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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:35 pm
by Ravinal
Im not sure if this has been brought up at all. It's been brought to my attention that others, besides myself, may be playing world of warcraft. I just thought I'd ask who was playing, what server your playing on, and what character's you play. I am mainly on the Argent Dawn server. I play a level 42 nightelf warrior named Therine, a level 45 human priest shadow spec. named Adoros, and a level 14 gnome mage named Emick. So far Therine is my favorite, mainly because of the way she looks.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:46 pm
by McEwan
Sorry, I only have the money to play one on-line game and I'm to occupied being a supa-hero to play WoW <shrug>

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:50 am
by Claude du Sinjin
Don't worry, you're supa-hewoes are getting their @$$es sued off by Marvel, soon you're precious COH will be shut down all cuz some jack@ss programmers wanted to put Wolverine in the game... dumb@sses.

Might as well start playing World of Warcraft now and save yourself the heartache.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:39 am
by Kidwynn
Neat info...

As for WoW...

Cenarius server, Horde side, lvl 54 almost 55th lvl Tauren Hunter named Gerda. Guild: The Unnamned.


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:32 pm
by McEwan
I'm not to worried Claude, Marvel just had more than half of their case thrown out.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:41 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
Um, its Marvel. They are anal-retentive in the extreme and have a ton of cash. Worse comes to worse, they'll buy the d@mn game. :D

Then they'll make a crappy movie outta it! (*cough F4! cough*)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:22 pm
by McEwan
Okay, kids, for anyone that is interested, take you seats it's time for Marvel v. NCSoft/Cryptic 101.

First for any lawyers, or those who can speak legalees

Second: A look at the judges ruling of the MTD (Motion To Dismiss) ... ]Newsarama

And for those who think that Marvel can buy their way out of this, please note that NCSoft is the BIGGEST MMO provider in the world. Based in Korea, their subscription #s make Evercrack, UO, FFXI and WoW combined look tiny. NCSoft's profits last year were more in line with Sony (All of Sony, not just games, but electronics, ect.) then with the (relitively) small money that Marvel took in. On top of that City of Heroes is NCSoft's foothold into the American matket, they can, and have obtained the best (IMHO) IP lawyers in the buisness.

Soco and any other legal types should really pay attention to this case. This is the first case to determain a MMO's legal place in the world. In the end I think we are going to see a new judgement on the relation between IP, Copyright and the internet.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:36 pm
by McEwan
Oh, and as a side note. Of the sceanshots, all of the shots of Hulk and Wolverine clones were sticken as "False and Sham" due to the fact that Marvel admited to haveing created them themseves.

As another side note if anyone has ALOT of spare time on there hands you can go here ... =1#1717978

It is admitedly one sided, but there are quite a few knowledgable lawyers who pop up to give their oppinions

P.S. I know I sound like a fanboi, but when I read Marvels first complant where they claimed that ALL superheroes belonged to them I got a bit perterbed. This would be similar to WotC, or the Tolkin estate sueing Finalhaven because all elves belong to them.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:04 am
by Wyrmwrath
Now thats just silly, Tolkien cant own all elves...they are real unlike superheroes!


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:33 am
by McEwan
Wyrmwrath wrote:Now thats just silly, Tolkien cant own all elves...they are real unlike superheroes!

You scare me :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:09 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
All your elf are belong to us?!

