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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:19 pm
by Alinar
" - Ah, yes. The subjects will, if strong enough, may make itself known prior to the conclusion of a resurrection. Ademon's was such that I knew of his desire for the serenity of death at the very start. He quite recoiled from my summons and sought to shut it out. Given such resistance, gathering his essence would be entirely impossible and thoroughly unethi-"

Alinar arches an eyebrow as the spiders descend. "And there we go. An unequivocally signature method, I must say."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:25 pm
by Zydana
Upon arriving at the scene the body, the female Valkin'Vi looks down at the body with her ever-present expression of sadness. While the elves and others are conversing, she slowly walks around the body, but does not touch or even bend over to get a closer look. She then takes her normal spot behind Abaddon.

As the others continue to speak, she glances up or down the road from time to time making sure nothing approaches without them being aware (unskilled). She watches Nellie slowly inspect the body and the gaze of the Valkin'Vi drifts back to her own feet as Nell announces the obvious.

As masses of spiders begin to crawl over her feet, she watches for a moment before turning her head to look upon their master, as well as hers - Abaddon.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:42 am
by GM-Brad
Grymthor turns to Kaylan. “From witness accounts, in the market the bandits put knives to people’s throats and demanded money, which several townsfolk gave them, though they did not release their hostages. Why change their demands now? …The watchmen were with me to see the bandits and this elf- Ademon- tangle. We interrupted the scene, though not in time to save him.”

Bregolon looks closely at the coin in Kaylan’s hands. ”It’s one of Master Lhaewan’s! I’d recognize it anywhere. It’s got that little mark.“ He points in surprise, and Lhaewan nods behind him. “I’ve helped him and Galadhorn make thousands for the crown in the molds.”

At the insistence that there is something unusual about it, all of the elves look surprised. Lhaewan waves a hand over it, then pulls his orb from his robes to speak: “Someone has enchanted this one! Why?”

He then turns to Kaylan, the orb glowing: “Ruinor has refused to come. He will not listen to my pleas, nor aid a non-elf. But, indeed, if we survive, you all have my invitation to attend the Merchant’s Council meeting. I do not wish to delve into the details of my capture …” He shakes, then waves away Bregolon’s assistance. “It took place many years ago in a tiny village near the edge of your lands, one that is long gone, the humans responsible long dead….or so I thought. They called themselves the Silent Sons. It took me many years to rebuild my life and my business.” The magic speech cuts off with a click. Galadhorn gives you a dirty look like it was rude of you to ask.
Read only if you have research
The Silent Sons were a group that sought retribution for the elven invasion, cutting out the tongues of elves so they could no longer cast magic, though some elves adapted. The last time they were seen or heard from was nearly ten years ago in Haven.

At the question of a map, Gymthor shakes his head., “The mine is abandoned. Many years ago a survey team came here and dug it looking for gold. It connects to some natural tunnels deep underground that run all over. I don’t know if anyone still around knows their layout. If there was once a map, we don’t have it.”

When Abaddon eventually performs his ritual and spiders swarm the body, Bregolon cries out, and one of the watchmen nearby nearly wets himself in fear. At the question - “Who killed you?”- the dead body opens its mouth impossibly wide and croaks aloud: “an elf.” Then the mouth shuts, whatever enchantment or spirit possessing it dissipating.

“Tha-that’s impossible,” say Grymthor. “I saw one of the bandits kill him. Right through the heart with a knife.”

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:39 pm
by Abaddon
"The dead have grace. Unlike the living the dead have no need of lies." Abaddon says. "Besides. The bandit was most like an elf in disguise. We have found several tools of such."

"Why would an elf help the silent sons? Fear? Mind control? Or just a dislike of other elves?"

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:13 pm
by Faust
"Perhaps we aren't necessarily dealing with the Silent Sons..." His mind wanders for a moment as everyone can see the gears in his head clicking, metaphorically.
"Until the third merchant agrees to accompany you I would suggest considering him a suspect. Not in the killing...but every puppet needs a puppeteer, no? It is merely one man's speculation..."

He looks down at the spiders defiling the dead man's body with a blank stare. Then turns around and walks a couple of steps with Janus, as they mutter quietly to each other.

Suddenly he turns back abruptly: "Unfortunately speculation gets us absolutely nowhere can we PLEASE remember for a moment that there are men holding hostages in that mine! We need to formulate a plan as soon as possible and make sure they are okay...I will not suffer the guilt of anyone else being hurt after we promised to help them. Their loved ones suffer every moment they are gone. We can figure out the details of 'who dun it' AFTER we rescue the innocents." He rubs his temples for a moment and breaths slowly, "I'm sorry that outburst was rather unlike me...But the fact still remains that action needs to be taken. Lord Chargeender, you are the senior military officer here, what is your command?"

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:39 pm
by Kayla
Dakkon steps forward, bending down and picking up an elven coin. He pauses while looking at the scraps of cloth, "The clothing that the watchman had. It is not all from the same clothing, these look like three different outfits..."
(sorry if anyone already posted that)

The spiders begin to crawl over his boots. He raises an eyebrow but doesn't react otherwise. Once the spiders stop, he stands up, "We should not be idly standing while people's lives are at risk in the mines."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:04 pm
by Alinar
“The situation has changed - no surprise the bandit’s demands have changed, as well. Wealthy hostages may bring considerable ransoms and may better secure safe passage. Though the nature of the demands is odd. And an Elf among their number? It is natural for a bandit to seek to conceal his identity, though there could be political motivations or a simple vendetta involved.”

“Regardless, Faust is correct. Let us deal with the bandits at present, and work out their motives after the crisis is resolved – perhaps with a prisoner in hand to better enlighten us.”

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:05 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
((OOC Just to clarify: for those that missed it, once Kaylan shrugged off whatever effect the elven coin initiated, he did not set it down. He does show it to anyone that shows interest. Post if you ask to handle it please, as Kaylan would have a specific reply))

*Kaylan looks over the item unexpectedly handed to him by the wizard, a deep scowl growing on his face. He looks up after a long few moments to watch Abaddon do his work. He stares, almost fascinated by the ritual, and grows an almost sinister grin when the wizard reveals the intent of the magics by the questions he asks the dead elf ((if that was indeed asked out loud)). Although he brushes off any spiders that clamor over him initially, when they cause Nell to panic, he simply looks for a suitable rock nearby, clears if of them, and lifts her atop the stone. He chuckles as he sets her down and speaks to her*

"Ok...just so that I am clear on your various threat responses.......dead bloody bodies or marauding thieves....not a thing....harmless spiders.....panic like your being chased by a rabid bear?
We will also keep your information about the disguise aid in mind should we decide to use such a ruse, although I am unsure if we would have the time to get back to the tents. When the sinister, spiders-of-doom onslaught has vanished, I would ask you to fix the lift. I will post guards in case you are ambushed by further arachnids."

*Kaylan winks teasingly at Nell, and once the dwarf is confident she will be fine behind him on the rock, he turns to Alinar, Grymthor and the others to listen to each in turn. When he hears what Bregolon states about the coin, his scowl return and he glances at Lhaewan before replying to each of them*

"Alinar, could a being be able to discern who was drawing them back and refuse any such call but a specific empath or group of empaths?"

*Kaylan responds to Lhaewan's inspection of the coin*

"Enchanted it is, so as to force a feeling of obligation to the giver upon the recipient at that. I almost had to give something to your dead friend when I grasped it. I can see why Bregolon feels so indebted if that's the nature of these coins good sir Lhaewan.
If Ruinor discovers you are a captive of the bandits would he show himself then?"

*Kaylan shrugs off Galadhorn's irked gaze. When he hears Grymthor mention that no map is to be had, he shakes his head in frustration a moment before responding to the watchman's statement about what he witnessed.*

"That may be so, but were you able to see if the attacker was an elf in disguise...or disguised as an elf?"

*Kaylan turns to Abaddon*

"As Fust states, I don't think an elf did help the silent sons; though they may be trying to set the blame on that group. You are quite possibly correct, Abaddon, that the one that murdered Ademon was likely in fact I would guess all the bandits were. This is growing to seem this is less a raid for loot, and more likely some portion of a machination towards some other goal. I will also agree that Ruinor is starting to look like a prime suspect. That might even explain why they are asking for the body also."

*Kaylan pauses until Faust's angry outburst fades. The dwarf walks over to him, glancing at Dakkon, before continuing*

"We do indeed need to tend those captive in the mine, but to rush in without knowing more about the WHY may well put any hostages AND ourselves at risk. What if these false bandits are elven wizards who had all been in disguise and are preparing for the assault they must suspect? Freeing the hostages under those circumstances has different risks than if these were simply bandits no? I think finding more about who...will tell us why, and that may provide other options to use against them.
That being said, my inclination is to get the lift working an insert part of the group into the mines, while making it look as if we are handing over the elves as they asked. If Alinar is willing to stand in, we may be able to lure the perpetrators out long enough for the other group to get in and free the hostages.
I say that sending Faust, Nell, Cirrus, Janus, Dakkon, and Kami into the mine, while leaving Myself and Abaddon with the elves;..."

*Kaylan shoots a look over at Abaddon briefly*

"...if he is willing to stay and allow her to go below that is; would be the best plan at this point. The mine group would have the better numbers and best collection of skills and experience, especially with Cirrus and Nell. Abaddon and I are likely going to be able to compensate for any unexpected turn of events here at the entrance. We could then send them a message, once the lift is well on its way down, that we are ready for the trade. Then its just a matter of seeing what happens. The only other notions would be to leave Alinar in disguise wit the elves here, under the pretense that Grymthor is handing them over while we all go in; though I have reservations about such as we have no clue If, or how quickly, we could find where the bandits take the elves to free them and the hostages.

Suggestions? Objections?"

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:12 am
by Abaddon
"Kami can decide for herself if she wants to go." The old man.

"Alinar won't be the only one in disguise." Abaddon says. "They can go ahead while I prepare my own disguise."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:32 pm
by Alinar
"Might a deceased subject identify who is calling to his essence? I sincerely doubt it. The essence's awareness of the physical world is naught, as it no longer wields physical senses."

"Yes, I'll stand in for Ruinor."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:07 pm
by GM-Brad
Bregolon looks at Kaylan, confused. “I serve Master Lhaewan of my own free will.”

Lhawean’s orb glows. “I am as perplexed as you are, master dwarf. As for Ruino-“ He stops, then sits down on a rock to rest. “Forgive me. Talking is taxing. I was saying, as for Ruin-”

“As for Ruinor appearing," Galdahorn continues for him, "to trade places with an elf, perhaps. For a human…no.” He bends down to pick up the pouches belonging to the dead elf. “I’ll make sure these get to Ademon’s family… For the sake of justice, I expect you to kill these bandits - once your hostages are free, of course.” He waves his hand. “I would rather we did not waist time talking with them at all, but if it is a ruse you want, so be it.”

“Woah, wait,” says Grymthor. “This might work, if they haven’t personally met Ruinor. But, I’m sure they’ve heard of him. Alinar is it? If you are going to do the impersonating, we need to dress you up in the part.” He points to Galadhorn. “Maybe a few of those gold rings and necklaces he’s wearing.”

Galadhorn grumbles, but when Lhawean elbows him, he removes a small portion of his jewelry to pass along.

“Good,” says Grymthor. “Now, Alinar, you already talk a lot. That's good. I’m going to give you a test question to see if you can play the part.” He pretends to saunter up. “Oh, hello Ruinor, care to spare a moment to chat with a non-elf, poor, dirt-stained, common everyday soldier like myself?”

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:55 pm
by Alinar
Alinar ignores Grymthor as he refuses the jewelry offered by Galadhorn. "Only a fool would hold audience with bandits while wearing his worth. I doubt Ruinor would risk his treasures - indeed I'd advise each of you to leave your valuables behind with one you trust, lest you see them pulled from your person without ceremony."

Finally he turns to Grymthor. "Have I ignored you enough, or should I summon pretend retainers to cast you from my sight? Regardless, if the bandits don't know Ruinor by sight - and he does take abnormal measures to avoid encounters - I rather doubt they'd know his personality. I'm more concerned they might recognize *me*."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:59 pm
by Abaddon
"I can make myself look like not me if that would be better." Abaddon says

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:08 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie seems a bit shocked at the manhandling, obviously not used to it and bewildered as to what her reaction should be. In the end she keeps quiet on the rock until such time as the ground is cleared of things that have far more legs than they ought. Upon such time she hops down and makes her way over to the lift where she begins repairs.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:53 pm
by GM-Amanda
(So... Amanda needs to set up to check this in the morning, because I never seem to get on my laptop after work anymore. *sigh*)

Cirrus leads the party through Brennondale's town square and to the tents, merely rolling her eyes at Kaylan's pun. She does not go into any of the tents, rather skirting around them, searching for only she knew what. She returns to the group only after Grymthor leads the Havenite's back to Ademon's corpse.

The spiders do not seem to phase the Av'yana in the slightest, nor does the ritual draw her attention as her gaze wanders the area. She quietly twirls a necklace around her fingers as she squats and looks around, those familiar with the area would recognize it as an artifact of the Iron Empire.

As Kaylan explains his plan, Cirrus stands and moves closer to the group, her gaze darting between the conversationalists each in turn, and the entrance to the mine.

"I could probably go down ahead, see if'n I can't draw some of 'em out. They'll have to work pretty boopin' hard to spot me in the dark." She turns to Dakkon, Faust, and Janus. "Apologies, I'm sure you're right nice people and all, but I don't know how well you can take down some gropos. If this all goes sideways, do you fellows think you can handle yourselves?"