July Tales for Garret

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

* To Atrum *

"No, I don't mind if Jux is the Orcish representative at whatever laws discussion we have. As I stated, I will advise any council that is assembled, but will not accept a permanent seat. I also will be more than happy to add input to the laws discussion, but either Curufin or Kels will represent the Phoenix Guard if a vote or an offical voice is needed."

*Stands in the door to his room. If Ollumm makes a move to follow, Donovan invites him in*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*Fy'Rin, still listening to all who wish to speak*

*To Donovan & Ollumm*
I too would like to understand better, the Orcs dislike of you Donovan. If I would not be imposing I too would like too hear your tale. That is of course if you and Ollumm don't have any objections. I do not want to intrude.
Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of gray tombstone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. ~Poe
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm looks at Atrum and nods as he talks. Than heads into Donivanna office behide him. *

" I see reason why you can not come Fy'Rin. But it is up tp Donivanna if he wishes you there."
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Post by Grok »

*Grok looks up surprised at Arthos's whispered words, then her attention quickly turns to Donovan. After listening to a few words, she nods a bit to Dallid and says:*

"Jux de leader now. I do wut he say. You no gonna see Orcs fighting demself, dat for sure. When it come down to it, I no gotta doubt him..."

*Grok stands up like a scolded child and makes her way to Jux*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan watches Grok leave the Inn, his expression unreadable. As she clears the doorway, he turns to Fy'rin and Ollumm.*

"Both of you are welcome to come in, share a drink, and ask me anything you like. My story is no secret."

*Gestures at the ink stains on his sleeves*

"As you can see, I've been working on my journal. Though it's not finished yet, I'll make it available to you when it is."

*OOG - We can have the conversation between Ollumm, Fy'rin, and Donovan in this thread, in a new thread, or by PM, your choice.*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

(OOG:Ollum, just a point of order, I do not belive any of the FH PC races are any taller than the player represents. I belive the size chart is there to define weapon usage. I could be wrong, but just thought I would point it out)

*Jux looks unphased by any every statement made to him, and maintained his stare at Grok*

You been punished once for talking when it not your place! you not leader of tribe and is only woman anyhow!

*Jux looks to Arthos

I know you speak you mind, we have seen the damage your words do. As for speaking what you tink, that is a lie. You speak what you tink best to get what you want in da moment without tinking de consequences.

I know you been removed as leader, the rest of guild finally see the harm you do.

Your words no hurt us, you have prove many times you words have little truth, unless it twisted to fit what you need. You are liar and hypocritas is donno. Too bad neither you cant see dat.

De people dat stood by you and donno did because they were lied to by you and him or just want to kill orc for no good reason. I not say you manipalate dem ALL. Some want attack orcs for no reason. Like phoenix guild member with whit and black face I save from bird thing and den he saying "why we not out skinnig orcs?" I tell you dat last time he saved by me or odder orcs for sure!

But keep in mind not everyone agree to help, not even all your own guild right?! De ones we find dat was not agreein to help will be remembered by de orcs for having more honor and morals dan de rest of you. De orcs also remember de trechory!

You say you got nuttin to hide, but I tink both you and I know dat not true. Try convince some one udder.

You even say you never plot against anyone. Dat HUGE lie. You plotted against orcs. You plotted cause dey not tink you swell guy and you frustrated cause we not listen to you like you some savior. You not smart enought to know how to deal wit orcs so you just want kill dem. Dat make you very little man.

I will tell what I have to say...TO EVERYONE AT ONCE. Not all here, so when dey all by fire, I tell dem all. Dat wa de bad leaders not able to make truth sound de way best suit dem instead of way it is.

Attack on orcs was planned by you and Dono and Robin. We hearin who really at fault besides dat. When I speak to town, dey all will be handled den too. Donno whine about how he tired of conflict, but he is same part of cause as you. He tired of it cause it not go his way. Now he want to make nice. I tired of it too.

So until de time to talk by fire, orcs say nuttin. Orcs do nuttin. Orcs not healp no one, and not attack no one less we attacked. Since Deal about laws broken, orcs live by orc law just like before. After talk by fire, and when matter of betrayal of orcs done, den MAYBEE we consider making new deal. But know dis, Many here show us dat elves and humans and others should not be trusted by orcs. So if you so worried bout future of haven....

*turnes to Donovan*
...and you so worried bout it...

*scans the room*

...den I suggest you look at own action. Tink what de actions say bout you and what you really tink, cause orcs learn real good dat what you say often not worth spit. Tink on it real good, cause orcs not going anywhere! You chose time when orc warriors weak or not all der to try force us do what you like. You not get dat chance again!

*jux turns away, grabs grok by the arm and walks off to thier cabbin*
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Post by Lambic »

*After Jux and Grok leave the Inn, Lambic stands up from the table he has been sitting at (working on a potion). He takes his axe off his belt and lays it on the table next to his mug of ale. He then proceeds to the door after them, unarmed.*

*As he gets just outside he hails Jux and Grok.*

"Jux I must ask that I be allowed to ask a question of Grok. It is of a personal matter not a political one. I do understand that you are unhappy with her, but I am to leave soon with Dallid and the others and fear we shall be gone for a long time, I am therefore unsure when I will have a chance to ask her this again. So with your permission..."

*Lambic stands not that far from the door to the Inn and not that far from Jux and Grok. His hands are out in front of him and open but not being held in the air.
Last edited by Lambic on Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kels and Kidwynn watch Lambic talking to Jux outside unarmed. They are keeping a careful eye on the situation ready to come to Lambic's aid if needed.*
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

(OOG: Julie, why are you posting for 2 PCs? Is the player of Kels without internet connection?)

*without turning Jux speaks as he walks up the path*

Speak to her ar da cabin if you have to. It is the town I am disgusted with, not Grok.
Grand High Chancellor of ROBUST UNPLEASANTNESS
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Post by Grok »

*Grok shoots an inviting look back to Lambic, then turns back to face up the hill as Jux escorts her*
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Post by Lambic »

I'll be right there.

*Lambic runs back into the Inn and grabs his sword and shield. *

I am going to with the Orcs for a minute. I had better do this alone.

*Lambic hurries to catch up with Jux and Grok. He has his sword sheathed. When he catches back up.*

I do not want to walk back through the woods alone and unarmed. Forgive me.
Last edited by Lambic on Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kidwynn »

(OOG: Funny been doing it for two weeks and this is the first time anyone has said anything. Yes, the other PC does not have internet connection and I know part of what that PCs downtime consists of, so therefore was given permission to post. The GMS are already aware of this).

*Kels and Kidwynn watch Lambic head off towards the orc cabin. Kidwynn looks at Lambic.*

Be careful luv..
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Lambic »

*After what may seem a long time to those in the Inn; Lambic is visible in the doorway. He looks unharmed but downtrodden. He walks to the table where he left his stuff and drops his sword and shield. He picks up his mug of ale and drains it. He then walks to the bar and to Attrum says:

Attrum if you don't mind another round for me. I fear I shall not taste your fine ales again for many a day while we are on this trip to Brokehill. I shall miss it dearly.

*with that said he, when Attrum refills his mug he drinks it dry in several large gulps.

Attrum another please.

*Lambic takes this full mug and goes back to the table he was sitting at. He reaches over and beginings arranging things in his backpack. After he finishes this he will continue to work on his potion until we meet the other thread or someone talks to him.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn notices Lambic's body language and approaches him.*

Do you want to talk about it luv, or should I leave you alone to your alchemy?
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

(OOG: k, wasnt implying you were doing it without permission, just struck me as odd so I thought id ask)

(OOG: By the way, all the wyrmwrath posts above should have been the Jux account...sorry folks)
Grand High Chancellor of ROBUST UNPLEASANTNESS
...and the 11th commandment is:

"The stupid shall be punished!"