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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:09 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie sketches a lazy salute to Kaylan, pulls out a book and starts leafing through it. After a handful of minutes, she closes and stores her book back into the bag at her hip. She then starts going around to the bruised and injured offering her services as a healer.

(OOC: Mimic Healing)

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:21 pm
by Janus
Janus either does not register Kaylan's fowl pun, or refuses to acknowledge it. Leaning on his spear, he turns his gaze slowly from the road ahead to fall on Cirrus.

"After you, madam." The mage extends a hand toward the tracks, beckoning the Avyana. Not waiting to see her response, Janus turns back and closes his eyes, reaching out with his magical senses.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:36 am
by GM-Brad
Okay, so I lied, the results of your tracking will have to come tomorrow, but to tide you over until then, here's a bit more:

Nellie and any who assist her are able to heal the wounded townsfolk, and they are grateful. The descriptions of the bandits are vague: Human. Many had deep hoods, or thick beards, so faces were hard to see. Shabby clothes, leaves in their hair like woodsfolk. The descriptions don’t match with the Bleak Bone Tribe or any known underworld group (to those in the know).

You easily get a list of names. Four human townsfolk were taken: Lucan Olemet –a farmer, Graham the baker, Sylvia Little, and Old Joan Carem, who just turned 75.

As you ask questions, a man comes rushing by who identifies himself as Bregolon. He’s wearing nothing more than a threadbare robe. His ears are slightly pointed, but the jawline suggest he’s half-elven. He startles at your eclectic group, especially the dark elf, but realizes you’re looking into the situation.

“My sister, Sylvia. I just heard. Dear fates, it’s true. She was taken hostage. Please, I know we are strangers, but can you help me find her?” At your confusion, he elaborates. “My half sister. I haven’t seen in her in 5 years, and what do I do but refuse to go shopping with her, like an idiot brother, to what? Haul wine for Master Lhaewan? I chose work over her…” Bregolon looks horrified. “If anything has happened to her…I should have been here.”

At your discovery of the tracks, he begs to come with you. “Please. I have nothing to my name, no money to pay you, no weapon to fight, nor skill, but if it comes to it, I swear I will make any who have harmed her pay. Let me come with you, and I will be an asset.”

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:56 am
by Faust
Faust speaks from the soul after the the half-elven stops. His words are monotone, as if coming from a place in his mind where he has not wondered in an age.
"Even those who have nothing gain bravery in times of desperation...having your loved ones taken hostage."He shakes his head, "The worry and the pain of heartache, the desperate drive to do whatever it takes to get them back...It's terrible..."
He looks down for a moment...almost confused...but than returns with his usual smirk. He pats the man on the shoulder.
"We shall help you find your sister, I swear it..."

He walks a couple of feet away and looks into the distance. He hefts his halberd on his shoulder and says to nobody in particular,

"I seem to have become very invested in this..."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:21 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan walks over to the commotion that Bregolon makes, and approaches the man with right hand extended once Faust has addressed the frantic man*

"Good sir, I am Kaylan Chargeender ; Captain of King Korrigan Drochlann's personal guard and Commandant of the Order of the Crimson Aegis. You have my personal vow that we will do all that can be done to see to the safe and swift return of your sister, Sylvia.
While Your display of bravery on behalf of your sister is honorable and commendable, those I am with have come to a degree of tactical synergy. I would be doing your sister no favor in taking any action that would hinder the most efficient path to her rescue.
I would consider it a personal favor if you were to help those here while we seek out the guilty and recover the hostages. Will you do this for me?"

*While speaking to Bregolon, Kaylan grips the mans hand(if he takes Kaylan's offered greeting) firmly and with a hearty smile. After making his request to Bregolon, Kaylan leans in and speaks something quiet to the half elf before releasing his grip and stepping back a half step.*

"Also, please tell me more of this Master Lhaewan..."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:25 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie finishes with the last of her patients, while keeping an ear open for what occurs around the rest of the group. When she hears Kaylan's response to Bregolon, she shakes her head while reapproaching the others. "Kaylan," she chides, voice as weary as her general disposition. "Have you yourself no siblings? If I was in his place and it was one of my brothers taken, even with all your pretty titles I would not let you stop me from going to his rescue. Better that Bregolon comes with us than he attempt to find these brigands on his own in the emotional state he's in. Besides, someone familiar with the immediate surroundings could come in handy for tactical input while we are on the move, and could provide tangible credit to our beneficial intent to the hostages."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:08 am
by GM-Brad
Bregolon is grateful to you, Faust, Kaylan and Nellie, for the assurances. And, despite attempts to dissuade him, he insists on coming. To Kaylan's question he answers aloud:

"I just arrived with Master Lhaewan in town today. He is one of the finest elven goldsmiths in SylVan'Dar. And, ever since the day I knelt and kissed one of his coins in fealty, I swore I would give all my possessions, and all my service, to him. Don’t get me wrong, he would never demand this of me. I do it willingly, for he is a good man, and there is little I personally need. I’m odd that way, I guess. In fact, I’m his only servant who has sworn poverty. But, I have never regretted giving him all, until today, when I should have been here. Oh, Sylvia.”

Scouts follow the trail. It's surprisingly difficult to detect at first, but you find it. It takes you from the center of town towards its edge. The buildings give way to a large field, and here you notice several tents being set up, some quite luxurious. A couple dwarves in armor haul barrels out of a wagon, and on the opposite end, keeping their distance, two high elves set out elegant lawn furniture made of wood and gold.

“It’s the Council of Merchants,” Bregolon says. “It’s the reason why I’m here, or why my master is.” And the term rings a bell. You’ve heard the gossip, but now you confirm it’s truly happening, and today of all days. A meeting of 12 wealthy merchants in the Wild Lands. 3 Dwarves, 3 Elves, 3 Valkyn’Vi, and 3 Humans. An unprecedented collaboration of races to talk new business investments in the new frontier.

“Well, 3 merchants each and then all their servants,” Bregolon explains. “And, not everything’s equal. You notice there are no Guthries, no Avyana. And the humans have put us on the other side of town from their market. We aren’t used to trusting each other.” He points to a black and white tent atop a little hillock. “That’s the Valkyn’Vi tent, well away from everyone else...Merchant stalls open tomorrow, but the initial negotiation meeting happens tonight. One dwarf and one valkyn’vi have yet to arrive, but they will.”

It’s here that you lose the trail. Too many footprints. But, you split up to see if anyone has seen anything.

You may each select one tent area to explore:

The Dwarf tents: ... f=6&t=6560
The Elf tents: ... f=6&t=6561
Or the Valkyn’Vi tent: ... f=6&t=6562

Go to that particular thread in the forum, then return here. There is only time enough to go to one before the head of the town watch, Grymthor, comes barreling towards the field in full armor. He shouts at the top of his lungs, recognizing you as close allies of the king and/or queen.

“There you are, finally,” he yells. “Come quickly! We’ve found the bandits, and there’s a …situation. We have to hurry or they’re going to start killing people…” He leads you off into the woods. “I can’t explain it well. It’s better if you see it. It isn’t far.”

[You may choose to stay behind rather than go with Grymthor, and so visit more tents instead. If you do, ignore the next segment to come, and I will tell you when you rejoin the group. I will post the next segment in a little bit.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:32 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
* Kaylan pats the man on the shoulder and grins warmly.*

"We will explore every avenue to finding her so you can change that if you so wish. for now we should get moving on following the trail.
Cirrus, will you take the lead. Dakkon please stay close to me. Faust will you take Janus and keep an eye behind us just to be careful?"

*When the group arrives at the field, the warrior takes in the hustling people and growing tent town. Kaylan listens to Bregolon's explanation of the gathering, acknowledging his information with nods of understanding. When the man finishes, Kaylan asks him a question before speaking to the others.*

"Bregolon, do you think you can get us into this meeting or help me find its location? The timing cannot be coincidence, and I think the attack may be connected to the meeting."

"Alinar, since you are the obvious choice for visiting the elven tent, will you use what can be found there about this situation and the merchant meeting? I will ask that you take Janus and Cirrus with you, as long as none of you are opposed to that."

*Kaylan glances from Alinar to Janus and cirrus to see if they will agree.*

"Nell, I think you will have the best chance with the dwarves as you are not only a dwarf and a crafter, but female. That could be used to put them off balance enough to give you an edge in gathering information. See what you can find, again about the attack and this meeting please.
Faust, if you are willing I would like you to go with her incase they get hostile, Nell is many things by a seasonal warrior isn't one of them and the king would be irate if I let her come to harm."

*The grizzled dwarf warrior looks to Faust for a reply before speaking to the rest of the Havenites.*

"I intend to head to the Valkin Vi to see if there is anything to be pried from them. I have some business that they may be able to assist with as well."

*Kaylan turns to Dakkon to speak before turning back to Abaddon and Kami and addressing them*

"Dakkon I would like you to join me if you will."

"Kami, you are invited as well, though I have no expectations you will leave Abaddons side. The invitation still stands."

"Should I assume you will be headed to your kin also, or do you have no interest in such a meeting old man?"

*Kaylan returns to where the Havenites had gathered before investigating the various tents. He waits for the others, looking eager for the reports of any gathered clues or information.*

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:15 am
by Faust
Faust returns to the meeting area. He shoves an item into his jacket pocket. He awaits the remaining heroes to return.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:34 am
by Zydana
(OOC: - nudging Travis and Amanda to catch up since they haven't posted since before the party left the marketplace and the Inn respectively.)

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:04 pm
by Abaddon
The old man comes out of the Valkynvi tent and wanders back over to the group.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:47 pm
by Kayla
Upon seeing Grymthor rushing towards the group, Dakkon assumes a defensive stance before realizing the he is friendly. Lowering his shield, he listens to the message and jumps into action, raising his sword. He follows the man into the woods, watching his surroundings (OOG: Spot).

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:14 pm
by Zydana
As expected, woman in purple robes follows the old man out of the Valkin'Vi tent.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:37 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie looks over at Kaylan as she returns from the Dwarven Tent. "A moment please. The dwarven group here is worried that the elven group is up to something of nefarious means, whether aimed to destabilize the talks or at the dwarves themselves was unclear. And as Bregolon has noted by the placement of the non-human tents from the human market, the humans are already weary of the other races, just as distrust is festering among the other groups. I said I would ask if any of us would like to stay behind from the bandit fight to keep an eye out for what's going on here at the meeting. Considering the races involved in the talks, it would need to be someone of a non-included race, or acknowledged of having trust with the King or Queen to give as much of a non-racial bias as possible."

"Also, they believe that a group of faeborn is within the area, due to the swiftness and ease in which tracks were covered up from their own scouts when they arrived here."

(OOC: Brad, do faeborn appear human or distinctly different like true fae? Robin's unclear on that, but I would think Nellie would know. I ask because if they do appear human, it's likely that the brigands are the faeborn, while if they look distinctly different, we have the possibility of a second group of fighters in the woods that have previously scouted out the meeting place.)

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:59 pm
by GM-Brad
Robin, fae, or the children born of fae, would tend to look human-ish, but much more beautiful. Ethereal. Often with exaggerated features (larger ears and/or eyes, etc.), so unless they were disguised, someone would notice the difference.

Bregolon responds to your comment about someone staying. "The meeting isn't for another couple hours. We may have time to chase down these bandits and be back...depending on how far away they are and how much trouble they cause us. The elves here at least have brought their own guards. Several, since they've brought quite a bit of money with them. I imagine the same is true for the dwarves and valkyn'vi."