarias for a moment trying to discern if something struck him as different from before the incident, but knew it was futile.

Shale looked back to Robin, “You say you need me and my wisdom, but in all the time I have known you and seen these heartfelt moments staged to win people’s trust and sympathy. I have never seen you heed that offered wisdom when the chips were down and you had a choice. You’re impulsive and reckless Robin. Qualities that always become amplified and most deadly when dabbling in the realms of magic.

As per the law set by Duke Corbyn and the council, as read by you, the Constable has cleared you of wrongdoing and I must abide the law. However, I don't have to like it, or retract my personal judgements.

There is no need to plead with me over assisting you and your child, or to stroke my ego. I am a soldier, and whatever I might think personally is irrelevant. I have sworn to serve Duke Corbyn as High Magus, and until that mantle is lifted from my shoulders I will serve my duties as I have been tasked until, and past, the drawing of my last breath or the breaking of the world. I will fight for you, and I will die for you Robin. That, is who I am. I might bitch about it and I might be an intolerable old war dog with unpopular opinions, but I serve to fight evil and serve the Light. And, I have been waiting here all morning to get started… So, please, finish your business so we can grab Corbyn and get to work.”
Last edited by Onimaster on Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Eli »

*When Robin takes the fish from them to clean Eli’s eyes get real big and he looks at Corbyn, then in a very quite whisper for a little kid, which is like talking for anyone else he says, “how did you do that… are you sure you’re not an arcane, there must be some sort of mind control thing…” then his eyes get real big and he gets a mischievous little smile on his face… “Perhaps I should cook some cookies for dinner to go with the fish of course…” He looks out the side of his eye to see it he has properly use his new mind control powers to get his mom to make cookies… “If only I were a sailor for everyone knows they make the best cookies…”
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )