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Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:11 am
by Haku
As the fighting continues in front of him, he stands there at ease watching while the others dispatch Depraved. "Barely a nuisance" he thinks to himself, "hardly even worth the effort" as his hand grips the worn pommel of his sheathed sword. "Even if it was, would it matter?" he muses as the fighting stops. Unmoving, he watches as Bolg is placed in the cart, his only response a barely whispered "Now there's a neat trick" as it takes off down a tunnel.

Laurel's response to Khorvalis draws his attention, and when the Depraved burst from the ground he becomes a flurry of movement. Laurel's quick response takes one of the Depraved down, only leaving him two to deal with

!. Spin And Strike (+1 sage buff +2 gear +1 dice roll +3 +4 = 11)

2. Lunge (+2 sage buff +2 gear +1 dice roll +5 +2 = 12)

3. No Action

It's over almost before it begins... It was as if he simply walked through them, the only visible sign he used a weapon was the sound it made when he sheathed it. He glances back to make sure the two of them are safe before walking over to the closest book that was dropped off of the cart

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:43 am
by Morgause
The Winter Witch realizes that Lord Kaylan will not come-to in time... she prepares for the worst.

But then, the Lightning Rider decides to join the fray. Effortlessly, Paer'an makes short work of the remaining two Depraved.

Morgause cannot help but smile at his deft display, almost too fast to follow with the naked eye.

As Paer'an walks off to see what Bolg left behind, Morgause walks up to the Grunt body closest to her and Kami.

She senses the last remnants of vitality escaping from the creature's disfigured body as it gurgles blood, ichor seeping from its grievous wounds.

Then, the Seer plunges her ceremonial dagger into the monster's chest... it begins to glow with a dim blue light.

The Valkin'vi says a short recitation and then abruptly pulls her blade from the Grunt's corpse... Immediately, wisps of faint energy begin to flow from the Depraved and slowly envelop Morgause.... her wounds begin to close, leaving behind no scars. The Valkin'vi stands visibly taller, revitalized and vindicated.

"I told you... you would pay for what you've done... you will ALL pay," Morgause quips.

She then walks away casually from the corpse, but not before wiping off her blade on its tattered clothes.

"Now, show me what the slavers have forgotten!" The Seer commands her charmed lieutenant to come to her... she is eager to see what secrets those books contain.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:45 am
by Khorvalis
After Khorvalis mends the injuries of the wizard, Phinkis... he immediately looks for others in need of healing.

"May the power of the Sun close your wounds!" Once completing his duties as healer, the druid looks to free the remaining prisoners from their chains and collars before collecting his belongings.

He also asks Laurel to bind the sleeping Grunt that he neck-chopped. "It might have answers that we need."

Khorvalis then walks to his friend, "Nellie Duncan, while I am not glad to see that you too are here... a victim of the Depraved, I am happy to see you safe and alive!" Khorvalis hugs the dwarven maiden then touches the collar of green metal around her neck. It instantly shatters.

Next, the old Ga'vin beckons to his fellow sages as he proceeds to the mural behind Kaylan, "Nell and Gondowon... what do you make of this? If we pool or stores of knowledge and use Bolg's books, perhaps we can recall something to help us better understand this disturbing scene."

Khorvalis illuminates the painted wall with his torch, "See Laurel, this is what I was trying to tell you... The elves here are wearing necklaces made out of the same green metal as our collars... then some kind of energy causes them to vanish, maybe even transform..."

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:53 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
((I will not be continuing with the online adventure due to a few issues, time constraints being among the biggest...sorry))

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:14 pm
by GM-Brad
{That's okay, Brian.}

Despite recovering consciousness, residual tremors shake Kaylan's body, and it's hard for him to walk. It is indeed as if something where trying to transform him, for the skin on his arm has started to blister.

Several of the prisoners here suffer similarly. You manage to shatter the collars on those who have them, and heal the blisters. Still, you realize it'll take time for the tremors to subside on their own, as they must. You decide it's probably for the best to leave the group of prisoners here, and scout ahead on your own for the exit. Kaylan (and any other PCs not continuing) decide to stay and guard them. Everyone else takes a moment to fortify the room, gather the dropped books, and tend to the injured before following Bolg's sled.

Many prisoners embrace family members who they thought they would never see again, and thank you profusely for what you've done. Some loved ones, though, are clearly still missing. Laurel scans the room desperately for his wife to no avail. He will continue on with you. When he sees Nellie, he shares a sympathetic look for her solitary confinement. "I'm both sorry and relieved to see you here, Nellie. I'm glad you made it out of there alive."

I will post the next segment tomorrow (and reveal then what is written in the dropped books). I will say the books are written in a strange language (Decipher Script). For now, continue to roleplay here {for instance, how might you fortify the room against a burrowing enemy?}. Many prisoners will tell you stories of their capture, which includes mention of some invisible "beast," and they ask for more details about your own. "How could individuals so heroic as yourselves get captured?" they ask. There is a cask of wine hidden amongst the pile of "refuse," and some begin to celebrate their liberation, even if it's slightly premature. Still, they need a release after toiling for so long, and as they embrace each other, now seems as good a time as any.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:11 pm
by Phinkis
Phinkis thanks Khorvalis for the healing, "You're a real life saver friend."
The mage then wanders over to gather his belongings from the pile. After he is sure he has everything he heads over to the now vine covered bell and begins inspecting it.
"Anyone who can tell how magical devices work want to take a look at this?"

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:44 pm
by Morgause
As Phinkis goes to inspect the bell... Morgause takes the tomes that have been collected by her charmed Depraved lieutenant. She spreads them atop an overturned sled and motions to anyone who would like to page through them.

As she scans the books, she gestures to the lieutenant and whispers it some orders. Immediately the monster begins collecting the bodies of fallen Depraved and heaps them into a dark alcove within the cavern. Before it can snatch up the last 3 corpses, Morgause puts down her book and then instructs the lieutenant to bring the remaining bodies to the towering rock-like creature across the way.

"Gargoyle!" the Seer addresses the beast, "More 'meat' for you... we can't have you facing more Depraved on an empty stomach."

Morgause laughs gently as her dominated lieutenant heaves the corpses at the Gargoyle.

The Winter Witch then spends several minutes interrogating the lieutenant. Compelled by her spell, the injured Depraved answers the Valkin'vi's questions to the best of its ability, its voice devoid of emotion and its eyes glazed over with an apathetic iciness.

Having asked what she needs for now, Morgause motions to the others, "Those that have questions for this foul creature, now is the time." (Those heroes that would like to help interrogate, post your questions here or PM GM Brad. The lieutenant eventually collapses from its injuries. Morgause then binds its hands and feet.)

Morgause then saunters to Kami and tells her something in the tongue of the An'Irri before retreating to the cavern's shadowy alcove. Moments later, what is heard are rhythmic incantations. Those near the alcove can feel a strong breeze emanate from its shadows.

The immediate area begins to grow colder... and colder.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:23 pm
by Zydana
((Catching up again))

The Valkin'Vi in the purple robe heals the dwarf, but can see that it may take a little longer for him to gather his barrings. She stands to see many more have decided to cluster in this area. As the last of the depraved attack, the gargoyle quickly takes care of them. She checks her surroundings as there was some mention of gear. She sees the pile - her swords and satchel among the hoard. Just before she starts moving in that direction, the two depraved burst from below. The Valkin'Vi holds her position behind Paer'An, who quickly takes care of them. She then seizes the opportunity to gather and equip her items.

While the others begin discussing fortifications, and enjoy the rubbish wine, the Valkin'Vi walks over to Gondowon. She looks at him for the briefest of moments and places her right palm on his forehead. She continues to hold her her palm in place, but stares at the floor instead. She does not explain her intent, but continues to hold her palm (which begins to glow a faint soft purple) against his forehead for an awkwardly long time.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:28 pm
by potentiallydead
Fibble cleans off his blade and wanders over to the pile of retrieved books.

"This is such a strange thing ter find in the ice, don't ye think? Do ye think it's magic ice? The books aren't soggy or anythin'. OH! Maybe the books are magic!"

Fibble picks a book up excitedly but is distracted by the Valkyn'vi's interrogation of the last remaining Depraved.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ask it what lives at the bottom of the chasm and why it stinks and what the structure is and what hit me in the head because it was invisible or something and why are the books not soggy from being in the ice? Because the water that turned into the ice should have gotten into the book before it froze. Oh! Maybe it was a magic spell to make the ice!"

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:05 am
by Nellie Duncan
Seeing the last of the Depraved destroyed, Nellie slows and stops with a huff. "Ah, I guess that happens sometimes too." Seeing no one now in immediate danger, she looks around some more, and wipes the crusted blood off her face. Seeing the crest of the Crimson Aegis farther under the same pile of garbage she found her own gear, Nellie walks back and retrieves her friend's things, along with anything else that might look useful or valuable. After which she jogs her way to Kaylan's side, where she hands over his personal affects.

"Oy!" she shouts, startled when Khorvalis hugs her. "Ah, thank you kindly," she mutters, slightly embarrassed as she rubs at her now free neck. "Give me a moment, I need to do a bit of investigating on another matter," she replies to his request for aid, opening her scroll case and taking out one of many pieces of paper that were rolled up inside.

Sitting crosslegged on the floor, golden hammer across her knees, she opens up her belt pouch and pulls out her journal and writing utensil. "Ah, in case you haven't pegged to it yet, I'm Nellie Duncan, Minister of the Interior of the Kingdom of Haven. I've been helping Laurel Greenleaf track down his wife, Alea, and pinpointing these slavers in hopes of taking them down. Now, raise your hand if you're present! Or tell me if you've seen the person I call in the last year." In a perfect elvish accent, she goes down the list of the names on the paper she has, "Amonion Aeraethdal? Beriana Belistwen? Falamiel Fárethiel? Ielliel Andethiel? Veriswen Lithmiel? Renethiel Vanaladhiel? Alea Araniel? Orvathar Toralothina? Nororen Vernondon? Ealolithe Telnarlal? Gwestnel Malbreth'thenniel? Lantholina Narbrinlhûn? Vanviel Vanieniel? Limwen Galasyonaion? Draugion Alfindas? Faelilla Merilima? Lúththea Mithlithryl? Bellimwen Berdragdal? Cauraiwen Isiliéslal? Nartholian Kiagalhûn? Esluiiel Lassthalellyn? Lúththea Limoadhiel?"

Nell writes down notes to the people's responses, putting check marks next to the names on the list of those who've raised their hands, circles next to those who've been seen in the last year but are not present, and lines through those confirmed deceased. "Okay, now whoever's present who's name I didn't read off, and isn't someone I know from Brennondale, raise your hand. When I point to you, tell me your name and the names of anyone else who isn't present that you may have seen captured or in captivity in the last year or killed by the Depraved."

When she finishes with gathering that intelligence, she tries to make an inference as to which of the locations on her list they may have been taken to. She then shuts her journal, and puts her papers away, "Right then, that's good for now. When we get out, I may have more questions."

Nellie gets up, pulls her codex out of her pouch along with a small prism, and heads over first to the mural to help Khorvalis with his study of the art piece. Once done with that, she then goes to Morgause to speed read through some of the tomes, the prism seeming to help her read the unfamiliar language, and referencing her codex on certain passages that seem most relevant.

(OOC: 1) Spot on the refuse pile that held the gear 2) Spot, Recall with Codex on the Mural as well as Decipher Script with Code Breakers Kit on any engravings that may be a language 3) Spot, Decipher Script with Code Breakers Kit, and Recall with Codex on the dropped books.)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:54 am
by Mahto Snowbringer
Mahto walks over to Zandron and the two quietly talk to each other aside from the rest of the group. Mahto points to each tunnel, and then over to Kaylan.

"Perhaps it's best to fortify them there or..." His voice can't be heard at he turns around and makes reference to the railway.

He rolls each stretches, getting the slight knot out of his back, he seems to have "shrugged of" his broken rib.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:36 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon stands still for a long while. He was shocked how caught off guard he was by the depraved popping out of the ground. Worse, however, was the reaction that came right afterward, which was also the reason he had been frozen to the spot: he wanted to kill them. There wasn't so much a thought of protecting Kaylan, the creatures' target, as there was a disgusting excitement at the prospect of more foes to fell. It was that feeling that had made him hesitate more than anything else, and now his resentment was twofold: one his dark thoughts, the other his inaction when his friends were in danger. He had watched everyone else spring into action and done nothing.

He lets out a long sigh and lazily sheathes his sword, rubbing his forehead in thought and frustration. He watches as once more the others begin doing their jobs: Khorvalis heals the hurt, Nellie effectively takes note of everything around her, Mahto and Zandron begin fortifying their position... His reverie preoccupies him to the point where he is severely startled as Kami approaches places her hand on his forehead. He blinks, surprised, but he does not break contact with her hand. A moment later the sage realizes that she isn't checking his temperature, for her hand is glowing with energy, and he calms down. He wants to say something, but feels as though it's more appropriate to stay silent in the presence of the quiet Kami.

Gondowon takes a deep breath and lets his nerves settles as he waits for the Valkin'Vi to finish her task.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:27 pm
by Zydana
(catching up, part 2)

Minutes pass. She maintains contact with Gondowon without looking at him. The the glow of her hand fades, and she withdraws her hand.

Looking about the room, she sees Morgause addressing the gargoyle. The purple robed Valkin'Vi walks over, and stands next to Paer'An for a moment.

That is until she sees the other female Valkin'Vi toying with the depraved under her control. She approaches the two and lightly pushes one of Morgause's hands down to her side and continues to stand in place silently.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:09 pm
by Khorvalis
After examining the mural and books with Nellie Duncan, Khorvalis joins Phinkis at the bell. He touches the thorny vines surrounding it and some of them begin to recede into the ground. The old Ga'vin helps the wizard inspect the bell (RECALL... bell, books, mural, etc.)

"Phinkis, I think I might be able to get some clues about what these are being used for, but as to the bell's magical properties, I do not possess the skills to identify it properly," Khorvalis stoops lower to get a better look at the instrument.

After a few moments, the druid looks for the members of the Redwind. He sees Zandron and Mahto talking in a corner. Khorvalis continues scanning the cave. There is Gondowan with Kami. He calls to his crew-mate, "Gondowon, perhaps you would be better suited to identify the magical workings of this bell."

As he wait's for the Master Craftsman of the Redwind, Khorvalis walks to Laurel and double checks the bindings of the still unconscious Depraved. They are tight and secure. Khorvalis rips a long piece of rag from the creature's filthy vestments and ties it around its mouth as an added measure.

"Laurel, if my suspicions are correct and these poor creatures were truly once elves... there might be a way to return them to their natural state." Khorvalis stands up slowly and sifts through his equipment.

The Hierophant reaches into his bag to retrieve some smoked meat and cheese to share with Laurel and the elven prisoners before looking back at the bound Depraved, pity in his eyes: "I can only surmise that they have been transformed against their will, or by mistake. There is a greater evil at work here. I remember, when I was attacked by the Depraved outside of Brennondale, there was a more powerful entity with them... an invisible attacker."

Khorvalis reaches once more into his bag and this time pulls out what appears to be some dried flowers and leaves. The Ga'vin then proceeds to grind the ingredients between his gnarled, wrinkled fingers... letting the colorful dust rain upon the body of the bound and gagged Depraved grunt. As the dust lands on the creature, Khorvalis utters some magical words. The scene before him starts to sparkle, like sunlight bouncing of the fresh morning's dew. (DISENCHANT on the unconscious Grunt)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:54 pm
by potentiallydead
Fibble wanders into the alcove containing the Depraved corpses and methodically rummages through their gear.

"Ugly rock. Bit of string. Interesting rock. Counterfeit coin. Better counterfeit coin. Burnt cork. Ewwww! Who keeps pudding in their pocket?"

[OOC: Spot on the corpses while we wait]