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Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:21 am
by Brey
Brey steps aside

Yes, please do. I believe you've just said more than enough to confirm everything I've been saying about you. We need someone with more than you can offer us Fiona. I am truly disappointed with our Queens choice, and the fact that you would side with murderers over the citizens who need your protection.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:34 am
by Fionna
She looks at Brey with disappointment.

"I'm not sure there was ever anything I could have said to you that would have made you happy. I am not part of your circle thus I am not a good choice in your eyes. You are entitled to your opinion. Now I have families that I need to ensure are fed and taken care of."

She walks away shaking her head.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:41 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Francesco gathers himself up and tries to catch up to Fionna. When the old knight does he kneels before Fionna and speaks softly with much pain in his voice

"While I do not support the current campaign of Brey and Cristo...I request to be released from my duty to Queen Esmerelda and her court."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:42 am
by Brey
Brey chuckles as Fiona walks away

You could have simply said that you would make sure justice is served. That would have been a good start.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:09 am
by Smitty19
"Justice Is being served, even though I was acting within the duty I was given, I will abide by the laws and have a trial."

"It is not that I am shrinking away from my actions, in fact I am taking responsibility for them."

"If I were as you are saying I am the cold blooded murderer, then wouldn't I be running from this?"

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:34 am
by Brey
Brey laughs out loud at Seriths comment

No it would be idiotic to think you could run from it at this point. You don't really have a choice anymore. We would have to seek you out, and bring you to trial. Even if you did get away you wouldn't ever be able to return without facing this. You, and I both know that running wouldn't help you when it comes time for justice to be served. So you will stay. If you really want to comply with the laws, then return Abaddons belongings to start. even if you squirm your way out on technicalities during the trial as far as not "really" killing Abaddon, theft is still a serious crime here in Final Haven. It wouldn't hurt if you started cooperating now, in fact I bet it would help Serith, and I'm glad that you can finally admit that what you did was wrong.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:05 am
by Smitty19
"You have a lot nerve calling anyone out on anything involving theft or anything of the sort."

"And trust me, if I wanted to leave, I would..."

"I'll give the items back when you and Cristo return all you stole when Avengard burned.."

*Serith walks into the keep and heads upstairs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:41 am
by Brey
Brey replies as Serith begins walking away

I don't know where you're getting this false information, but it is untrue. Feel free to waste time looking into it, because you'll only find that it never happened. The towns funds were stolen by Alrion, and his friends while we fought deep into the Nomen City, to try to save Avengard. The fact that you robbed a citizen of Final Haven, which you have just admitted to, will not be forgotten while you attempt to attack our credibility with false accusations, in the hopes it will defend your own. We are not the only people who feel as if what is going on is wrong. You all make it seem as if this is a personal fight about power when it is not. Why do you think Francesco would like to be released from his duty to Queen Esmerelda and her court? Why do you think Dallid agrees with the fact that there should be a trial? What is happening goes against everything that Final Haven stands for. The fact that Fiona wants us to just forget it, only solidifies our fears that she will not be a just leader. We are standing up for what is right, and true. I'm sure most of Final Haven citizens will agree, and are afraid to voice those opinions, but I encourage them to do so. If we just let it go this time, then how many more times does it need to happen before Final Haven and its leader stands up for whats right. Fiona says the Queens word is the law, and if the Queen said that all citizens must commit suicide she believes by law we must comply. This is not the case, we have a choice.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:53 am
by Abaddon
Abaddon turns and catches Serith in the eyes as he walks away.

"I do not begrudge you the attack. I would have done the same thing save one minor detail. I wold have not failed. That being said, you are wrong about Kami. I ran the black markets, and I admitted to it in public under questioning. She had nothing to do with anything. She really as just a healer. You butchered the only innocent person in the room, maybe even all of haven. You know I'm telling you the truth because it hurts the most deep down in your stomach. That conscience is what makes you a terrible spy. Good night Serith."

"To Fionna and Korrigan, I was here when she was made queen. It was a diplimatic title only. No one in Haven signed off on absolute authority. No one would have. No matter how many times you say it, it will not be true."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:32 am
by Dallid
“Discussing events of that night now is accomplishing nothing other than fraying tempers. Better to save your arguments, explanations, and calls for justice for the hearing. Prepare them carefully and make your thoughts known then with precision. All events of that night will be covered, and likely multiple judgments made by the court regarding penance, property, and process.”

“For now please stay on topic with the confidence vote. I believe we stand at four counts of No Confidence. Would anyone else be heard?”

As a quick aside to Rothek, “The Night of the Burning Skulls marked the fall of Haven. I will tell you of it another time.”

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:43 am
by Brey
I counted seven. Cristo, Myself, Gil Galad, Francesco, Abaddon, Goonter, and Big Momma. Pretty much everyone here.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:04 pm
by Dallid
I agree on you, Cristo, Goonter, and Big Momma. Korrigan, Rothek, and myself have stated confidence. All others have either not stated or have had ambiguous responces. I ask that they clarify with a definative stance."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:15 pm
by Garritt
I think the discussion is done here. None of us seem to have anything to say that will be taken with a damn grain of salt save for those who are friends with Brey and Cristo. They'll just shout about how everyone else is wrong, and evil, and rapes babies.

Frankly, the longer this talk lasts, the more Rylls and I expect so see Fionna and her supporters, myself included, dead before the festival this fall, and this place turned into another Avenguard, or how you say Fereach Aien was. You people mark my word.

Remember how Avenguard was destroyed by an evil mage? That could have been stopped by the noon of that day, had the people there- Cristo included, who said he was left in charge by Zeira- been willing to do something about it, other than sit around town and when I proposed they head over and have a get-together about stopping it with the Irregulars- a literal score of fighters who showed up in the area willing to help with anything- I instead heard the bitch about how they should instead "come the hell down here and talk to us, because we're not walking all the way up that fucking hill they are camped on". The only reason the town mobilized, which was much later, was because Zeira showed up to take over the lead.

In the meantime, I was forced to pay for my expenses, because they were refused to me repeatedly by the town. It was those events that drove me here, and Rylls and I'll be damned if we stay here if that's the case here.

And lets not forget the deal to bring back Theon after justice was served for killing everyone at the Argus farm. A deal that sure sounded like it was spearheaded by the remaining brothers, and was with all four Lords of the Vampire court- the town's greatest enemy, taking the place of an open-ended favor to be specified later. What do I think of Cristo? When I publicly refused-the only person to do so besides a valken-kin named Ramen- to be part of the deal with such evil, I was immediately worried that I would be killed for not "wanting to get Theon back".

(Turns to Brey)

If you and Cristo say you were no part of that massacre, answer me these two questions: If you are so close to your brother Theon, why didn't either of you stop him from doing it? And why did Paer'An, when I spoke of thinking he was part of the killings, smile and brag, "Nope, I was just the facilitator for the group".

Now, don't get me wrong. I've always before been satisfied to fight alongside you three. But all of a sudden, with Esmerelda gone, you've seem to have done a 180 and are all of sudden nastily and threateningly coming down on anyone outside of your circle of friends. Frankly, I'm worried that if you were in charge, only your groups best interested would be satisfied, and us 'second-class citizens' would starve while your every need gets seen to. And if we bitch, we'll probably never be seen alive again.

Yeah. Fionna was privy to Esmerelda's order to take care of Abaddon. What did her opinion matter when the leader made the decision? If I was there, or you, Brey, would she have cared what I thought??? That sounds like a question for her, not for bushwacking someone who's been sacrificing everything she has to make sure the town is prosperous, but is now being painted as the greatest buffoon and villain in this room.

So along those lines I reiterate- Where the fuck have any of you detractors been all these months after "the crime" was done? Did any of you confront the Queen? You know.... the one that made the decision?

Fionna said 'it's over for now'. You know what that means? Not that anyone's been pardoned, but that the trial has been decided for later on, and constantly bitching about it until we're all at each others throats doesn't get fuck-all done.

As for you Abaddon. Stop being the misunderstood villain. Boo-Hoo. Serith told me that You, Gabrial and Serith have buried the hatchet, so now all you are doing is getting your rocks off by being a rabble-rouser. Later tonight you are going to go home and giggle with Yazel about how you got everyone mad at each other.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:41 pm
by Brey
You're an idiot Garrit, and all you ever do everywhere you go is cry. As you already know, by noon we were deep into the Nomen City collecting the keys it took to gain entrance to the part of the city where the essence turbine was located. Not sitting around like you say. You were the first person to leave that day through the portal while we faught for Avengard. We could have been cowards like you, but instead we stayed until after the essence turbine exploded. We did everything in our power to stop the turbine, but in the end we had to solve a puzzle that needless to say all of Avengard who tried to solve it, failed and were sucked into the turbine.

Now as far as you being the only one who refused to bring Theon back besides Ramen, You are correct. Only two people in town said no and neither of them had to owe that favor, and that came straight out of Zeiras mouth and you know it. Neither of you were murdered in the the night. If a majority of the town didn't want it to happen than it wouldn't have.

As for what happened at Argus Farm we were unfortunately not present, but if we had been rest assured no innocents would have been slain.

Now on the subject of how we have been pursuing justice for the crimes against Abaddon, Kami, and Mary. We have been pursuing it since the incident has occurred, why do you think there will be a trial? We have been asking for one since it happened, and strongly believe justice must be served, else we would not be standing here before you pressing the issue.

Onto Fiona. She didn't say "it's over for now". What she said was the Queens word is law, and we should just get over it. Which seems to me an entirely different statement, one that says I will do nothing about this, because I don't like that person. Which is exactly what you say we will do, but it's obvious that we're fighting for the exact opposite of that.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:57 pm
by Garritt
Actually it was getting dark and I spoke to Zeira before I left, when he arrived and nothing had been done yet. I risked staying after noon to see if anything was going to happen, and to tell the Callahans what the situation evidently was going to be when it came to the citizens of Avenguard.

(He sighs, and grins at Brey.)

Do you honestly think that insulting me and calling me stupid is gonna make me go batshit crazy and do something rash? Boy, I'm half again your age, and I've been called a helluva lot worse than that by better people. One of them I was married to, come to think of it.

As for the trial, Serith's really only guilty of assaulting an old man if we want to get technical. There were two other people present who did any of the killing, and noone seems to care about those two.