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Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:12 pm
by Serena
Cariel allowed Rothek to sniff at her and gave a curious sniff back. She stepped back uncertainly as he drew closer and then turned to follow Gil-Galad as he headed towards the keep with a cheerful,

"Yes Master. "

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:37 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora looks over at Galen*

If things are settled here, perhaps we should take off and see if our site is well fortified for this storm.

...well either that or I can see if there is still my old space in the keep we could bunk at until this thing blows over.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:13 pm
by Rothek
:seeing that it was starting to get colder, rothek snorted and looked up at dallid before he headed back toward the keep as well.:

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:39 am
by Dallid
"I know some folk prefer to keep their chains of former imprisonment as a reminder and motivator. However, this one may appreciate having them removed. Aurora, Korrigan - would you see if he will allow you a crack at them?"

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:24 am
by Aurora
*Aurora cautiously approaches the creature taking out her repair tools. She gestures to Galen and Korrigan to keep an eye on her.*

Ok, big fellow. This might sting a little but I'm going to remove those shackles if you will permit me.

*Aurora carefully grabs one of the shackles and begins to work on prying the thing open so it can be removed. She's not an expert craftsman by any means, so if the item comes loose it might hurt for a brief moment until it's removed.*

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:42 am
by Galen
*galen produces a piece of smoked meat from his pouch* "here ya go biggun, take a nibble off that while she gets that nasty thing off ya."

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:52 pm
by Rothek
:rothek stopped and his ears perked up, he lifted his head and turned around to see galen with the smoked meat, he crawled over to him and with an odd precision plucked the meat from his hands with his front two fangs. rothek sat down on the ground, holding the meat with his clawed hands out in front of him, this would make getting to the manacles quite easy.

when aurora approached rothek the beast man stopped eating for a moment and looked her, he chuffed at her then his attention was directed back at the food:

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:32 pm
by Aurora
*After Aurora finishes removing the shackles she slowly walks away from the beastman and looks at Dallid.*

Hopefully you'll be able to teach him the difference between friend and foe. No telling what sort of effects those elves who did this to him have created. I just hope he learns cause I'd hate to have to stop him later if he ends up attacking Atreus or one of the others I've fought along side with.

*She pulls out some meat from her pouch and places it in front of Rothek*

Hopefully I didn't bruise you to badly taking those things off.

*Her green eyes shift her attention towards Galan*

Thank you for distracting him. If things are good here we should finish making preparations for the snow unless you want me to see if things get really bad, we stay here for a few days.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:56 pm
by Rothek
:rothek watched intently as aurora removed his shackles also while chewing on the meat galen had given him, then picking up the meat aurora had set in front of him and beginning to gnaw on it as well, after she had finished and stepped away, rothek looked at his wrists and ankles now free of the binds. he shook again fluffing out his fur and sending any more snow that collected on him flying in every direction.

the beast stood up on his hind legs and walked on two feet over to aurora and looked at her:

" Thank. You. Friend of White Man"

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:31 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora, taken a little off guard a first when Rothek gets up on his two legs smiles at him warmly.*

You're welcome big guy. I'm Au-ror-a. The white man is Da-llid. My friend over there *she gestures to Galen* is Ga-lan.

*Aurora turns her attention to Dallid.*

Dallid, do you think you might be able to see if those healing gifts or yours might be able to lessen the marking the big guy here has from those burn marks from the spells used on him?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:44 am
by Dallid
"Unfortunately scarred tissue is all ready healed, if healed imperfectly. These is nothing I can do for such. However, should there be anything recent..."

Dallid extends a hand near Rothek, which begins to glow.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:42 pm
by Rothek
:rothek looked at aurora as she spoke the names and nodded to each one he pointed at her and then galen:

"Rora. Ga-len."

:when he turned to dallid he noticed his hand start to glow and this startled rothek, to where he jumped back and sank to all fours as he landed, when he realized who it was, what was happening he slowly moved forward and let dallid look him over.:

(other than the blast scars, rothek is completely healthy)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:08 am
by Dallid
"Easy. No one here wishes you any harm."

Dallid focuses on Rothek a moment, then straightens.

"He is well. As well as can be expected. His wounds are old, and have healed naturally." He nods to those still present. "If matters are settled here, I believe I'll retire to the warmth of the Keep."