From the Cabin to Haven

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Post by Marcus »

"I'll have a bit of mead, if you have it, lass" Daine responds to the barmaid.
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Post by Crist0 »

Cristo looks around the bar keeping his eyes peeled for the guy with the scraggly beard and appears to be enjoying himself and in high spirits, obviously comfortable in his surroundings. He looks the bar wench up and down appraisingly and gives her a little wink and smiles.

"I'll take a mug of ale cutey."

As the wench leaves to get his drink he laughs a little to himself

"I miss these kinds of places.."
"Taunt!" (that means bring it...)
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Post by GM_Chris »

The woman winks at Cristo as she walks away . You all scan the room and notice that there is tension in the air even if it is not immediately obvious. It does not take long before the wench returns with your drinks serving Cristo last with a knowing look in her eye.

A few hours past and patrons come and go and soon you spot a man who meets the description Robert gave you. He is a large man with an equally large personality. A few people yell Alastair as he walks over to them and shakes their hand. When he views the elves he bows slightly to them and they return with a nod as they sip their drinks.

It is not long before Alistair says loudly. "We need some Music! You Bathus, go sing us a song!"

you can see a skinny, unattractive man just raise his hands while nodding no, but after some encouragement and promise of drink he comes up upon the stage. He is brought some sort of mandolin and he begins singing a lively tune as most of the place joins in. It is loud, almost uncomfortably so and after about an hour of the performance most of the elves leave the room.

It is at this point Alastair gets up without much notice from the singing drunk crowd and approaches your table in the far corner.

"Well met Friends! I am Alistair"

He then invites himself to sit down, his back to the stage and his girth, and position of the table nearly obscuring your view to the rest of the inn. He then makes a motion of the hand as he says laughing "Bring my new friends here drinks on me"

He then turns toward you and his face becomes very serious

"I do not know any of you. Why have you come to Haven"
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Post by Malachi »

Malachi takes a drink, then sets his cup down

"My companions and I are interested in purchasing some gourds."

He lifts his cup and takes another drink
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Post by GM_Chris »

He smiles.

"Well I am the best darn gourd farmer in these parts"

He then begins to chuckle to himself.

"Well you know I even have some in the cellar if you would like to take a look."

He motions toward the kitchen.

"You can find the stairs through there."

He then gets up and laughing loudly he says "Let’s hear Ole' Wiskiggian"
With that the crowd all stands and starts clapping and dancing giving you the opportunity to slip down stairs unnoticed.

The cellar is a surprisingly well constructed stone structure with oak beams holding up the inn. There are candles giving off enough light to watch shadows bounce off the walls. You are down there for about 5 minutes before Alistair shows up.

"So you are with Robert. Good. I knew he would come back."

His smile falls from his face

"I have to tell you I am not happy. I feel I am forced between competent tyrants and uncaring fools."

He breaths heavily and starts to pace before continuing

"I should tell you that things have been quiet around here since the elves took over. The cops are in abundance and the people have never been more safe, and many are grateful, and honestly part of me is as well.

The thing is though, it aint right. People are being branded, and we are treated as little more than pack animals though most don’t see it that way. The worse part about it is the children. We get to see them and all, but...."

He looks back up at everyone.

"Look im rambling, what do you need to know?"
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Post by Marcus »

Daine fixes Alastair with a pointed and knowing look- one from a single mournful eye, one which still holds no small amount of anger.

"Tell me......if things are well, have they rebuilt the ruins of the fishing village yet? Or are things still how they were as I left it with a score of old men, women and children crying for their fathers?"
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Post by Zeira »

"Daine. I know your upset but you need to keep yourself together. If our friend here actually felt as though the elves were justified and good he wouldn't be down here risking his life to help us out."

"We need to know what the elves are really up to here. They took over this place for a reason and I don't think it was just for the land. I think they are looking for something here, something powerful, something they can use to enslave all of us. Or destroy us. We don't know. That's why we need your help."

"My companions and I want to get Haven back to the people. In order to do that we need to know what's really been going on with here. That way we can make a solid plan to take this place back."

"The another thing we need to know is what the heck those towers do. Even a rumor on that would be helpful."

"Also have the elves captured any scouts or rebels? If they did do they have a place where they keep prisoners? When it's time to take Haven back we are going to need all the help we can get."

"Really anything you could tell us would be helpful. And if there is anything we can do to help you we would be glad to do so."
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Post by GM_Chris »

Alastair ignore Daine and turns toward Zeira


"Honestly dez elvs are doing exactly what they said they were going to do from what I can figure. In fact if we didn’t resist I suppose no one would have died."

He shakes his head

"As for the towers we do not know everything, but we do know they watch and protect the fortress. Recently a small group of would be hero's planned to assassinate the Eldar, but when dey approached the fortress the towers stared at them and began to glow with a great light, den suddenly multiple flames of light came out killing each of them. It was a slaughter"
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Post by Zeira »

Zeira is taken aback when Alastair mentions what the towers do. He takes a deep breath and addresses the large man again

"That does pretty much explain what those towers do. I was hoping they were just for show."

"What are they doing with the children Alastair? We might be able to help."
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Post by GM_Chris »

Alistair looks very troubled when you asked about the children

"They are all being taken. Once they reach 3 years of age the elves take the children to be educated. They allow the parents to visit, but as I understand it, the children are not the same. Don't ask me how they are different as I have only heard from mothers who tell me so. It is for this reason alone I help you. I just hope for all that is good in dis world, that when the elves are gone, and you are back, you will be better masters than in times past."
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Post by Zeira »

Zeira looks over to Malachi and then looks back to their Alastair

"Alastair, the time of 'Masters' is at an end. Now is the time for competent leadership ready to work hard, ready to ensure the freedom and safety of the people of Haven. We need you to be one of those leaders."

"When the elves attack Caldonia, we are going to send forces here to free the people here. It's the best chance we have to free everyone here. What we need you to do is to assemble the people and get them ready. People here trust you, they respect you, and now they need you to help them prepare for the fight for their humanity. You are not cattle and your children will not become the slaves of these tyrants. True freedom is on the horizon, we just have one hell of a battle ahead of us."

Zeira holds out his hand to Alastair

"Are you with us Alastair? Will you help lead your people to freedom?"
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Post by GM_Chris »

Alistair extends his hand.

"I shall do my best"

You finally notice that the music has stopped and things have become very quiet upstairs

"We need to get you out of here"

With that he gets up from the table and takes you to a corner where he moves a large wine barrel to reveal a small tunnel to crawl through

"Dis leads to the woods behind the inn. Watch out for patrols and get out of town. They will be looking for you."

Once each of you are in the tunnel he moves the barrel back into its place. The tunnel grows dark except for a light behind you and a small light in front of you. You are able to hear muffled sounds behind you and a very famiar laugh comming from Alistair though exactly what is said is unclear.

You find yourself outside the inn hidden by the few trees in the area.

You can see the faint outline of the fort and the glow from the inn is most apaprent. All is quiet except for the sound of steel in the distance....The patrol is making its way through town.
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Post by Zeira »

Zeira's voice drops to a whisper

"Let's get out of here. Not to the cave though, let's just head out of town and make sure we're not being followed."
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Post by Malachi »

Malachi nods
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Post by Marcus »

"I think we oughta split up, though, do you think? All of us together might attract more suspicion."

*To Ziera*

"You know, back there I was trying to show the man that one of us in this group has more in common with his situation, so we didn't look so much like the 'uncaring fools' he claimed we were. But, hey, thanks for speaking up right in front of everyone to chastise me and make the little guy look dumb.... it was appreciated." he says sarcastically.

Before Ziera can even respond, he turns his attention back to the others.

".....C'mon, lets get outa here before they stumble upon us."
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