Hero Point changes 2/21/05

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Hero Point changes 2/21/05

Post by GM_Chris »

1. Reduce the time required to activate a skill, cast a ritual or create an item by one minute. Multiple hero points may be spent to reduce time.

2. Gain 5 temporary life for a battle or scene. At the end of the scene, your character returns to maximum life level or maintains the current life level, whichever is lower. Multiple Hero Points may be used in this fashion to stack additional temporary life.
Example: A Sage with eight life points is caught out in the woods alone by a pack of beastmen. He calls for help, but knows he won’t survive long enough to be rescued as is. He spends two Hero Points to raise his life temporarily to 18. By the time he friends arrive and deal with the beastmen, the Sage has been reduced to 10 life. The combat is over, so his remaining temporary life vanishes, returning him to his maximum of eight life. Had he been damaged for 14 points during the fighting, he would remain at four points after the combat, as this level is below his maximum life.

3. Increase your damage by 1 point for a battle or scene. Multiple Hero Points may not be spent in this fashion to stack additional damage. This affects all forms of damage your character can deliver.

Hero Points cannot be stolen, given away, or sold. When a Hero Point is used, its tag is destroyed.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them