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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:15 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
*After inspecting the ring for a few minutes, rolling around in her hand and peering on the inside of the ring, Talana raises a brow and nods, saying simultaneously:*

"Just as I thought... this ring has a clue as to where we might find your brother, or at least those that took him. If I just learned what I think I learned, you could leave today. Sarah, do you mind if I keep this ring for now, to keep it safe and decipher a few more things?"

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:58 pm
by Onimaster
Sarah shakes her head slowly saying, "I guess not, as long as you keep it safe like Ferry asked."

A smile crosses her lips and her eyes twinkle. "So, can we go now?" she exclaims loudly with joy and excitement.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:39 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
*Talana nods to Sarah*

"Let's go get Farak and Lady Rosamund, then go down to the gate to find Ian and Woden. It will be important to talk to them first about using the gate and then we will gather a party for you..."

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:35 am
by Lady
Hearing her name Lady Rosamund looks into the room, from the other side of the doorway. She is holding, a bundle in her hands. “It is good to see you my dearest!” This is said with a grate deal of enthusiasm. “Smiling at both the girl and Talana the lady holds out the bundle and says “would you like some sweet cake to go with your breakfast.” Waiting a minute Rosamund hold out the bundle to Talana next then takes a peace for her self. “I hope you both like it I made it last night.”

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:10 am
by Talana Isilisurë
*Talana smiles and accepts the offering gratefully, nibbling a bit and then peering into the main portion of the Inn to call to Farak, inviting him to join them.*

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:24 am
by Farak’an’Gal
Farak strides across the Inn when called by talana.
"M'lady", he says with a bow, "Are we ready to continue to the gate?"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:28 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
"Yes, Farak, I think we are... I'm uncertain if anyone else may want to accompany us for this trip, but at a bare minimum, we need to go talk to Woden and Ian, who are also Gatekeepers, to discuss what to do from here. Based on something I recently discovered, I believe we may have a way to get to Winter Haven..."

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:30 pm
by Onimaster
Sarah smiles brightly and asks, "A party? For me?" She brims with excitement at the prospect as she follows them outside.

((I am moving this back to the other thread and catching it up with us time wise.))