On the road to Woodhold

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Jaycen Blackhawk
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Post by Jaycen Blackhawk »

Jaycen's moves through the caves quietly, obviously on edge. At first he seems unsure of his steps and movements, but after some time his actions become almost instinctual, as if he was born to this world, perhaps in another life.
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Post by Rhul »

Rhul's reaction to being underground are varied. He is obviously uncomfortable in such tight spaces, his bulk filling the space nearly as much as Trusk's, but he seems to be taking everything is as if it were a learning experience. In the beginning, he starts at the unknown noises in the dark, but soon he seems to begin acclimating himself to the tunnels.

"Amazing," he marvels once, running his hand along the rough stone beside him, once even pressing his ear to the very wall, as if listening. "I think we just passed a water source of some sort, deep within the stone."

"Hmm... it lacks the freedom of the world above, but I can see why those who choose to live in these places would do so. While at times it seems I can feel the very weight of the world pressing from above, I also feel oddly safe. As if I could retreat into the darkness from an enemy.

It's unsettling, at best. I won't be sorry to see the sky once more, I must admit."
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Post by Fionna »

*Throughout the trip, Fionna remains close to her friends. She seems a bit more comfortable underground than some of the others, growing up in a community close to dwarves will do that. However, she is still wary of every noise around her and every stumble of the others. She keeps a close eye on everyone, hoping her skills will not be necessary on this voyage. Her staff is always ready and her potion bag is unlatched for swift access.*
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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda watches Laggy with great concern when they are above ground. Once they enter the tunnel system and he relaxes she seems more at ease herself as well.

Occassionally as they travel through the tunnels a small shiver will pass through her, even though she does not appear to be cold. When she realizes that her presence seems to calm Trusk, she makes sure that she stays very close to him.

When they pause to rest she quickly goes to Atrum's side and puts her arms around him. "I wish this didn't remind me so much of when we went to rescue Herb's parents," she says softly.
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by GM-Mike »

After too short a break, Laggy gets up and announces it's time to move. Although this was clearly not his preferred route, he navigates the tunnels as if he had spent years memorizing every turn, every rock, every narrow passage. At times he starts down one passage, then turns, looks at Trusk and Rhul, shakes his head, and uses a different tunnel instead.

Days pass and thos used to the outside begin to wonder if they will ever see the daylight, ever smell the fresh spring air, ever feel the gentle morning breeze again. They wonder how could anyone spend their lives living in a place so dark, so cramped, so hopeless.

For Laggy, it seems it seems the closeness of the walls gives him comfort, as if being able to touch his confined world gives him some control over it, a control he simply doesn't have above ground. Still, he knows. And thus from time to time, along the journey, every few days, he leads the group above ground, letting them remember what they have, what they fight for, what the war against the elves is truly about. Each time, it is more difficult to return to the caves for most, though as always Laggy seems relieved...
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum moves along just behind Laggy until they reach the cave entrance*

Rhul, you get Laggy's back, Jaycen you've got rear gaurd, I'll be just ahead of you, everyone else take up rank in the middle.

*Atrum tries to keep an eye out for anyone that might be following and marks every turn with a dagger, an upward (back)slash meaning they turned left there a downward (forward)slash for right straight up and down for straight at shoulder level
Once we stop for a moment Atrum takes his back pack off and pulls out some cheese and bread and a waterskin. When Laggy calls a halt Atrum lets everyone know that he is going back a couple of turns to make sure that they aren't being followed*

*He pulls Es close to him
It seems we have spent far too many nights skulking through the darkness. Well, some times it's a good thing.
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Post by GM-Mike »

Brief encounters are handled quickly by the skilled group. When in caves, Laggy barks out orders and is pleased when they are followed. Any hesitation gets his ire, and he more than once glances at Jaycen, who seems most reluctant to follow (oog: just guessing here :wink: )

Encounters above ground, Laggy seems less sure, even seeming glad when Atrum takes command. Small wounds are easily handled by Fiona, and the group travels long past weariness, finding strength within and with each other.

At last, above ground once more, from behind a tree a man appears. He is covered in mud, his clothes long stained by blood. While no one recognizes the man, he says, "Laggy, friends of yours?"

"Of course," Laggy says in reply. "I met the lady twenty years ago in a cave system South of Haven and the rest are friends of hers."

Some of the words within the reply must have been prearranged, for the man just nods and says, "Welcome. Hope the journey wasn't too strenuous."

"Not as bad as I feared, forrtunately, thought here appear to be people watching, for what reason I do not know."

"No good, most likely. But come, The path is clear at present so let's make use of it."

He leads the group through the woods to a small camp of half a dozen guys, one of whom Esmerelda and Atrum recognize immediately, despite the worn look, the clothes that are no longer prim or proper, the battered armor, and the myriad of scrapes and bruises.

"King Roderick," Laggy says. "If it pleases you, these folks would like a word."

"It does," the king says, smiling, and one gets the sense that smiling is something he rarely does these days. "Welcome. Plase, sit, eat, and speak freely."
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Post by Rhul »

Rhul waits until the rest are seated and then he sits down himself, nodding with casual respectfulness to King Roderick as he does so.

"Thank you," he says to Roderick. "A good seat to rest myself is appreciated after our journey here. I'll respectfully pass on the food, though. I have a bit of my own left, and your men look as if they need their supplies more than me.

I gather you already know Atrum and Esmerelda; my name is Rhul. Formerly of a small place known to some as 'Sanctuary', but I have thrown my lot in with these fair people.
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Post by celegar »

trusk remains standing, steadfast, always at esmerelda's side, sneering every so slightly if somone comes to close that he doesnt know.
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Post by Fionna »

*Fionna graciously sits with the others. Her upbringing near the head of the clan has taught her manners in these situations.*

"Thank you very much, King Roderick. It seems you know my friends, my name is Fionna of Caldonia."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum steps forward, bows slightly at the waist and then extends a hand*

It is good to see that you made it out.
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Post by GM-Mike »

Roderick acknowledges Fionna and says, "Pleasure." he then clasps Atrum's wrist and smiles. "And you. The burden of that betrayal still weighs on us all, and we fight to make it right, whatever it takes. Tell me, what are your plans? I assume you have some since you made the journey here."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

I no longer lead the people that escaped Haven. I only took the mantle because I saw no other Havenite that should. Esmerelda now leads the people.

*Atrum steps aside so that Esmerelda may approach*.
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Post by Esmerelda »

At Atrum's comment, Esmerelda blushes and steps forward, trailing a hand affectionately down his arm as she walks by him. Stepping up to Roderick, she curtsies.

"My Lord. I guess the family blood runs too true within my veins to stand by and not take up a role in leading and caring for the people. I am glad to see you survived. Not many from the town did. Aside from Atrum and myself, the only other survivors were Shea, Eilonwy, Vaun and Ingram. King Galen of Caldonia has offered us shelter for a time, but more and more refuguees poor into the area by the day. I fear it will not be long before the lands cannot support them all."

Looking around at the openness, she asks warily, "Is there somewhere you and I might speak more securly and I can fill you in on what our plans are?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by GM-Mike »

"Certainly," the King says and ushers her away. When Trusk tries to follow, Esmerelda tells him it's okay. They stay within view and Trusk looks with eyes ready to attack at the first sign of trouble.

After a time, the two return, having finished their conversation.
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