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Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:11 am
by Ordrak
Ordrak glanced back through the doorway into the tavern that Kaylan had just entered and smirks at the dead orc grasping the dwarfs weapon covetously even in death. He would laugh before calling out to them. "Why not simply remove tha skull and then smash it fully ta release yer weapon?" He'd grin toothsomely before turning back to look at the goings on back outside just beyond the taverns steps.

"Hmm, I'm not well versed with portal magics, that I shall leave up to those of ya with that expertise. Though I'd be happy to be the first to travel through for ya. A chance to explore more of these lands even if landing in the wrong place sounds like a grand idea!"

The orc would laugh long and loud before looking to Khorvalis and Gondowon who seemed to have figured out the problem. "Hah! That's it? Then why are we still standing here with our mouths agape like addlebrained younglings!?"

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:52 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon turns with a smile to Khorvalis as he figures out the portal. A moment later, however, he notices Kaylan staring sternly at him and wagging a finger in his direction. His smile disappears as confusion overwhelms him. He looks back and forth between Kaylan and the portal, then Khorvalis and Morgause, then back to Kaylan, who seems to be muttering something he can't hear.

Finally, as Ordrak announces his excitement and questions the party's delay, he holds up a finger to motion for the orc to wait. "Um... let's hold off before jumping right in, shall we?" he says, jogging inside the tavern to stand next to Kaylan. He addresses the frustrated dwarf with a tone of puzzlement.

"Kaylan, what are you trying to tell me? I can't hear you out there, especially not while wearing Talus."

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:56 am
by Khorvalis
"Nellie, given your two suggestions, I must say that I would be most comfortable traversing through the forest. But how can we be sure as to which "safe beat" corresponds to which locale? Either way, I do not feel it wise to divide the party in any way. We are safest together. Whichever beat we decides on pursuing, we should all try to go through to the same destination, if possible."

Khorvalis motions to the rest of the adventurers to come together and gather around the portal.

"Nellie, is it safe or even feasible for more than one person to enter the portal at one time? I am not familiar with gate magicks such as this."

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:25 pm
by Nellie Duncan
"I told you what order I saw them, and they seem to be cycling. If someone with keener eyes notices something else, great. If not, with the instability of the portal I suggest we have people enter one per each cycle on the second safe beat to reach the forest landing all together."

Brightly, she turns to the others and raises her voice to hopefully be heard inside the tavern as well. "Alright, unless anyone has any other ideas, line up if you're coming along. Since I can see the landings, I'm going to push you in one at a time so that everyone gets to the same place. Considering the instability of the portal, we're probably going to end up sick on the other side, but I don't think that can be avoided."

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:36 am
by Morgause
Morgause walks gracefully down the steps of the tavern to Nellie's side.

"I do not know how much longer until the sun sets, but I know a spell that can grant one with keen eyes even greater vision. Perhaps that would help you. But I do not know how long we can wait until the magic of this portal will last before it begins to fade."

The Winter Witch looks to the sky for an answer...

***OOG - what time of day is it?***

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:07 pm
by Nick
***OOG Late Morning/Noonish***

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:50 pm
by Morgause
"Nighttime will come in several hours, so my spell is of no use to use now."

Morgause does not hide her sense of frustration.

"Nellie, it is up to you now as to what to do...All I know is, I am not volunteering myself to be the first person to pass through this portal."

****OOG, can more than one person go through the portal at one time?***

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:10 pm
by Nick
***OOG. The Portal is only wide enough for one person at a time.***

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:41 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon steps forward as Morgause speaks, placing himself between the winter witch and Nellie. He looks at each one in kind, and after a moment, he speaks.

"Look, we all know I have a penchant for becoming dead," Gondowon jokes dryly, "So I might as well be the first one through. Boy oh boy, can't wait to throw up in my armor again..."

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:15 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie smiles, and puts her hand against Gondowon's armored back. "If it makes you feel better, I'm guessing we'll all be throwing up when we get there." She times her shove so that he's entering the portal the moment the forest scene appears.


Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:16 pm
by GM-Sidney
Ruscion peers warily at Morgause before turning to study the portal. He remains silent, as the more magically inclined were better to pitch in their thoughts. Without a word, the dwarf slides coin across the bar and is handed a drink. Once again, he gives Morgause a look before shifting his attention to Kaylan.

'Kaylan, friend. You should wash your hands of that blood. Diseases and all.' The dwarf draws closer to his brethren and offers a cloth from his bag.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:35 pm
by Kolvar Syntrell
The anticipation of a fight starts to seep slowly into Kolvar's mind. The sound of steel on steel and howls of battle rattles in his head. He shakes his head to dismiss those thoughts. He blankly stares into the distance, relaxing his grip on the hilt of his longsword and slightly shifting his eyes towards the shorter blade.

"Hello Rusty, long time since we've last spoke. I still can't thank you enough for trying to save my brother. Though he is no longer here with us, his soul is still here with me."

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:39 pm
by GM-Sidney
Rusty shifts his stout gaze to Kolvar, offering a nod in affirmation. 'Long time Kolvar,' the dwarf responded. 'As you can see, we have a bit of a portal situation on our hands.'

With a brisk motion, the dwarf angles his open palm towards the portal. 'Nellie here just shoved our friend through it, but I'm sure he's okay,' Rusty pauses, shifting slightly to look at Nellie. 'Right Nellie?'

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:20 am
by Khorvalis
Khorvalis sees Nellie shove Gondowon through the portal and shoots her a glaring look. His eyes are filled with a look of shock and slight irritation.

"Now was that entirely necessary, dear Nellie?"

Hesitant but remembering his loyalty to his crewmate, the Ga'vin druid musters enough courage and commits to venturing through the magical gate after Gondowon.

"Ruscion... By the good graces of the Sun, I will hopefully see you and the others in the forest on the other side!"

With those words said, Khorvalis waves good-bye and then limps through the portal.

Re: Protecting the Ancient Past

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:14 pm
by Nellie Duncan
"Most likely?" she replies to Rusty's question. "I'll find out when I head over there too."

She seems taken aback by Khorvalis' reaction. "What? He said he wanted to go first. It's not like I pushed him in unwillingly. Do you know how much force is required to move someone in full plate? It takes a lot more than you'd think."

She watches as Khorvalis goes through the gate, sure in the knowledge that he can feel the timing correctly.

She raises her voice to a shout. "Come on guys, this portal isn't going to stay open forever. I may have put all my energy into it, but that's still a finite amount. It *will* close soon. If you're coming, I'll help you get the timing right so you end up with the others."

She then proceeds to push anyone else coming along into the portal when the forest scene cycles up once more. When everyone that's coming is finally through, she jumps in herself.