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Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:26 pm
by Rhul
What Dallid says is true. I tried my best to connect with her- to find the woman inside that I hoped was trapped behind all the anger.

But alas, sometimes you cannot save a person, no matter how you try. I regret to admit that I failed in that regard.

*His face sorrows, but then it passes and he brightens again*

But.... on to other things! Esmerelda, I think a spring ceremony would be just the thing. I will certainly draw up a satisfactory guard creedo that will aptly demonstrate the pinnacle of our ideals as a group, yet still allow us a material way to hold guards accountable for their actions if the worst should occur.

And personally, I think that the guard induction should even be something done afore the ceremony. I should think if we can get the best and most steadfast of us on watch from the beginning, we can start things on a promising note.

We should probably extend a welcome to our friends both in and out of Haven for the function, regardless of how low-key the ceremony. From what I hear, Corbyn's group of miscreants had always been seen as insular, and of course while we should still remain watchful, we should make a gesture to the public that we plan to be quite the opposite.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:24 pm
by Zeira
Francesco sits down at one of the tables

"I don't think she was blinded by hatred. I think she was determined to not allow us to join with the elves. She stood for what she believed in. We stood for what we believed in and we triumphed. Did she approach Esmerelda in the past to try and negotiate? No she did not. She used trickery and foul magic."

"I will not feel pity for a foe that tried to defeat me using treachery. An enemy that uses deceit to defeat me will earn nothing but my contempt and disgust. An enemy who fights me honorably however shall be granted that same respect."

"I know in this day and age it's seems like too much of an inconvenience to treat a worthy foes with honor and respect but remember that one of the greatest kingdoms ever was founded on such principles."

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:38 pm
by Altearez
*Altearez gives Leo his place guarding the gates. he enters the room and leans against the far wall.*


*After a few moments of looking around Altearez approaches Esmeralda.*

"Excuse me M'lady have you seen general Atreus I must speak with him about something important."

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:38 pm
by Esmerelda
Esmerelda smiles at the captain.

"No, I'm sorry, but I have not seen Atreus about lately, although he is sorely missed. If I do happen to see him, I will inform him that you are looking for him, if you would do me the same courtesy. How goes the recruiting of the guard?"

She turns back to Rhul.

"I was certainly planning on inviting all of our allies, both from within and without the kingdom. I was thinking that the ceremony could be held by the lake. That way it is not assoicated in any way with any one building in the town. And it's so pretty down there with seating for many people to attend."

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:01 am
by Altearez
"Im sure that the general is quite alringt m'lady, and yes Ive been contacting members of my old guard from different places and I believe that I have a few here that are willing to dedicate themselves to the guard"

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:39 am
by Dallid
"Weather providing, the lake is a wonderful idea."

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:48 pm
by Onimaster
Val sits there shaking his head finally pulling a flask of clear liquid from his sporran and uncorks it releasing a smell akin to turpentine and upends it over his silver mug pouring it loudly into his ale creating something that should only be used to polish armor. Once the flack is empty it hits the table with a thunk. Val lifts the demonic silver chalice to his lips, and takes a large gulp. His skin turns instantly redder, and he slouches relaxed and bleary eyed.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:44 am
by Dallid
Dallid turns to Fionna. “To meet the required needs of Haven, a number of functions must be fulfilled – efforts that will require the attention of multiple people. Rhul has volunteered his services as Court Scribe, which while well aid in the creation of the treaties, declarations, messages, and records that are inevitably required.”
“I would like to better understand your role as Chancellor. Would that be in reference to the McAteer Clan – as perhaps its leader? Or is it a Haven appointment – as perhaps the coordinator of diplomacy?”

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:47 am
by Onimaster
Val makes a mocking gesture of talking with one hand while drinking his ale with the other and rolling his eyes at the talk of stations and titles.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:46 pm
by Fionna
*Fionna listens intently as Dallid speaks.*

"No, my position has Chancellor has little to do with my clan. This is a Haven appointed position, as you put it. Basically, I will be an adviser to Esmerelda. My position in my clan gave some experience in areas of leadership and such. I will use this knowledge to give any advise I can."

She picks up an old, tattered tome, which has been in her hands a lot as of late, and continues to study its contents.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:54 pm
by Onimaster
"A 'Haven appointed position? I remember no such town meeting deciding that. That is an Esmeralda appointed position. How do you expect to make the people of town listen to you, or do you plan on just hoping no one questions the validity of why you get to boss them around? Or, do you plan on getting your hands dirty?"

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:10 pm
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan looks at Val with a bewildered expression on his face.*

"Are you deaf or just stupid? She's a Chancellor to the Queen. That means she's going to be the Queen's confidant - which she already is and has been. She's not going to be bossing anybody around any more than she already does."

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:53 pm
by Fionna
Fionna gives a similar bewildered and slightly offended look to that of Korrigan.

"First of all sir, I never planned on bossing any one around . And I might add I've had my hands plenty dirty keeping many of the people of this town alive. I've had my hands inside more people than I care to count!"

She sighs and returns to her book.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:01 pm
by Onimaster
Glares back at Korrigan, "I'm neither deaf nor stupid. I'm a dwarf, and a right bastard of one to boot. I listen, and I understand pleanty. If she's not going to be calling any shots and orders why the hell do we need to call her a chancelor? What a snow job. You can blur and downplay all you like, but I'm not going to like it or to be quiet about it. All these people are doing the same damn thing they did yesterday, and the day before that. Why the hell should I call them anything different?"

Looks over at Fionna. "Well, I appreciate what you do for this town. Just not the presumptuous air of this hoity toity business."

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:31 pm
by Rhul
(Rhul nods to Val)

While I understand and partly agree with you Val, I really have to think you are going out of your way to have a problem just to have a problem. I'd say Esmerelda could decide to call herself the High Lord Wi'gubbin'mafig if she wants to- but she'd still be the leader the town put in place. It's the moment someone demands your respect just due to their title rather than their deeds that you should have a problem. Right now you just seem to be worrying why we're calling something a shrub instead of a bush.

But until then...(shrugs) Humans have a need to add titles to things. I'll add myself to that list as well; it's just the way of things. But in some ways it could help, as long as noone's letting a 'title' give them an overly-large head.

For instance, I volunteered my efforts as a "Court Scribe". That makes me no more or less than I am. But..... if more people know me as the castle's scribe, rather than just 'Rhul' , it can help them know where to go if they need to learn about something, might that be a potion recipe, some Phanterran history, or whatever.

(he laughs)

In fact, instead of worrying so much about Esmerelda being known as "Queen", you should probably have the most problem with me being called the 'castle scribe'- because I am the only one in here who's title actually changes what they would already be doing on any other given day for the last... however many years.

But then again, if you want to spend a good amount of your time collecting and copying boring documents, and helping decide what things should get first priority of being my guest. Then I'll call you the scribe.