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Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:25 pm
by Faust
The silence is filled again by the scratching of Faust's quill in his book which he has opened again. He smiles characteristically and tucks his journal under his arm, grabbing his pole-arm he walks out the door after the Chargeender.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:53 pm
by Kayla
Dakkon nods to everyone in the inn and follows Kaylan out the door, pulling his armor back on as he does.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:07 am
by Alinar
Alinar raises an eyebrow as he watches Kaylan storm outside.

"An atypical response, given a Dwarf's honor was questioned. Surprising nothing was broken and no injuries sustained. There is a time and a place for such topics as royal hierarchy and kingdom policy, but that is neither here nor now. However, the bandits at hand do require a more immediate address. If you will excuse me Queen Fiona, Abaddon, I have pledged my assistance to our irate Captain in this capacity."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:36 pm
by Alinar
After a minute, Alinar reenters.

"Cirrus, Abaddon, Kami - this expedition would benefit from your presence. Scouts, in particular, will likely be required for these bandits to be caught and defeated."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:50 am
by Abaddon
"While I am a capable scout, I thought my services were it needed. What the heck I always like a good killing." The old man says. He takes his long carved staff, the spider like symbols catching the fire light and pushed himself to his feet. The staff jingled as the old mans bones popped into place.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:25 pm
by GM-Amanda
The Av'yana held the last of the two earthworms in her hand, sighing heavily as she stuffed them, still wriggling, back into the large pouch on her hip. Cirrus slung the scabbard holding her weapons back atop her armor, and followed Alinar out the door.

(Sorry for the delay on posting guys, I'm still not used to the change in my schedule. Thanks to Angie for reminding me to join in this fun :D)

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:33 am
by Loki
Loki the Buffalo King shuffles into the inn alone, cradling and cooing to his guitar like a sick child. "Don' worry, we gon' get you nice and warm in here--"

The king stops dead, mustache twitching.

"Oh-ho-ho, no," he clutches the guitar. "Dere some bad juju in here." His whisper dies off into the cold stillness of the room. "I don' like dis, not one bit." He strokes his beard, sitting heavily by the fire. The Buffalo King stares into the embers for long moment before...

"Ah! I got it!" He jumps from the stool, nearly knocking his guitar to the floor. After fumbling to regain control of the instrument, Loki reaches for another log and places it on the fire. It catches quickly, and the room warms gradually.

"Dere we go, isn't dat better?" he smiles to his guitar as he tunes the cold strings.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:20 pm
by Loki
After a few twangs, Loki begins to strum slowly. "Now 'der once was a king an' a queen...

The king freezes. Hairs on the back of his neck stand up with a shiver. He looks around the room "Do ya' feel 'dat, Sherry?" The Buffalo King clutches the instrument tighter, and the strings twang in protest. "Sh-sh-sh, baby. Is gon' be all 'kay." After another moment of watchful eyes, Loki returns to strumming.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:42 pm
by Levi the Bison Lord
The winds fill the inn once again as another brother enters the premises. Levi stomps snow off his...sandals...whimpering all the while.
"Brudah. It so cold 'ere, da islands so wahrm dis time o' year. We shoulda neva ventured to da nort in da winter time."

Levi pouts heavily and slumps in a chair next to his brother. His crown falls askew on his head as his chin tilts forward on to his chest. The crown covers his eyes and he begins to drift off as his brother plays...after a while he too begins to mumble the words of his brother's song...or at least some song. Though, his mumbling could just as well be sleep talking.

"There once was hero..."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:01 pm
by Loki
The Buffalo King sits straight upright, his guitar leaping to his hands as a grin splits his face. He joins in, strumming excitedly: "Named Korrigan de' king! He cuts up de' bad guys an' gets all 'der tings!"

"I love 'dis one," he strums excitedly, missing a few notes.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:58 am
by Levi the Bison Lord
Me too brudda..."

Levi pushes himself in a more upright position and begins tapping an off beat beat on his stomach.

"He's good an wise an stronger than a bull. His nuts made of metal that don't even lull. So big and strong the warrior king is, but who's next on our list? Whose name should be sung, whose deeds have been done?"

Levi smiles at his brother...the game is on.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:19 am
by Loki
Loki slumps for a moment, distraught. Who would they sing of next?

Suddenly, his face explodes into a grin. "I got it, brudda!" The king strums excitedly for a moment before bursting into song:

"Ya, 'e's known by 'is shield -it's as big as a barge- , an' 'ders none else who swings a big hammer ta' end a chaaaaarge," the king begins, nodding to his twin to take over.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:17 am
by Levi the Bison Lord
Levi's eyes widen as he thinks of lyrics.

"Uhhhh, Da Chargeena marches wit powa and zeal. An' crushes his enemies wit da strength of his heel. He neva does falta and he neva does fail. And afta da baddies he come round and downs some ale!"

Levi raises his pan flute to his lips and begins to play a slow, melodic, and heavy melody.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:39 am
by Loki
Loki strums slowly under his twin's melodic doodling. He smiles, his eyes going blank as he lets himself fall into the song.

Levi's solo draws to a close, and Loki lifts his voice once more, "An' let's not forget da' one in da' Light, Sir Marcus smacks zombies an' makes safe da' night... " he begins to pluck the strings with his fingers for a softer sound, only flubbing a few notes.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:46 pm
by Levi the Bison Lord
"His hamma swing left, his hamma swing right. He's the groom of the Queen, a straightforward knight. With a charm, charm, charm, an' a banish, banish, banish, he makes all da evil in da world vanish!"

Levi looks at his brother, disappointed.

"It's like you aren't even tryin brudda..."