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Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:16 am
by Phinkis
"Ah yes! It never occurred to me that the door might be able to count our feet. I think we should go with that answer."

Phinkis looks over the shield for a moment. "This shield is magical. Darius, did one of the horse lords give you this shield?"

"I find it strange that you are answering directly, and don't seem to be in a trance at all. I can only think of a few ways for that to happen. The first is that you have trained extensively to be in complete control of your mind. I've met few who can do this and it's not talent you just happen to pick up. The second option is that you are under the effects of a potion or other magical protection that shields the mind. I took the enchantment you offered from your wand and while I feel more physically durable I didn't notice any sort of mind shielding effect. This shield may provide some form of protection but you aren't carrying it so it would have to be very strong to protect you while in my hands. No, I don't think that's it either. That brings me to the last way I can think of, I guess I'll just ask the question, though it seems likely you don't have to answer truthfully. Darius, are you alive?"

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:17 am
by GM-Brad
"No," and then Darius adds more, "The shield is mine, though I seem to misplace it often. It's not magical, as far as I know, just an old family shield."

At your next question, Darius seems frightened. "Yes, of course I'm alive."

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:16 pm
by Phinkis
Phinkis stares at Darius for a while with a contemplative look. "Well, I'm stumped. This shield IS magical yet he says it isn't, which means he didn't know or he is lying. It wasn't one of the questions asked of him though, so I suppose he didn't have to say anything. In fact, that's how you would expect a person in this situation to respond, only answering the questions asked."

Phinkis takes the shield over to Harmon. "You recognize this shield at all? I know you've probably seen many shields like this one but do you know of this one?"

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:28 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
"Dear Cirrus, no power had by man or dragon could make me shiv you...I don't carry blades; ....turn your skull into a croquet ball maybe. That I will reserve for when you reveal your ultimate evil plan for domination of all living things and mandatory afternoon tea." The old warrior chuckles at the aviana as he watches her turn her senses on the door with all the fervor of an orc at a buffet. " As for a warning system I suggest a bright pink tabard, covered in bells, and tie live cats to the bottom of your boots. That should work to warn people you are who you, and are no one dangerous..."

after she announces the doors less than sunny demeanor, Kaylan sighs, " That may be an issue, since the king would have my soft bits if I allowed his best left hand to get vaporized by a naughty door. Is the trap magical? Could Phinkis zap it?

When Darius seems un affected by Nell's efforts, Kaylan walks over to inspect him closer. "Nell are you doing that right? He doesn't seem all that tacit at the moment, nor is my confidence that he is being truthful growing." Kaylan crouches to look into Darius eyes. "I have heard rumors you were some pasty skinned thing that wasn't all that human, but mostly that came from Thurton whose mouth seems to spout words his brain hasn't garnered supporting proof for."

Kaylan glances over at Phinkis briefly and nods, Are you by chance a well trained spy lad? I know they aren't all that easy to poke in the brain with a stick to get answers." The dwarf looks back to the wizard, "Any way to tell what the shield does? If you cant we may have to see if Nell can, or dig up an empath."

when Daruis answers Phinkis, Kaylan stands and looks between the two, " ...that shield was intentionally hidden, not just misplaced when I found it. Phinkis, better let me hold it incase it has some mind warping enchantment, I have some defenses that may help. I would be easier to magic me into compliance, than prevent you from deep frying us should its powers be sinister."

Kaylan turns again to see what input the women may have and what Harmon's replay is.

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:49 pm
by GM-Brad
Harmon exams the shield, perplexed by the question. "Aye, it's my son's. I recognize the dents, though it's been a while since I've seen it up close."

As a note, I'm going to be gone this weekend. Continue to talk amongst yourselves, and I'll respond and/or post the next segment when I get back.

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:03 pm
by Nellie Duncan
After several minutes in contact with Darius, Nellie opens her eyes and sits back, removing her hands from his person. "I cannot guarantee truth in Sir Darius' answers, my friends. That particular ability does not work on him, for any of the reasons Phinkis has listed. But while I cannot guarantee it, I do wish to remind you that he may still be saying the truth, and so far all of his actions that I've heard of and seen have only been beneficial to us and his stated goal of rescuing the children."

She glances down to the wand still in Darius' hand, to the door, the amulets in Kaylan's hands, and then to the shield. "Mm. Out of all the magical items currently here that I've never seen before, only the shield can I identify in any reasonable time." She gets up and walks over to Phinkis. "If I may, sir? This shouldn't take long, and then I can start the questioning of the next person."

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:53 pm
by Phinkis
Phinkis hands the shield to Nellie. "Of course! So who's going to write on the door? I agree that Cirrus' probably has the best chance to avoid any nastiness that could happen but I wouldn't be apposed to doing it. If it's some sort of magical whammy my defenses may protect me. That's assuming the whole area doesn't explode if we get it wrong... or even if we get it right."

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:14 am
by GM-Amanda
"Hehehe... croquet. I'll go with the pink tabard and bells, but there is no way in hezmana I'm tying cats to my talons or any other parts of my anatomy. I'm not the magicky expert to say if it's magicky or not, but I'd guess it's something to do with how the door was made. There's a regular pattern of some kind of stone in here, and any time I've messed up with these kinds of puzzles on these kinds of doors... well, it's been not nice. Super not nice. Hot slivers of shrapnel embedded in faces not nice."

She gives Darius a glance, and a not so nice grin breaks out over her features. "If he's not responding to your gentle ministrations Nell, I'm sure I can find some fleshy bits to poke until he tells the truth. Could just be leading us on a wild gropo chase."

Cirrus shrugged. "We can roshambo for it Phinkis, I'm more than happy to stand back and let you take all the ouch."

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:00 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
Kaylan listens to cirrus about the door, acknowledging her information with a grunt that has a sounds-as-fun-as-latrine-digging feel to it. "Well that just fertilizes my desire to meet the person that built the door and stair trap with some special Abbadon plant growth potion don't it...". Phinkis, can you jab the door with your magic tester and see if we can shut it down like the amulets? If not I think I have to support the count our feet answer too."
Kaylan smirks at Cirrus, " as for that roshambo gimmick....not fair to Phinkis. I've seen him in combat, and know his targets are too big and yours just don't exist...I hope."

"As for you good sir Darius, mind explaining why Nell cant get in your head?" the dwarf eyes Daruis sourly, "After that I would bee keenly interested in why you didn't say something before she put the effort in."

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:00 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
((how did THIS happen?!?!?! Mr moderator make this go away please))

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:09 am
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie takes the offered shield, holding it up to what little light they have and turning it this way and that way as she examines it, leaving half an ear to the other's discussions.

"Whatever trap we spring with a false answer could also have a wider effect than just to those who stand before the door. And Kaylan, while I appreciate your backing on my personal pick, I'd like to remind you all that I've a horrible track record with 50/50 questions - when we were up against the doorways in the Master's interactive books, my picks were wrong seven out of nine times. Luckily I warned people ahead of time, and they realized early on to go with the opposite door that I would pick so we didn't come to much harm."

Nellie pauses in her examination, suddenly keen on the shield itself as she adjusts one wrist just the slightest bit. In doing so, the shield becomes translucent and the wood appears rotten and old. "Ah. I thought I saw that." She tilts her wrists, and the shield seems to become solid, new and made of good strong wood. "Darius, I honestly don't care if you're living, dead, undead, or under the effects of a curse - only that you're honest with us. All of you claim that Dresda was a dark sorceress. You were present when she raised the seven kings of your bloodline, within the very chamber that she did it. She's dead now, and yet the seven kings still roam. Something has to be tying them to this plane of existence that isn't just their quest for revenge. And you say one of the seven kings came to speak with you, but why would they even reveal their plans when everything could have gone smoothly without any opposition? Logic dictates that they HAD to do so. And why you specifically? Harmon is your father, and as kings of old, if they felt any obligation to their bloodline to reveal their plans, it should have been to the head of the clan."

She pauses significantly to look at Darius with a sad gaze. "Darius... what did Dresda do to you four years ago? Or more specifically I should think, what did you do attempting to stop her?"

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:58 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
Kaylan quiets while he watches Nell investigate the shield, and listens as she comments on her history. "Those may be accurate numbers, but I'm feeling this to be more of the two than the seven. As for that shield, what is it I just saw you do? How did you make it new again?"

When Nell turns and starts speaking to Daruis, Kaylan's eyes watch him closely. When her words urn to interrogation and she mentions the ritual 4 fears ago, Kaylan's face flashes as a thought hits him. "Yes Darius, tell us more. Was your horse among those killed? I would also like to know...what you know...about the manner Svelnic the Mage appeared. What form did he take....or should I ask...whose body did he take? Did you also see Gregon the Coppersmith, or Carlen the Scalper?"

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:28 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie blinks, looking back at the shield, tilting it once more so that everyone sees it as translucent, made of old rotted wood. "Mmm. Other than the fact this shield isn't really here on this plane, it's an ordinary shield. You normally wouldn't be able to tell it's of another plane unless you tilt it just right like I'm doing now. The rest of the time it sort of takes on an optical illusion to look solid and made of new-ish wood, like so," she finishes, moving it out of it's current alignment to the floor and walls, causing it to look solid and fresh, with all the dings Harmon had mentioned once more. She hands it back to Phinkis.

"So who wants to be questioned next?" she queries, looking to Harmon and Thurton.

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:20 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
When Nell reveals the nature of the shield; Kaylen cautiously steps between her and the Barls((if possible based on where they are)), his shield swings up before him slowly, and his hammer sparks top life with the same red crackle that could have been seen when it was used against the rootlings. His lips drawn into a grim line and his eyes dart between the two, as he raises the hammer to rest on his shoulder.
" It seems gents, its time for a choice between truth or... trauma." The surly dwarf punctuates the statement with a twist of the hammer that causes it to lightly tap against his helm.

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:58 pm
by GM-Amanda
"Oooh, TRAUMA!"

Cirrus' grin only grew, her head cocking to the side as she slowly stood, right hand reaching for Four sheathed across her back.

"I do likes me some trauma."