A Score to Settle

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Abyss »

The inn would know a few moments of relative silence. Uninterrupted bliss in which all could relax...Or laugh....or stare at in amazement at the swirling colors that now filled the room. However it only took a moment before the air was once again filled with the sound of jingly jangly bits.

Through the front door the small figure would burst into the nearly empty room once more. Spinning about in circles as he looked for someone to get help from his tiny arms pinwheeling frantically as the ringing sound of glass bottles and bells reached an all time crescendo. After a moment he would stop himself and look forward. The various potions and brightly tipped hair swishing back and forth as though wishing to continue the frenzied dance.

"Where is the Queen?! I h-have to apologize for leaving her alone....Sapphire said she would have use for my alchemical workings and I feel bad for leaving her without her lead potions expert!" the tiny figure spoke frantically to any who would listen. Clearly he was hit on the head a few to many times at some point in his life.

//Please see "In search of answers" to figure out why ducken suddenly believes he is her lead potion maker.....or for a good laugh//
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Post by Haku »

After scanning the multi-hued room and not gathering any useful information on the Guthrie alchemist, the Lord Marshal makes his way down the stairs and into the common room

"I'm afraid you're in for a long wait if you think I might fall over dead from shock, Garritt. Apologizes if an explosion over the Queen's head has me on edge. And trust me, there are more than enough able-bodied folk who are ready to dispense the "Queen's Justice".

Turning his focus to the jingling little guthrie, Paer'An' quickly crosses the room and shuts the front door. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he addresses Ducken

"I have a few questions for you, self-proclaimed potions' expert. First and foremost being how did you come to reside in that room up there and how do you plan on cleaning it?"
~ Carpe Nocturn ~

Paer'An' Alla'Ana
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Post by Esmerelda »

The Queen blinks as the small blue whirlwind reenters the inn and gives his speech about being her new "potions expert".

As she tried to calmly descend the stairs, the corners of her mouth kept twitching and seemed to not want to stay in the stern visage she was trying vainly to comport.

"Well, I'm afraid that before you're qualified to hold the role of potions expert, you're going to have to answer a few questions first. Such as 'who exactly are you?' along with answering the questions that the Lord Martial has asked of you..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by Abyss »

As the door closed the small figure would spin about his slightly over-sized hat drooping down over his eyes as he gives a startled yelp "Ive been blinded!"

With this discovery his arms would begin to wheel about frantically before finally stopping as he manages to knock his own hat to the floor. Looking down he would smile sheepishly though his eyes narrowed as he looked at the as though it had performed some traitorous act.

At the sound of the Queen descending the stairs he would look up. His eyes sparkling at the thought that he might actually get his job. Giving a bow he would sweep the hat up into his hand before tossing it into the air. As he stood from his bow the hat would land flush atop his head once more in a grand flourish and a few happy rings from the bell hanging at its curved tip.

"I am none other than the Great Alchemist Ducken....Ducken Cover to be precise....or at least thats been all most people call me. And I like the ring to it!" He would smile broadly at that declaration as though it explained everything. His smile nearly as bright as the colorful potions that hung from his body. At her declaration he would have to answer the 'Lord Marshal's' questions he spun about once more.

"I'll assume that you must be Lord Marshal as you are the only other one who has asked me questions! It is very nice to meet you Sir Marshal Im Ducken....though you probably just heard that...So let me answer one of your questions! I got here by walking!" He beamed as though that answered everything. Opening one eye he would notice that this answer more than likely did not satisfy the parties involved. Sighing he would pause and scratch at his head. "Or was I carried....I cant quite remember..." He would pause at this.

"Anyways! Ive been staying upstairs with Sapphire. He and I used to go out adventuring together but we got separated. I think he got lost....he does that alot when Im not around. He's always getting into trouble without me around you know." And so he would take a moment to organize his thoughts...and this is what came out...

"I think its drawn to him, ive been considering trying to make a potion that will help him with his bad luck...But what color would I make a potion like that?...Green? Orange? Two shades of pink? Maybe blue...I think he'd like blue. After all he has so very much blue on him...Do you think it has something to do with his name? I think it might be. Because sapphires are blue ya know? Or a shade of blue at least...I like sapphires. The gem that is not the person...well I like the person too there just arent multiples of him. I dont think....Although I suppose that could be interesting, dont you think? Multiple sapphires that is...you know the person not the gem." and so this would go on and on....and on...until he either passed out from lack of air or somebody tried to slow him down...Please for the love of god somebody stop him...
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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda held up a hand in order to attempt to stop the barrage outpouring from the Guthrie's mouth. Blinking at a momentary loss for words, she took a deep breath.

"Let's stick to the matter at hand right now, er, Ducken. So you came here with Sapphire. That certainly explains a lot. Now, you have yet to answer the second question posed to you- how do you plan on cleaning up the mess you made in the room upstairs? Or are you willing to compensate Korrigan for having to clean it up himself?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by Abyss »

As the hand was raised the auditory onslaught of his speech would filter and trickle down to a stop. The guthrie would tilt his head momentarily to one side as though not comprehending the question that had been put to him, one hand reaching up to scratch at his head. "Ooooooh! There was a mess? I didnt think there was a mess at all. I didnt leave a mess when I came downstairs. Maybe someone made a mess after I left."

Reaching up he would rub his chin lightly as he raised one brow. Pausing he would look towards the stairs. "I would have to investigate said disturbance, however if it is a very large issue or sticky in some way Im certain I have a potion or two for just such the occasion. And if not Im more than certain I could make one on the spot!" He spoke proudly as his tiny feet began to lead him gradually towards the stairs and up towards the room.
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Post by Haku »

"A moment of your time, my pint-sized potions' master. I believe soap and water, with a bit of scrubbing would be the perfect solution for the mess upstairs. But before you get started, perhaps you can tell us where you were traveling from before you stopped here. And what sort of 'trouble' does Sapphire always get into when you're not around?"

The Lord Marshall tries to maintain a stern visage, but unfortunately a smile breaks through for a fraction of a second. Just as soon as it appears, it vanishes replaced once again by his stoic demeanor.
~ Carpe Nocturn ~

Paer'An' Alla'Ana
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Post by Abyss »

The tiny figure would stop rather suddenly as the voice called out from behind him. And so he would begin to turn, however the sudden lack of forward motion plus the shifting sideways motion had him not only spinning like a top but he in fact fell promptly to his rump.

Looking up he would sigh a bit as though used to hitting the ground in such an undignified manner. All the fragile potion bottles and the bells that hung from his jacket would proceed to give a great heave before stopping in a mess of ringing.

"Ummmmm weeeeeell......we came from a big mountain like place, then we went down a long winding road, through some forests....oooooh some of them had the bestest looking leaves. I even collected some of them for a scrap book! Do you want to see?...Hmm oh wait I think i lost it....Ill look later! But then we went up some hills, through some funky ruins. Ill tell you ruins are fun everything is dark and messy and their are old magical spells that arent very friendly" he paused there as though thinking.

"In fact there was one that had like a giant maze in it and an angry animal with horns and a giant axe. I just told Sapphire it might have wanted a friend but he was determined it meant to eat us so we left. After that we went to a place that started with an A i think...Avargod...Avengone.... Avaeryguard.....Avengefulgod...hmm..."

"But they were having all kinds of issues. I thought we might be able to help perhaps all they needed was a good potion! But Sapphire said we should move on. So we came here." he seemed to consider his rather long rant but only for a moment. "I mean there are lots of places but it would take a loooooong time to list it all. Maybe later"

He would push himself to his feet brushing himself off rather happily and enthusiastically. "As for the trouble that Sapphire gets in well......He isnt that great at money management ya know? That and he like falls face first into situations where he is dealing with magic users. And by dealing with I mean fighting generally....Not cause he dislikes magic. That isnt the case at all, he loves magic, he just dislikes the miss use of it. He was kinda like the magic police...He helped catch those that misused the magic based on the cities laws..."

"I think that is why he gets in issues with magic....his old village kinda went boom....Do to the misuse of magic....although im not entirely sure how and entire city can suddenly go boom from magical misuses...Unless of course everyone went into the center of the city walking outward while looking at the ground counting and saying BOOM! I suppose that miiiiight do it!...Unless of course they all made like a giant potion that they all targeted with an explosion at once! Hmm i wonder if i can make one of those..."