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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:06 pm
by GM-Mike
Satisfied with the preparations being made, Quetzel leaves, muttering about gathering everyone. Through the window, you might spot him pacing around the inn.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:35 pm
by Ug
*Ug bursts into the Inn, his eyes wild and his face feverish looking.*


*Ug begins moving toward the portal and begins mumbling.*

Wit dat...Ug culd defeet all dose who pose de havun...wit dat...

*Ug begins shaking and his hand begins to clench, a glow forming around it. He holds his fist up toward the ceiling, then brings his arm straight down, his fist coming down below his face, in a sort of "victory" type motion.*

Yes, diz iz de powur Ug haz alwayz dreem'd uv....

*Ug coughs, and shivers, he turns around and begins backing his way toward the portal, looking at Amagus. He clears his throat and clearly states his intentions.*

Amagus, gather the forces here and meet me on the other side. This weapon must not be allowed to fall into the hands of anyone who is not of Thunder. This weapon is too potent and if it falls into the wrong hands, it could destroy us all. We MUST gain posession of this weapon at ALL costs.

*Ug turns about 15 ft from the portal, then begins to stride toward it like an Orc (Elf?) on a mission.*

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:16 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks as if she is about to say something extremely crast by the look of anger blazing in her eyes, but then goes over to where Atrum is standing and grabs a bottle of something to put in her pouch.*


Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:43 am
by Nelkie
*Hearing Ug Arthos comes back into the Inn. Hearing the last statement about the weapon Arthos eye's rise up*

The weapon needs to belong to a single guild? I think the weapon needs to be destroyed or if it is to taken, it belongs to haven to be used in the defense of haven. Owned by no guild or person, but owned as a town.

But we do not need to worry about that now. Ug who of your guild will be joining us? Will you be able to join us my friend?

If not, is it possible you can open a recieving portal at high noon every day for an hour so we can have a way back?

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:18 am
by Amagus
“As you wish, Guildmaster.”

Amagus turns to Arthos. “Ug is merely excited by the prospect of raising Haven beyond the reach of all who might hope to conquer it. Surely you can appreciate that. He does not mean Thunder intends to claim it solely for themselves – quite the opposite, actually. The weapon will claim Thunder’s complete attention once Haven has it. It’s study will have our full focus. Ug, quite understandably, would prefer no one else approach it due to the possible… unpleasant effects of accidental activation. This is all presuming, of course, there is a weapon to find in the first place. ”

“Now I must work with the Magus to rally Thunder. For if the Weapon cannot be moved, then our scholars must go to it.”

"Ug is passing through the Portal now, and I doubt any of our Guild will remain behind. Ask Quetzel if he has someone who can take care of the return trip."


Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:06 pm
by Nelkie
I agree with what you are saying about the weapon, but I just wanted to let everyone know that it will not belong to a single group or person. I preferr to see it destroyed if it can, so this type of stituation does not happen again, but this is all conjecture until we find the weapon and study it.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:41 pm
by Amagus
“Destroyed?!? Think of what you are suggesting! Is it that you fear to own a powerful weapon? What logic is that! May as well break your own sword for fear someone might later take it from you and kill you with it! This Weapon represents the chance to make Haven unassailable once and for all! A safe and secure realm, in no uncertain terms, may now dwell within your reach. Do not seek to toss that aside!”

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:48 pm
by Kidwynn
No, the weapon is dangerous and if it cannot be controlled through reasonable means then it very well bloody ought to be detroyed so we don't have to face anythin' like this again.

Besides it has the potential to tempt those who would use it for absolute and total power to take a hold of the thing and put to many people under their thumb due to fear or whatever. In the long run possibly turn people into variations of the individual we are goin' after. There is such a thing as to much damn power.

There is this bloody thin line between "light" and "dark" one slip and those in the "light" could be in total darkness and not even realize they have slipped.

But it's whatever...that stuff if for people like Corbyn, Arthos, Donovan, Atrum, and what have you to discuss. I'm more concerned about the people.

Besides we are hashin' out a discussion that shouldn't even take place until we know what the thing does.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:12 pm
by Amagus
“Ah, yes. Of course. If we cannot control the Weapon, then we must ensure no one else will. But there most definitely is no such thing as too much power. The only concern is how that power is used, and, therefore, who has it. Rest assured, any and all power your forsake will only be claimed by someone else. Is it not then for the best that we forsake nothing? As vulnerable as Haven is, to forsake any advantage at all is utmost folly.”

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:30 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn grins a sly smile*

Well luv if you're goin' to go and say that, then I suggest hoistin' a flag with skull and crossbones and call yourself a pirate for you remind me of quite I few individuals I ran into before the "big wave".

Ya know what, in the end that thrist for power ended up bein' their undoin' for they became extremely short-sighted.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:49 pm
by Amagus
“Heh heh. A common failing that has claimed most, if not all, of my own former 'colleagues'. But I am not prone to such errors, and you would all do well to heed my words.”

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:53 pm
by Kidwynn
*She grins a huge mischievous grin.*

Funny, I was about to say the same thing.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:51 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
*Donovan disregards the exchange between Kidwynn and Amagus as he moves towards the door. When Ug enters he stops and listens to him.*

"Ug! A number of people have already gone through that portal, and none of them know anything about Vaunephasuak or the danger that awaits them. Keep them out of trouble till the rest of us arrive, on my authority if need be!"

*Donovan then proceeds out of the Inn after Elder Quetzel.*

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:52 pm
by Ug
*Ug's eyes go wide.*


*He turns and looks through the portal.*


*Ug looks to Amagus.*

We must not let this fall into the wrong hands!

*Ug looks to Arthos.*

The Fuzzy Bunny could very possibly pale in comparison to whatever this weapon is that Pentaguishine seeks. I am torn as to whether or not to go though. One side of me wishes to stop him and gain that power, but one side of me wishes to send others simply under orders to destroy the weapon.

*Ug rubs his chin.*

We should convene a meeting regarding this portal. Does anyone know if the portal is a source of any time distortion? Are those who went through there right now and are moving about as we speak, or will then only be "there" once the portal is closed and the sending is finished? How far is this place from where we are now? Will you have anyone who can do the sending with you? If it is too far, a Sending may be too dangerous to get back.

*Ug begins to ponder again.*

In fact, things with the shadow realm have been changing for a long time now. I am not certain our receiving circle spell still works, I will have to look into this. Also, this is not Frostfell Arthos, this is a cold, calculated killer, who more than one of you have said is cunning and intelligent. The Frostfellians were afraid of magic, and this place you are running to could be a trap. What if the trap is the allure that some weapon is on the other side that he is looking for? This place is Vaunephasuak and if this is true, it is likely barren and devoid of life as we know it. The trap could be to send us all there on a wild goose chase, while Pentaguishine does a Sending, knowing that we have a circle open, and he comes out and kills Eli and myself. If I choose not to go, I think that I may go into hiding, rather than a beacon to myself. What if this weapon does exist and it uses a receiving circle to focus on as a target? Boom, there goes the Haven, Ug, and Eli.

*Ug rubs his chin hard, it begins to rub raw. A trickle of blood rolls out of the side of his mouth and he begins to hack hard, holding a hankerchief up to his mouth to catch the blood coming from his coughs.*

We must discuss this, running in like blind fools is the worst thing that we could do. How many have gone through? How long ago? What if those who went through are all dead already?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:19 am
by Donovan Thynedar
*On hearing Ug's questions Donovan stops before leaving the Inn.*

"This is what I know. That portal has been open for less than an hour and at least two Havenites have gone through. Elder Quetzel told us what that area is and suggested that Pentag's possession of our friends and Baby Gravesbane might mean very, very bad things. To the best of my knowledge those who went through the portal are moving around right now. In any case, the Elder advocated speed in such a way that made me think we should be going through that portal sooner rather than later. Right now that's the plan."

*Stepping towards the door, he looks back over his shoulder.*

"I respect your opinion, Ug. It will take my men a few more moments to gather their gear. If you can give me a good reason to delay our departure when I get back, I'll be happy to listen. If not, we're going through."

*Donovan heads outside and joins Elder Quetzel.*