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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:32 am
by Gabrial
*Gabrial walked into a very heated argument about his doings and stayed in the back to hear everything that was being spatted around. After hearing enough he finally steps forward and speaks in a very low key voice.*

"I get it, you don't like, trust, or think very highly of me. Understandable. I'd feel the same way too. But, if you feel I'm a threat, then by all means, please, come with me everyday and follow me around. You will see how non aggresive I actually am. Even when fighting true enemies of Haven I tend to take a more defensive stance. Now I will not argue what happened. I'm sure everyone here knows. I will not claim it just or right. When people die, emotions flare. I was only looking out for the well being of everyone, as you are doing right now as well. I always try my best to help protect each and every essence of Haven. With that said, please don't question Fionna's ability to lead because of my actions. Justice will be served. A trial will be held and you can banish, behead, torture, or put me to work. Whatever it is that you all decide. But until that day comes, please, lets look into the more important matters. Retaliate to my words if you must, I will not raise my voice or turn and leave. I will try and answer all questions you bring up. I only ask that it is deemed appropriate by Dallid to answer them, as to not change or disrupt the forth coming trial.

*With that said, Gabrial stands there and waits.*

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:21 am
by Brey
With a genuine smile Brey replies to Gabriel

I truly appreciate the fact that you have come forward Gabriel. As well as you admitting what it was you did to be wrong. I'm sure Final Haven has many questions to ask you about that night, and the events that led up to the murders. For now you must be detained, and your items confiscated until after the trial. With an exception of those that belong to Abaddon. They will be returned to him of course. Serith is upstairs, and he will recieve the same treatment. When we find Sunny the same will go for her as well. You may leave your items with Dallid, and he will check with Abaddon whenever they deem appropriate to ensure everything is returned to him. What say you to that Gabriel, Abaddon, and Dallid?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:25 am
by Abaddon
"My question Gabriel is just how sorry are you?" Abaddon asks leaning against his cane. His speech is animated and the bells on his hat jungle. "Lets say hypothetically we had the tools to undo what you did...Would you give your life to do it?"

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:14 am
by Garritt
I know what I'd say.

One life given does not replace one taken. I helped kill dozens of Isiri, and I would smile and kill even more if I could, but that wasn't ever to bring my wife back. She's dead. It was to stop them from doing it to anyone else.

And.... if someone had the methods or artifacts to sacrifice a life to bring back another, It'd better damn well be voluntary on the part of the person making the sacrifice, and have no other malign purpose. I just got back from helping destroy the Amulet of Naramathea, and I'll gladly do it all over again with something else.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:57 am
by Smitty19
*From upstairs in the keep on the battlements outside Serith still watches, and after Brey continues his tirade, Serith Jumps back down into the courtyard.

"Wow, you are truely amazing Brey. You ONLY hear what you want to hear and then twist the words to make yourself seem like some kind of hero."

"MY proof of this is just been stated by Morgan said that the three of us threatened Johnny and Laura with death or coin if they didnt stay quiet...problem is, even Morgan himself said that Neither Gabrial or Myself where in the keep at that Time, I had went outside with Abaddon's still very living body, and Gabrial went to find a Healer. So that is a huge hole in your holier than thou story...because neither Gabrial or Myself were present at this "Threatening with Death" that you so callously threw around."

"And secondly Brey, if we were the cold blooded murderers that you are painting us as, why is it that Gabrial and Myself still reside in these lands? Wouldnt it have been easier for us to run when we were in the City of Sands, or even now..."

"I have already stated that I will be staying here for the Trial, and if that isnt good enough word for anyone, then so be it...But Id think my service to this place would be more than enough reason to trust my word."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:44 pm
by Brey
Obviously I am just one man, and simply stating what I believe to be the correct course of action. it's up to those in charge to accomplish it if they are also in agreement that it is what must be done. If you are not detained than I think we should let the people of the surrounding villages know they will have three murderers in their midst until next month, and I'd be more than happy to let them know if thats how Final Haven wishes to play this out. Understand though that they will not like hearing it, and most likely it will bring fear to the population.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:20 pm
by Haku
"Be at peace Serith, Brey. I think you've both said more than enough... Everything that's been said should have been saved for the trial. I'm of the opinion that this Confidence Vote is slightly more important as the leadership of Haven has been called into question. Every citizen of Haven, from the farmer toiling in his fields to the miners and fishermen, the crafters and adventurers, they all deserve the opportunity to have their voices heard."

His anger has ebbed, and as it leaves it is replaced with a tiredness he's never felt before. People will be people and their short-sightedness will be their undoing. He's tired of warning them time and time again... If they haven't listened by now, they never will

"My oaths were to protect the people and ideals of Haven... One of those being free will. If the people have lost their confidence in Haven's leadership, let them say so. Any here who attempts to stop them, or sway their opinions will answer to me."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:29 pm
by Smitty19
*Nods to Paer'An

"I would also ask that you make sure certain parties do not go around causing panic in the populace as well, by spreading fear..."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:34 pm
by Brey
Brey winks at Serith

If you're taken into custody, then no one has any reason to be afraid of you.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:57 pm
by Abaddon
"No one has any reason to fear Serith. He will keep his word. Serith is many things but his skills at deception are sadly lacking.

Sunny has been ordered to remain in my presence, if she deviates she will face justice worse than ours.

That leaves only Gabriel. I don't think he will go anywhere."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:13 pm
by Gil-Galad
"I agree with the Lord Marshall. The decision to drastically alter every life in the kingdom does not rest in only the hands present here. Until a fair and true resolution is reached, I will heed the words of the Queen's appointed vassals. Just because we may not agree with the current political structure does not mean we have the right to ignore it."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:16 pm
by Gil-Galad
"I agree with the Lord Marshall. The decision to drastically alter every life in the kingdom does not rest in only the hands present here. Until a fair and true resolution is reached, I will heed the words of the Queen's appointed vassals. Just because we may not agree with the current political structure does not mean we have the right to ignore it."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:30 pm
by Grimm
It had been over a year since Orien had set foot within the boundaries of Haven Proper. She had kept to her own property of the hospital and its surrounding lands seeing to her duty to the village folk. She had a vow to keep, and so long as Esmeralda had resided in haven, Orien could not set foot there. She would not bring conflict to those who had already known so much suffering already. But, in light of recent events, Fionna needed everyone she could get who would stand in support of her and Haven. There was also the fact that dark rumblings about her husband brought him out of the warm safety of their family at the hospital and into the Keep… and so she could do no less than stand at his side.

She stood at the doorway for a long time and listened, until she could listen no more. She crossed the room and laced her fingers into those of her mate, eerie too blue eyes, the visible reminder of her time being tortured to death in the Dreaming, looking about the room with neither judgment nor anger. More, a calm kind of sorrow, edged with steel wrought hopefulness.

Orien waited for the others to be done speaking before uttering a soft voiced word.

“Fionna, you are a good woman. I have seen you overcome your own fear and trials to still strive for the good of this town, our home. You do little if anything for yourself, but stand in steadfast support of the rule of Haven, regardless of what form that takes. You did not ask for this, and yet the heavy weight rests now upon your shoulders. You are now the supreme authority. May the Light guide and protect your path, and grant you both the strength and wisdom to attend the tasks before you. I know that for myself, I am here in any way you need… for you are not Esmerelda, and not to be judged for her misdeeds. You have but to call upon me… and I am your faithful servant. I serve no master save the people, and my oath as a Paladin, but my love and loyalty are to this home… and to you.” She gave the kind hearted woman a smile, for she had always very much liked Fionna, who had always been so patient and caring with her.

Now her gaze found that of the Valkin’vi who had murdered her mate, Abbadon. “You are a monster. You used Eilonwy and me to get away with your murder of my beloved… You slew my apprentice… a PALADIN of the LIGHT… and another… because it served your ends. You didn’t murder them because they had wronged you… but made up lies and excuses… because you wanted POWER. It is sickening that you were permitted not only to live… but walk freely… for the price of some nebulous ‘information’. Apparently the lives of three good folk who have shed blood and striven for this town weren’t worth overly much. Whatever has been done… you earned through your own wickedness. It is a black day for haven that you remain walking upon the face of its land. YOU have NO right to ask Gabrial to offer his life... when you so murderiously took it once already.” She took a deep breath and softened.

“However… I believe in hope. I believe in peace… and in Haven. My Lord Donovan did NOT give his life, nor Ian, nor Shea… Captain Gin, Arick, and so many others… to see this place fall and die. We have lost SO many… and so much hurt remains from transgressions of the past. I must trust to Hope… that things can be better, and without Esmeralda, they will be. Even you, A Bad One, can be better. I truly believe that with all my heart.”

She looked at Brey and studied him for a long moment. She knew him little, though his words were spoken with passion, there was something under them she felt uncomfortable with. His hands too, she knew, ran with blood.

“You, sir, are not the Law here. Esmeralda was. SHE gave her PERMISSION for these deeds, as my Lady Fionna confirmed. Thus, as she was LAW, no LAW was broken. There is NO case for a trial, save that I believe some enjoy the circus. If you take pardon with this fact, I am sure there is yet time to catch up with Esmeralda should you wish to have words with her on the matter, though I hear she is rather busy at the moment.” There was a hardness when she spoke of the Queen.

“Esmeralda made MANY mistakes… and always those have cost others most dearly. She broke her word to me, and so the An’Dar died… my own fate tied to them by oath. On the day of her coronation… she had folk executed. She sanctions murders in her own keep… why are you surprised there is murder and chaos, when the ‘sovereign’ of these lands was a stunning example of blood? Yes, she held you together for the most part, and I will give her that, but you have spilled little less blood with her than you were like to do without her. Noble Dallid calls her nothing but a political titled leader… yet she ruled with the absolute authority of a true monarch. It cannot be BOTH. I could not follow her in any kind of good faith, as I have none in her. So… I did not come here. Now that she is gone, there is a chance for light and a brighter future.”

Orien shook her head and turned back to Fionna. “YOU are the law here now, my Lady. Gabrial, Serith, and myself stand ready at your side to serve as you command. If you do not wish to drag your Queen’s name about with a trial, then call it done, and let us attend to the business of caring for the people. NOT ONE SOUL in this town has hands free of blood… innocent or otherwise. NOT ONE. YOU may choose to make better choices than your Mistress. You may chose to make a brighter way for this town. Let her sins have gone with her, and begin anew, in YOUR name… for the good of the people. Heroes will fight and plot always, it is the way of the Mighty. But we have more important work before us… Summer turns to Autumn, and our enemies are not idol. We have been to prepare for the winter ahead, and the trials we have yet to face.”

The elven woman sighed. “Garritt is right… and speaks true wisdom. Let Lady Fionna make HER decision, without all this braying and yowling. You either support her and Haven, or you are a traitor. There is little middle ground.”

With that, she fell silent... only then realizing she had spoken quite a bit, and blushing in retrospect as she tried to vanish into Gabrial's side.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:06 pm
by Aurora
*A figure who has just been watching, her hood has been up so no one can see her face. The woman has just been quietly observing the drama unfold, listening to things.*

Ah Orien....Dallid and a few others have a point as well.

*She pulls down the hood, her red hair flows to just a her shoulders, her green eyes looking into the face of each and every member present.*

Dallid himself wouldn't be saying a word against the current status quo if he didn't feel deep down something is wrong.

There have been to many behind close door decisions.

*She looks at Garritt*

You say the word Witch-Hunter like it's a bad thing. Why because at times they can see things that are wrong?

*She looks at Cristo, Brey, Dallid, and a few others.*

There are reasons why I and my traveling companion opted to not remain in the area after the wedding. One of the reasons being that this current leadership decided to allow a known necromancer from back in the day before the cataclysm into these ranks with orders that no one is allowed to touch him. Yet he taunts those who know of his evil and know the right thing to do was to take him down to prevent a situation like this, for the taint he carries spreads. Or this could be the remains of events that transpired in Caldeonia, things I wondered if it would ever come back to bite people in the ass.

I was wondering just how long it would take for a situation like this to unfold.

Before anyone asks I been traveling doing my I guess "Witch-Hunter" thing and decided to see how things were fairing. I hate it when my gut is right.
As many an instructor has stated and I believe this is what we are viewing now "absolute power corrupts absolutely."

*She looks at Mohdri*

You taught me and put me among people that giving your word means everything. From what I hear people like Orien, even Abaddon were given promises but they have not been kept.

*She looks at Abaddon.*

I'm not saying I agree that you are still standing. Had I of been around when you first arrived in the area I would have been hunting you for what you DID DO to people in Far Reach.

However, when I arrived for the wedding I was told to not harm you for you had been given a second chance by Esmerelda herself. assassination squad was sent to kill you but instead of killing you they killed an innocent...Kami. However it's what now ok to steal someone things if they are on a mission from someone in authority? When did this place decide to turn into Avantguard?

*She turns back to Mohdri*

Perhaps Uncle people are upset because they have no say on who is the "figurehead" or "leader" while Esmerelda is gone. It's obvious from what I heard there are quite a few who do not have the same air of confidence in Fiona as they did Esmerelda.

Or maybe it's just simply that people are not understanding the direction this leadership is taking and are questioning the current course of action. As long as it doesn't come to blows...since when has that been a bad thing?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:38 pm
by Dallid
"Matters of property - taking and returning - will be addressed during the hearing. No decisions regarding that night will be made before then - before all can be revealed and discussed, and Haven's court reviewed and deliberated. When the truth of all spoken can be confirmed."

"Had Gabriel, Sereith, and Sunny been deemed a threat to Haven, they would have been confined. However, they have worked and fought hard for the sake of Haven - saved many lives and destroyed many foes. They continue to do so. They had powerful motives guiding them against those they sought to kill that night. They harbor none such against the rest of Haven. Indeed, those who say they committed their acts for the sake of Haven very possibly speak true. We will know at the hearing."

"You know this, Brey, and your words sound dangerously of blackmail. 'Imprison these people now, or I will spread terror through Haven.' Be warned that such spreading of terror when all evidence points to the contrary - when it serves no constructive effort - will be seen in itself an act against Haven."