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Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:44 pm
by Midnight
Also, I hate to toot my own horn, but I do offer very competitive pricing for costume pieces and accessories. Please check out my website at

If you don't see something you want, please ask. My website is not a complete index of everything I make, and many items are custom made for the person's tastes. As I will tell anyone who asks, I *always* try to beat Ren Faire prices.

Re: Night Time Attacks

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:19 pm
by dier_cire
General Maximus wrote:Here are a couple methods to take care of the guard duty issue.
1. Build a building in game that can be locked down and trapped
2. Create a spell that would alert one if something breaks its boundaries. Can be achieved with buzzers, tags, etc.... A ward
3. Trap enterances to the buildings, a buzz would wake most people up
4. Become a scout and sleep in your Haven
5. Leave the game during the night and come back in the morning. Get a hotel room, or head home.
6. Beat the NPC's unconious so they can't attack, my personal favorit :D (just kidding)
7. Wait for NPCs to go to bed then do so yourself. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:24 pm
by cole45
8. Sleep in or under your car.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:53 pm
by Amagus
Right - I love the fact that something - anything - can happen at any time. It really adds to the immersiveness.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:11 pm
by Eilonwy
Makeup in hot weather hard to maintain? Naaahhh.... (drip, drip goes the sound of sarcasm...and makeup down your face) 8)

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:13 pm
by GM_Chris
Does CARPS allow PC ganking at night?

We can stop running plots, but that does not stop a PC from ganking another. Should we put a stop to that, and if we do that means no stealing after a certain time either, or kidnapping, or well anything other than chatting.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:23 pm
by Amagus
Happened just last event at CARPS, actually. Putting an element of danger into the CARPS night is one of my intentions as a new GM.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by Eilonwy
The night-time danger factor I find fun if it's not overused to the point of shouting ("Get on with it!"). Not a fan of overused devices. Variety is the spice of life. So maybe a happy medium on this one. Not constantly uber-deadly every single night, but enough to stimulate and keep you on your toes now and then.

From my old days at CARPS, I think I'm trained not to sleep well and expect an attack at any time so sleep is a nice dream for me. I'm curious to see where Chris' questions will go though.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:00 pm
by Faerykin

Attack me while I'm sleeping and if you're lucky enough to even rouse me to consciousness, I'll likely curse you for waking me up, roll over and attempt to go back to sleep.

Who knows what will happen beyond that.

Oh, and I cannot guarantee that you won't get hit or kicked. After all, you did rouse me from my time with Mr. Sleep. Some people can be quite unpredictable when they're not yet fully awake.

I'm old - and I'm a bitch. *shrugs* What can you do?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:11 pm
by Midnight
Does CARPS allow PC ganking at night?
Speaking as a player who's character was killed at night... yes. Although it was sort of a suspended death. The PC "killed" me at night, but the GM ran the scene the next day since he didn't want to really wake me up and make me rattle off skills while half asleep.

CARPS does not have a "game stop" at night. However, it is HIGHLY encouraged to have an NPC, preferably a GM, present for any PVP.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:17 pm
by GM_Chris
Very confused on what is being asked since we as GM's are old and tend to not attack at night anyways except in rare occurances.

It is kinda like people who complain about FH being this horrible PvP game yet we have had just as much PvP in our game as CARPS. Sure there have been some standoffs and some chances a fight might break out but for the most part nothing. (granted we cannot count the pentag thang)

Then again even counting the pentag thing they were less effective than ox when he killed the entire town at night one night at CARPS.

Not turning this into a CARPS/FH thing, but I am trying to understand the complaint.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:33 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
Personally I like the possibility of being attacked in the night(I didn't say it was a thing I enjoyed, but keeps one on their toes.)...and as the General said there are precaucions one can take to prevent getting attacked...I am OLD and I do enjoy my sleep but Larp is about being immersed in the world, if you took away the danger to sleep what's the point???

At another larp I'd been to you could wear a white head band made you "Out of Game"...which meant you had the choice....risked being attacked or counted as not there when anything happened...I understand the whole point of "No Out of Game" and it's too easy to slip a white head band on and off....but it's sometimes good to see how some other people handle the attacks at night thing.

Just my 2 cents

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:50 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
I've been called an extremist, and maybe that tendancy is surfacing here, but I suppose I'd like to see either an "anything goes" scenario for the overnights or a full on game-stop. The main reason comes back to roleplaying, and I'll try to explain what I mean.

During my second FH event (at Brighton, mind you) we failed to set a watch and paid for it dearly. I woke up to the impact of a spear into my chest and threw myself out of bed to defend myself. To this day I have no idea how I avoided smacking my head on the bunk, but that encounter made the world of Phanterra mroe real to me than anything before or since. I remember my character feeling angry that everyone else had stayed in their bunks, even though I knew that my friends the PC's were all just too surprised and tired to respond in-game.

The in-game events of that morning would have been inexcusable from my character's perspective. A bunch of Havenites groaning in their bunks as a single individual tried to protect them from an attack within the Inn itself? Had Donovan not been kidneapped he might have turned on the sleeping people and stabbed them a few times for their cowardice. But I, as a player, knew there were out-of-game reasons (exhaustion) why they didn't spring to our defense.

The result was a direct conflict between the in and out-of-game situations. Either Donovan gives the Havenites a pass for their decision to sleep instead of assist (resulting in a supreme roleplaying disconnect) or Taki is a dick to his friends for not being able to jump out of bed on a second's worth of notice (Resulting in general badness). The decision alone resulted in the roleplaying disconnect, so I let the rest go.
Afterwards I sat up night after night, sometimes tying myself to the door, because there's no way my character would get burned twice. Every time I'm faced with the choice: stay true to my character or get some rest. Even when I've personally known the GM's are all asleep I've stood watch - because that's what my character would do.

We've seen recently just how differences between in-game perception and out-of-game reality (Corbyn on the hill and later for the abysmal plot) can have huge in-game ramifications. I like the immersion that comes from having the open possibilites at night, but I also respect people's need to sleep. If we're going to keep the all-night aspect, than I'll keep posting watches. If not, I'll get some sleep myself.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:08 am
by dier_cire
Why not have both? We all know the npcs get tired and go to bed at certain points. Now we could just make those nights a set time when npcs aren't available. But then say 1 or 2 events a year, the npcs could opt to not have this time. PCs are warned and the npcs may or may not attack (reason two events, that way one is a fake). I liked the late night attacks but now I really prefer the big battles over the little ones so I'm glad to not have to defend from the oversized mutant dogs...

It's a really rough idea but the concept is there.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:21 pm
by Kalphoenix
To bring up the thing about make-up...when the weather is that hot, it doesn't have to be intense, it just has to be notice-able, so people know what you are supposed to be.

As far as the night attacking goes, I'm kinda neutral. Everyone knows my opinions on combat to the extreme, I'm sure. I'm about the story. I'd rather see more roleplaying and less "kill kill kill." Even being a druid character, I don't generally wander out alone without a weapon.