The Tipsy Traveler Inn

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Anon »

*looks at Daine and smiles*

Can I play cards with you?
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Post by Smitty19 »

Over on the other side of the bar everyone present sees Serith gain visible rage at the mention of slaves of the Elves. A slight snarl leaves his lips as Serith grips his tankard, and downs the rest of it and slams it onto the bar top, Nodding to Korrigan He turns to leave, obviously in a very sour mood, and heads out the door
Serith Darkheart

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Post by Marcus »

*Daine seems completely unsurprised by Sarith's outburst as he replies to Anon's question*

"Cards? Sure, we'll have to do that later tonight, even though I'm pretty rusty. Heck, I haven't even seen a deck of 3 Dragon since a long time before the winter. I guess you could say I've been busy lately.

Say, have you been here long, or are you a newcomer like myself?
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Post by Anon »

*smiles and shakes his head*

I'm not from around here. I don't know where I am from. Been traveling so much now can't remember though I have been here before and don't remember all these buildings so I guess you guys are new too...are you?
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan considers Abaddon's offer for a moment and then gives a nod.*

"Sure, I'll take your chits at the Tipsy Traveler. Hell, I'll even get a couple folks to work as runners. Your gamblers will have good service, and we'll both come out ahead! I'll not likely be a player, though. If I get a few drinks in me and start losing, somebody's gonna end up bleeding. I'm a right awful loser when I'm in my cups."

*Mary emerges from the kitchen with a tray. On it are several bowls of a tasty looking stew and a pile of crusty rolls. She begins passing them out to anyone who indicates they'd like to eat. Korrigan waves goodbye to Serith as he leaves and turns his attention to Darkclaw.*

"Labor and bodyguarding, ay? Well, if you're willing to lend a hand around here and help me fight off any unwelcome invaders, you're welcome to three square a day and a place to sleep upstairs."

*Glancing around, Korrigan notices the change in mood.*

"Alright you lot, that's enough talk of those point-eared bastards. Last time I ran into any of them I cut the heads off of six of those prissy stacks of shit, and it's as happy a memory as I've got of them. Let's eat, drink, and enjoy each other's company tonight, ay?"

*Korrigan finishes his coffee and fills his tankard with the cider under the bar. Taking a bowl and roll from Mary's tray, he begins to enjoy his dinner.*
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Post by Anon »

*looks a little sad for a second*

Sorry for asking about the pointy ears, didn't mean to upset everyone. I don't like to make people upset. I like to make them happy, so please be happy, not for me but for all your friends, here and elsewhere.

*after a moment takes some of the stew and a roll and begins to eat and smiles while doing so*

This is good, thanks!
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Post by Esmerelda »

Smiling at Darkclaw, Esmerelda gives his arm one last squeeze before moving away. "Sometimes a warm welcome is just the needed thing for an aching heart. I know what I would wish for myself, and that is what I try to give to others"

She smiles at Daine's reference to her as lady of the keep. "Well, rightly, sir the keep belongs to Ingram. He is letting the survivors shelter there. But since he does not have a lady that I know of, I guess I am acting unoffically in that capacity. As I once did at the keep near Haven." He face goes sad again at the mention of her former home. "But you are not providing me with anymore work. I enjoy helping the townspeople. I always have. The children I try especially look after, knowing what a hardship it is to loose a parent at so tender an age. Although if you can help with hunting, it would be greatly appreciated. We always can use food, especially if now there are more mouths to feed."

Esmerelda watches Aurora and Abbadon's exchange with interest. She lets out a small bitter laugh when Aurora seems to disdain the use of any cards. "You remind me of my brother, Aurora. He did not see the value in cads either. But perhaps you are not familiar with the customs of my mother's people? We read the cards for fortune and I often get quite a bit of my sagely insight from them. They can be a tool as well as a game of chance. Although I haven't played 3 dragon ante since my days at my father's court..."

She casts a concerned gaze in Eilonwy's direction, but respect's the youth's desire for privacy.

When the discussion of the elves comes up, Esmerelda goes silent yet a range of emotions flit across her face. When Korrigan and Anon end the discussion, she nods her head.

"We should be happy for what we've found here, and look forward to building something together!"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
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Post by Aurora »

*Looks over at Esmerelda*

I did not mean to offend if I did Esmerelda. It's not the cards I am hesitant on it's the whole gambling thing. I've seen seers use cards, rocks, and other things and that actually I do respect and admire a great deal.

As Mr. Darkclaw stated I'm concerned about the not so friendly types that may come around with such an operation, that is all and I was just voicing a concern.

*Turns her attention to Korrigan and looks pretty serious.*

I am sincere in my offer Mr. Korrigan sir. I can pop by and help Mr. Darkclaw keep an eye on things. I mean I will be residing on wherever my Uncles chooses to go but I also want to help out everyone around here.
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Post by Marcus »

Oh, it's ok to talk about elves....just not the ones from Sylvandar. (he shudders, and points at Anon with a half-eaten roll)

Don't get me wrong, though. I've met some really great elves in the past; in fact, my first crush was on the girl that lived on the farm next door to my family. It's just that we don't have the best history with the ones from the neighboring nation- most of us here are refugees from that conflict, and nearly anyone you talk to has lost a loved one or worse to their attack on Haven, if they were willing to talk at all about it.

And as for Serith just now, it's not my place to say why he feels how he does. You'd have to talk to him about that. But that's probably not the best thing to do either.

*Looks to Esmerelda and smiles*

I'm glad it's not an extra burden. And while I'm no good at hunting, I can assure you that while I might be small, I can split wood and haul water like nobody's business.
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Daine*

If you wish to go hunting just let me know. I can help you out with that Mr. Daine sir.
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Post by Anon »

*looks up with licking stew off his lips*

Oh...I see well I don't want to talk about them anymore just because of what it does to the people here...

*turns to Aurora*

Hunting? Oooh, can I come? I can't really fight well but I can heal any injuries you get and I can hit things! It used to hurt my hands but know it hurts them!

*looks back and fourth between Aurora and Daine for a moment*

By the way, who are you guys?
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Anon*

I'm Aurora, Aurora Darksbane.
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Post by Darkclaw »

*Darkclaw smiles*

Korrigan you got yourself a deal. I'll help out where I can and protect your Inn. It will be my pleasure.

So what are the house rules? How forceful do you want me to be to enforce said rules? And who is the local law so I can keep them in loop of what going on? Not to mention it is always good to be on speaking terms with the law if you are going to help keep the peace in a town.

*looking puzzeled*

I'm still surprised nobody has answered my question of who is in charge here. Abadon, you seem to well set up here, don't you know?
And does anyone know what the town laws are?
And does nobody know what land this is?
For the right price, I'll kill it for you!
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Post by Marcus »

Thank you Aurora. That'd be fun to do sometime. You should really just call me Daine, though.

(Looks to Anon)

Sorry, I must have forgot to give my name to you before. I'm Daine Ironfeld, formerly a blacksmith's apprentice in the Haven valley's fishing village. You could say I had to learn to fight after being forced to flee my home with group of refugees, like most here. I told Abaddon my story when I arrived here just this morning.
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora smiles at Daine*

Ok, Daine it is. Sorry old habits meeting new people and all kick in and I tend to be more on the ummm polite side.

*The thinks for a moment and smiles*

Daine, Mr Anon sir how about we arrange it so the three of us go hunting. Now I'm going to need you guys to be quiet while we are in the woods so we don't scare off dinner.

Maybe we'll get luck and bring in some extra meat for both Esmerelda and for Mr. Korrigan sir.

*She looks at Esmerelda*

No matter what Esmerelda you and the children get my share of whatever I can bring in.

*She then turn her direction to Darkclaw*

Mr. Darkclaw Sir I have no idea who is in charge around here. I appologize for not answering your question sooner for I was waiting to see what everyone would say. I know I guess Mr. Atrum Sir and I guess Mr. Ingram Sir were both in charge around Haven, I think. I know for certain Mr. Atrum Sir was in charge and I think Esmerelda here was a house head so she had some authority as well. I'm not sure that has all been decided yet...maybe there should be a council, who knows.

As for like a umm...constable or anything I'm not sure on that one either. We have a few guards around here.

*She looks at him and smiles*

If I'm here and you need an assist kicking someone out if they are getting out of control I'd be happy to help.

*She looks at Anon and Daine again*

Oh by the way, trust my eyesight in the woods, deal? I was taught by a real expert.
Aurora Darksbane

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