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Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:11 am
by Nick
***OOG: If you are proceeding with this adventure please at this time post your character name***

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:33 pm
by Kolvar Syntrell
OOG -Kolvar

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:35 pm
by GM-Sidney

Rusty sets his mug aside, offering a nod to the inn keeper. A stout dwarven breath is drawn before he trudges forth through the portal, his eyes squeezed shut and his breath held.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:17 pm
by Nellie Duncan
OOG: Nellie Duncan

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:27 pm
by Morgause
***OOG: Morgause***

Seeing Rusty pass through the portal after Gondowon and Khorvalis, the Winter Witch believes that with the parts of the entourage already committed to the journey, it is time for her to follow suit.

She waits for Nellie's signal before stepping through the magical gate. As she does, Morgause looks to Odrak and the others.

"You are joining us, aren't you?"

With those words, the Seer passes through to the forest scene beyond.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:32 pm
by Khorvalis

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:39 am
by Ordrak
((OOG - Ordrak))

With a wide grin and a grunt he would make his way forward. Hearing Morgause speak he'd laugh and rolls his eyes at her. "Of course, white one. I can't leave all of the fun to you now can I!?" And with that he'd allow himself to be pushed through the portal as soon as the forest scene made its reappearance.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:28 am
by Nick
***OOG: Current list of participants***

If there are any others you have until 9pm TONIGHT (04/14) to say so. After that time the Portal will close and I will post the next scene.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:11 am
by Eli
Lee Roy Jenk... Err Eli steps up for his push.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:57 pm
by Fey'lyn
**OOG - Fey'lyn - If i'm entirely too late I apologize. I'm not very comfortable writing this stuff down and i procrastinate.*** Fey'lyn entered the town and upon seeing the familiar crackle of magic coming from the direction of the tavern she broke out in a run. Afraid some other horrible event had begun while she was away. She rounded the corner in time to see her good friend Ordrak being pushed through a rough and ragged portal. She ran forward towards Nellie slightly out of breath. "May I ask what my friend has done to be sent through this scary looking portal? Also I notice that most of our friends are gone and if they've headed off on an adventure I'd be more that willing to join, as anything i've been involved here in Brennondale has been interesting to say the least.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:16 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
*OOG - Gondowon Tedra Falbor*

*Many apologies for being so late to post my name.*

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:23 am
by Nellie Duncan
Before making her own step through, Nellie raises an eye at the out-of-breath traveler. "The scary portal is just unstable transport. I'm not sure who all your missing friends are, but a lot of the Red Wind and Order of the Sun groups have volunteered to help me out with monster destruction and thievery in a city far from here. The timing is tricky, but I can help you through to join the others, if you want," and proceeds to do just that before making her own way through with a final shout - "See you in Blackwatch if I live, Kaylan!"

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:12 pm
by Eli
Eli turns around (after his turn through the portal). "Wait, Kaylan didn't come? Who's going to keep us from doing something... well dumb?"

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:39 pm
by Nick
-Most times portal travel is just another everyday thing. Like walking on a very long road. Occasionally there is a sickness of the essence, but most times it's a rather dull and uneventful affair. Such is not the case for this portal jaunt. Though everyone finds themselves in the proper location, a great forested area somewhere mildly familiar on Nellie's map, it would never by any means be called a "dull" experience. There is a sense that the portal, or something within it tears at the flesh as the merry band passes through it's ragged depths. And lo, once on the other side they can see the damage wrought but the unstable portal.

None of the travelers are without a cut or a gash, ugly wounds upon having formed on their bodies. Clothes are torn, dents appear in armor and shields. It's a nasty affair, and everyone for the first few minutes after coming out feel incredibly drained. It's almost as if everyone's essence took more of a beating than their bodies did. Behind them that horrible doorway sputters and sparks, throwing out jolts of lightning that scorch the very air. Then with a loud "POP!" it snaps shut, closed both here and in Brennondale.

They are all together, the sounds of the forest surrounding them. A bit of calm after whatever hellish maw it was they just passed through.-

As you passed through the portal there were shadows, shapes reaching out for you...brushing against you where your injuries are...
You almost screamed. Horrors, hidden between worlds lashed out at you with limbs and claws and teeth. You saw them, every horrid detail, and the savage beating they gave you on your way through the portal!
Shapes in the darkness of the void, moving to and fro. You could sense them as you moved through the portal to your destination...
Their auras so intense, you almost screamed when they approached. Wretched, angry, evil things between worlds. The horrors locked beyond the portals, reaching out for you, ripping at horribly!
You take a moment after leaving the portal, bringing a hand to your head. You see them, between the worlds, watching with hungry eyes and gnashing teeth. And they'll be waiting for you when you head back...

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:37 pm
by Morgause
Morgause emerges from the portal, her fine robes bare the marks of claws and blood... her blood. Before she even realizes that she has been injured, she sees the rest of her companions pass through the gate to the other side.

"Nellie, what kind of dark magicks have you conjured here?"

Feeling weak and bleeding, the Seer struggles to stand.

"Our travel through the gate is unlike any I've ever experienced before... In the shadows... monsters, vile creatures. They've drained me of my essence, my vitality..."

Morgause struggles to finish her sentence but falls to the ground. She reaches out a slender alabaster arm in hopes someone will catch her.