Arthos Party (First Relic)

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Post by GM-Mike »

The dark elf whispers a "Later" back to Robin and charges a ball of energy himself. On the move the four of them approach the cave with Arthos hurling his channel at the splotches moments before they came together, the dark elf following suit. The splotches splatter even more and lay dormant, at least for the moment. Running faster, the four reach the cave and stop momentarily to catch their breaths.

The child's cries renw further into the dark of the cave, but no source can be found. On the ground, a touch deeper than where they stand, three dead dark elven bodies lay, their skulls beaten in by something powerful. The dark elf companion turns back to Robin, points to the bodies, and says simply, "They."

Moments later, the sadness begins. The worst memories--the saddest, most torturous thoughts and feelings of each member of the small group rise to the surface of their brains. Moaning and howling can be heard but it is uncertain if the cries are real or simply remnants of their collective pasts. So strong is the depression that it is difficult to care, to rise above, to act, but everyone finds that they can with extreme effort.

"I'm not sure we should stay here," the dark elf says in a miserable voice, but he awaits the orders of the others...

OOG: The effects of the cave on your psyche are represented mechanically by each of you being under the effects of starvation--the starvation in this case is emotional, so emotional in fact that it effects the physical.
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos seems very jitery almost pariniod. He keeps looking at the dark elf strangely, as if Arthos is not sure the dark elf is friend or foe. Arthos eyes are full of hatered and cruelty, as if he was reliving a gresome scene from his life. A wicked smile ghost across his face and Arthos moves foward slowly feeling along the wall, listening to the different cave sounds and the crying of the voice. *
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum digs through his pouch and pulls out 2 viles, sighing heavily under the depression added to using the 2 potions, he drinks one and looks to Arthos and then Robin and then hands one to Robin*

*To Robin*

If this works, I think your skills will be needed most.

*The vial is labebled MS*
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Post by Robin »

For any who knew her, and the two men of Haven in this cave surly did, there was only one thought that could truly devistate her... as evidence by the single tear which traced its slient way down her now exceedingly pale cheek. Robin did not trust herself to speak, and so only nodded to Artum and took the potion he offered with a shaking hand.

Though she knew that this was simply a trick of some foul magic, the images which raced through her head were all too real; made more so because they were those which always plagued her worst nightmares on dark nights. The Captain tried to keep it together while she waited for the potion to take effect. To keep herself busy, and from losing it completely, she busied herself looking for traps, both magical and non magical, as well as anything else that might be of use or peril to them.

To the Dark Elf she no longer paid any heed... she knew full well she couldn't handle the distraction.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by GM-Mike »

Upon drinking the potions, Atrum and Robin appear a little less shaken, though the flood of memories already experienced leave them overly cautious. Arthos and the dark elf meanwhile struggle forward. More dark splotches are seen moving slowly toward one another but they do not appear to be threatening the adventurers, at least at the moment. Still, more balls of energy are flung, splattering the splotches more thoroughly. Throughout the walk, more dark elven bodies can be seen, and even through the effects of the cave, the dark elf with the group manages a small smile as he seemingly keeps a running count of the number of bodies crossed.

Finally after much walking, the group arrives at some sort of pedestal made of earth, upon which there is an indentation in the form of a triangle. However, no relic rests upon it. The dark elf looks around, seems thoughtful for a moment, and then says, "There were only seven corpses. Their party was at least ten strong, maybe more, and I think--" His words are cut off and he points behind the group. Slowly, all turn, thoguh Atrum positions himself to keep one eye on the dark elf, not allowing him to get position on the group. About 20 feet away, three splotches reached each other and they began to grow upward, filling the cavern, growing arms and legs, and looking as menacing as a moving pile of earth is able...
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum Wheels around and takes a defensive stance*

Robin let's keep this thing off the elves so they can hit it with magics!

*Atrum steps forward to give a little space between the elves and he and Robin and uses the length of his nangato to try and stab at the creature trying to bith harm it and keep it at bay*
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos starts to mutter under his breath and engery starts to build around him. He screams out and drops to one knee. His shield starts to glow and brightens to that of a strong latern. (20 sec cast time with penalties). He gets a wicked smile on his face and beings on concentrating on the largest dark pool coming towards them. 30 sec later he yells a command to the earth and roots and vines leap from the ground attempting to pin the thing down (magic root)*

*Arthos than charges balls of magical engery to contuine the fight*
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Post by GM-Mike »

The slow moving beast of earth waddles toward the group swinging giant fists of dirt and grime, pieces of it spraying off as it swings, irritating the eyes and lungs. As Arthos charges his magics, Atrum and Robin defend, trying to keep the slow moving creature at bay, but the force of its fists against weapons reverberates through the shafts and physically impacting their bodies (1 crush).

Then, as the roots fly out of the ground, adhering to the beast, it does appear to stop it momentarily, but then the roots and vines meld into the creature and it is free again. Just over the ear of Atrum comes a massive burst of energy as the dark elf howls in pain, but the blast knocks the creature backward, but yet the creature does not fall, but rather charges (slowly) at the trapped group. Atrum and Robin defend as best they can but the creature's swings seem harder now and it has become more difficult avoiding the blows.

Another blast of energy from Arthos sends the beast reeling baskward, and it begins to crack ever so slightly. Sensing weakness, Atrum and Robin strike fearlessly, knowing their lives depend upon success. But as they attack, to the horror of those fighting it, it can be seen that the small crack slowly begins to heal even while more damage is being inflicted. Moments before the crack successfully closes, another massive blast of energy erupts from the outstretched hands of the dark elf, blowing the beast to pieces, even as the dark elf topples over, unconscious. Even as everyone scurries, the muddly splotches left from the beast ever so slowly begin to crawl back toward each other...
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum panting with exertion and wincing slightly as he moves hauls the dark elf over his shoulder and starts to head out of the cave*

I don't think we have time to look around, it would seem that the people the elf spoke of have taken the artifact away. We need to move before that thing coalesces again. Perhaps a better suited party can come back to examine the room but for now we'll have to assume that atleat one got away with the artifact.

*While he is pickingup the elf and speaking he is scanning the room (spot) for anything out of the ordinary*
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos nods in agreement*

I will keep it busy while you retreat. It seems only magic can hurt it.

*every 20 sec's Arthos throws a ball of magical energy at the beast trying to stop it from coming togethr as the party attempts to leave*
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Post by GM-Mike »

Rushing as quickly as possible, a few channels manages to clear the path before anymore creatures can spring up. Once outside, time and the constant patter of rain upon his face manages to wake the dark elf. Although weak, he manages a soft "Thanks" into the ear of Atrum who is carrying him. "In my pouch, there is a healing potion. May I get it?"
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Post by Nelkie »

*As Arthos leaves the cave a heavy weight is lifted and a sigh of relief comes forth. Arthos scans the area for danager and once it seems clear he says*

We need to track the remianing dark elf's. It is my belief they where able to escape with the relic. I would like to see if we can track them down before the rain washes their trail completly away. Are all of you up to the task, or do we need to go back to the town??

*Arthos starts to scout the area and try's to find any tracks leading away from the cave. Master druid/thief, and using sense magic*
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum puts the elf down as Arthos is looking around*

Of course, and it is I that should be thanking you. My name is Atrum Draconus, hand of King Chimeron Draconus. Do you have any idea as to where they may have taken this relic? We did pass one that seemed to have fallen into a trap before we came upon you. I'd like to know why they decided to leave you for dead as well.
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Post by GM-Mike »

The dark elf reaches into his pouch and drinks a potion and looks revitalized. "The other did fall into a trap and couldn't be saved. I was left for dead because I'm not one of them, despite the color of my skin." The dark elf stands up taller, prouder and continues, "I am Klanus, Son of Nim, follower of Lagetra, known as Laggy, only son of Artegal. We were born and have lived as slaves our entire lives until some of us managed to escape. We want no part of any war with them, only to live free, and we remain in the area only because we continue to strive to free Makallia, Laggy's sister, who remains a captive." Klanus pauses then, looking solemn. "The word of these relics caught our ears and while we don't know much about them, what little we knew suggested the others shouldn't have them." Klanus turn to Arthos then, shaking his head, "They'll take the relic back to their cave system, hide it I assume not far from here or from where the next relic lies. We don't believe that they know where that is yet. Regardless, the four of us will never be able to recover it on our own, our numbers too small to go in without as much information as we can get ahead of time. I will answer whatever questions I can for you now, but then I must go and report back to Laggy. We have informants that can get us information about where they are keeping it. Either he or myself will come back to you, that I promise." Klanus waits to see what questions he may answer...
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Post by Nelkie »

*Upon hearing who this elf is Arthos stops looking and stands up and approachs Laggy*

It is good to meet your aquantance. I'm a friend of your fathers, Artegal. I have searching for you for some time now at your fathers request. Your father has been very worried. Have you been in contact with him? It is good to know the resistance is still strong? I have lent aid to your cause since the beging, but I though you have moved on. I though the others drove you from here because I have not heard any reports or seen any evidence of your pressence. How does the battle go, and is there any thing I might be able to help with, Well besides the relic's

*Arthos turns to Atrum and Robin*
Laggy here is a friend of mine and the guild of light. He has proven himself to be a true friend of the town. Believe what he says, and believe he fights for the cause of freedom and life.

*Arthos turns to Laggy again*
It's good to know you are alright. Lets get back to the town where it is warm and we can get out of the rain. Then we can talk. You are right in the fact we need more people to resuce the relic
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